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The Bills have been actively "sniffing around for quarterbacks


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Probably right.


While I think Parcells might be a tad overrated, I would still take him for the Bills in a heartbeat.



Dunno, Dean. I'm recalling shots of Parcells on the sidelines in Dallas during his last stint, and he just looked whipped. Fed up. Sick of it. Frustrated. Perhaps he's had a chance to clear the decks, as it were. But there didn't seem to be a lot of enthusiasm towards donning the big stadium jacket and standing in the flurries......

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Dunno, Dean. I'm recalling shots of Parcells on the sidelines in Dallas during his last stint, and he just looked whipped. Fed up. Sick of it. Frustrated. Perhaps he's had a chance to clear the decks, as it were. But there didn't seem to be a lot of enthusiasm towards donning the big stadium jacket and standing in the flurries......


I thought Parcells was a 5 star coach at his zenith; rate about a 3.5 now.


DJ is a 1 star and on his best day no more than a 2. Bills roll the dice with anyone, they do better than Jauron.

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Dunno, Dean. I'm recalling shots of Parcells on the sidelines in Dallas during his last stint, and he just looked whipped. Fed up. Sick of it. Frustrated. Perhaps he's had a chance to clear the decks, as it were. But there didn't seem to be a lot of enthusiasm towards donning the big stadium jacket and standing in the flurries......



Yes, I don't see him as the HC here, but as a GM/President of Football kind of thing. Good point.


But if he were inclined to give it another shot on the sideline, and wanted it to be for the Bills, I'd probably be fine with that, too. And I am not the world's biggest Parcells ball washer. But if things don't change this year (I think the talent is there to be respectable, and make the playoffs, at the least) something has to give. And it would be a shame to see Ralph go out without giving it one last big push.

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fwiw, Whitner just tweeted "I'd love to have Mike Vick as a teamate! The guy is unbelievable....he made a mistake but haven't we all?!"


Let the speculation begin continue...

Scott has locked up SS. If the Byrd is as advertised at FS, Donte may be wishing he had ANY teammates in a year or so.


Surprise cut for 2010 pre-season... Donte Whitner. You heard it here first. Especially if we bring in a real coach.

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would love it if your call on Whitner is correct. I am so sick of seeing him try to tackle people by throwing his shoulder into running backs. He's just a big bag of wind.


Scott has locked up SS. If the Byrd is as advertised at FS, Donte may be wishing he had ANY teammates in a year or so.


Surprise cut for 2010 pre-season... Donte Whitner. You heard it here first. Especially if we bring in a real coach.

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In the perpetual defense of John Guy, he simply provides the list of players to the inner circle. He doesn't make the decision on who to sign.

50% of the posters here can do that.........

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50% of the posters here can do that.........



50 % of the posters here couldn't pick their ass.


Though, I suppose it is possible they could supply the list of their asses to someone here, who could pick them.

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"I'm sure I can help with all the noodle-armed backups you have playing QB for you"




JP Losman


WAR Losman winning the UFL Bowl and coming back to NFL to embarrass himself some more




Make the world a better place, punch Bill Bellichick in the face

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Any chance this was floated out there as the first step towards bracing Bills fans for a Vick signing?



Or gauge outrage?



"Hello? You listening? I would be outraged!"



That'll teach em.

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"Trent Edwards played poorly in Buffalo's exhibition opener, but we'll guess that this mostly has to do with noodle-armed backup Ryan Fitzpatrick. If Edwards goes down (likely, considering his history), the Bills' offense would almost certainly fall apart. La Canfora suggests Mike Vick as an option."


Very interesting... guess they dont have 2 much trust in FITZ, dont blame them...





the TE haters need to shut the F up. the guy played fine. Vick is an ok Backup option due to experience but stupid bills fans who hate TE will clamor for the god-awful passer that is michael vick because they think its a good idea. Anyone with half a brain cell knows vick can't pass. he simply can't. he is jp losman but can scramble to avoid sacks. he has a cannon arm and no touch.


i dont careif he is a backup we sign, but anyone who lvoes the bills - get behind TE aleady...and if u dont like him the STFU because he's our QB...

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DJ is a 1 star and on his best day no more than a 2. Bills roll the dice with anyone, they do better than Jauron.


"We agree, Jauron Sucks!"




Mike Mularkey, Gregg Williams, Hank Bullough, Harvey Johnson, and Jim Ringo

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i was confused at first too, but i think what he means is "The Bills are looking for QBs, and while Edwards played poorly, the real reason theyre sniffing around is because of noodle-armed backup Fitz". the "this" that he is referring to is the Bills sniffing around, not Edwards or his play...


yeah, his whole intro is poorly worded




Click on the link. It is very clear in the original context.

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