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Watching Maybin & Ellis, Bills need to go 3-4 tomorrow


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At least Maybin is wearing the correct number - 58, because this kid has Pro Bowl outside LB written all over him. I would dump this stupid 2-gap crap and go 3-4 starting in practice tomorrow. Here's my 3-4 starting 7: OLB's: Maybin and Ellison or Harris. ILB's: Poz and Mitchell. NoseGuard: Stroud & Williams in rotation. Ends: Schoebel & Ellis. By using the 3-4 alignment, we can finally send Kelsay to the bench permenantly, and remove one of the 4 roating fat stiffs at DT who go 16 game seasons without so much as a QB pressure, or tackle behind the line of scrimmage. In their place, we will have young fast ends and linebackers who can use their natural speed and instincts more to their advantage.


I am sick and tired of watching all those decent to good defenders in Fewell's frustrating schemes over-persuing plays and never, ever getting enough pressure on the QB on 2nd or 3rd and long to enable themselves to get the hell off the damn field. :wallbash::censored:

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If Fewell and Jauron have so much trouble game planning using the 43, a scheme they have several years experience with, what makes you think they'd be any better with a 34 system they are unaccustomed to?


Not to mention the players are unaccustomed to a 34

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problem is we don't have the right DL for this....the DL in a 3-4 is asked to clog up the OLine and let the LBs run to the ball, whereas our DE's are built for pass rushing and not for run stopping...


its not that easy...the players would have to completely re-learn everything they learned in camp

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If Fewell and Jauron have so much trouble game planning using the 43, a scheme they have several years experience with, what makes you think they'd be any better with a 34 system they are unaccustomed to?


Not to mention the players are unaccustomed to a 34


I always thought the great coordinators and head coaches set up schemes to play to their players strengths. If Dick & Perry are so married to this 4-3 scheme, then the FO sucks at finding the right types of players to play in it. If the coaches and players are so damn "accustomed" to playing this scheme, why do they suck at it so much? I'll give this team the preseason benefit of the doubt, with no real game planning. But I expect to see a different defense come Monday Night against the Pats. If Kelsay and Williams start and they stay in the 4-3, they will have the exact same front 7 from last season starting against New England. Boy, will they all be "accustomed" to Perry's scheme, huh? They had better play a hell of a lot better then they did the second half of last season, or 7 wins will be a fantasy with their schedule this season.


The personnell, the young kids who are playing pretty good football on defense this preseason, and with Maybins' impressive debut after only 4 practices, I say the personell is better suited for a 3-4 this season.

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problem is we don't have the right DL for this....the DL in a 3-4 is asked to clog up the OLine and let the LBs run to the ball, whereas our DE's are built for pass rushing and not for run stopping...


its not that easy...the players would have to completely re-learn everything they learned in camp


Is it really that hard? Well they must speak a different language up in Boston, since those defenders seem to be able to switch aligments from one week to the next, based on what Belechick and his defensive gurus think will work the best against each individual opponent. Plus, it seems to me Kelsay should have no problem being asked to simply "clog up the O-Linemen" instead of pass rushing, since he absolutely cannot rush the passer anyway.


But maybe you're right, and Fewell won't change his beloved 4-3 "11-gap", "Cover-0 (especially not the tight ends)" defense anyway. I guess my only hope is for Ellis and Maybin to chase Kelsay to the bench by the first couple of games, so at least we will have stonger faster players at one of the DE positions anyway!

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Is it really that hard? Well they must speak a different language up in Boston, since those defenders seem to be able to switch aligments from one week to the next, based on what Belechick and his defensive gurus think will work the best against each individual opponent.


It helps to have a coaching staff that is versatile enough to adapt their gameplans to exploit the weaknesses of their opponents and to maximize the skillset of their players


But it's hard to win in the NFL

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problem is we don't have the right DL for this....the DL in a 3-4 is asked to clog up the OLine and let the LBs run to the ball, whereas our DE's are built for pass rushing and not for run stopping...


its not that easy...the players would have to completely re-learn everything they learned in camp

Does not seem they learned all that much in the walk throughs.


Either way, they have to learn everything.

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The 3-4 looks great to us Madden-extraordinaires, but realistically, we can't pull it off without a MAJOR overhaul. This starts with Dickie J, then Perry, then the players.... too much for this year. Next year, it would be great, but this year... unreasonable.

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All of the DEs on the Bills roster are too small to play DE in a 3-4. If you look at the rosters of teams that play the 3-4, the DEs are generally in the 280+ range. The DEs on the Bills roster are more in the 250-260 range.



Excellent point. I did not realize how big the modern day 3-4 DE's are. Or maybe the Bills have gone so long without playing the 3-4, I just forgot about it. Either way, you are 100% correct, the Bills DE's are absolutely too small to play the 3-4. Oh well, I can still root for Ellis and Maybin to get more playing time then Kelsay as soon as possible, and hope the rest of the front 6 can cover their "gaps" well enough to improve over last season! ;):beer:

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At least Maybin is wearing the correct number - 58, because this kid has Pro Bowl outside LB written all over him. I would dump this stupid 2-gap crap and go 3-4 starting in practice tomorrow. Here's my 3-4 starting 7: OLB's: Maybin and Ellison or Harris. ILB's: Poz and Mitchell. NoseGuard: Stroud & Williams in rotation. Ends: Schoebel & Ellis. By using the 3-4 alignment, we can finally send Kelsay to the bench permenantly, and remove one of the 4 roating fat stiffs at DT who go 16 game seasons without so much as a QB pressure, or tackle behind the line of scrimmage. In their place, we will have young fast ends and linebackers who can use their natural speed and instincts more to their advantage.


I am sick and tired of watching all those decent to good defenders in Fewell's frustrating schemes over-persuing plays and never, ever getting enough pressure on the QB on 2nd or 3rd and long to enable themselves to get the hell off the damn field. ;):thumbsup:


i think that's a great idea, i've never liked the way the defense has played under fewell. somehow i doubt dj will go along with it, even though the patriots seem to be able to play either

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problem is we don't have the right DL for this....the DL in a 3-4 is asked to clog up the OLine and let the LBs run to the ball, whereas our DE's are built for pass rushing and not for run stopping...


its not that easy...the players would have to completely re-learn everything they learned in camp

Spencer Johnson and McCargo at Def. end. Now we stop the run.

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Enough of this Bills should play the 3-4 crap. This isn't Madden you just can't throw out the defense you have in place for a new system. The 3-4 only works if you have the talent. You need a big nose tackle that can clog up the middle. You need big DE's (Basically two fast Defensive tackles) that can control the outside part of the line of scrimmage. You need big inside line backers that can take a beating and help stuff the run. Than you need elite blitzers at the OLB backers spot who can help control the outside run and generate pass rush from the out side like a 4-3 end.


Now Poz, Stroud, and Mitchell can play the NT and inside linebackers. Schobel is way too small for the 3-4 DE. Kyle Williams might convert to DE. While Maybin might be a good 3-4 OLB Ellison and Harris aren't those kind of guys. So while we might have decent personnel for a few 3-4 Spots we just can't run the scheme at an effective level.


I like the Bills to stay in the 4-3 for the foreseeable future. I would like them to play a system that the Giants play where they rely on the DE's for pass rush and use the DT's as run stuffers to make it hard to step up into the pocket. Than the Linebackers are run guys first blitzers second. Too many teams are trying to run the 3-4. Its just too hard to get elite 3-4 talent colleges don't run it and few DT's aren't good enough to play the NT.


Trust me staying with the 4-3 is the way to go with almost half the league using the 3-4 the talent will be there for the teams that play the 4-3. There just isn't enough top 3-4 talent to go around.

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If Fewell and Jauron have so much trouble game planning using the 43, a scheme they have several years experience with, what makes you think they'd be any better with a 34 system they are unaccustomed to?


Not to mention the players are unaccustomed to a 34


Who cares, it can't get any worse than this re-run of over pursuit and no opposing qb's ever hitting the turf (except for 8 second coverage sacks). At least the offense woulf get to practice against a 3-4. This sucks.

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Is it really that hard? Well they must speak a different language up in Boston, since those defenders seem to be able to switch aligments from one week to the next, based on what Belechick and his defensive gurus think will work the best against each individual opponent. Plus, it seems to me Kelsay should have no problem being asked to simply "clog up the O-Linemen" instead of pass rushing, since he absolutely cannot rush the passer anyway.


This, although true, would require a measure of adaptability everyone on the coaching staff lacks.

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