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Nic Harris


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One thing everyone is going to have to get used to with Harris is he does tend to get a little too over-excited. He was notorious in college for late hit penalties & unnecessary roughness penalties (a la London Fletcher).


So you can love on him all you want (and he did look good last night) but we'll have to take the good with the bad here.

What you say is true. The other part is that many great defensive players were also this way...Rodney Harrison, Adrian Wilson, Chuck Cecil, Doug Plank, and our own Leonard Smith. It is a fine line, controlled aggression.


Of course, you conveniently ignore the fact that Dick knows the game of football 10 times better than even the most knowledgeable poster on this board.

You are absolutely right Sage. But so does Rod Marinelli and he went 0-16. In some instances (not necessarily this one) criticism of coaches and players by fans can occasionally be valid. I've been a big Jauron supporter here but there are no more excuses...the statute of limitations has expired. Jauron and the team he has assembled needs to produce.

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What you say is true. The other part is that many great defensive players were also this way...Rodney Harrison, Adrian Wilson, Chuck Cecil, Doug Plank, and our own Leonard Smith. It is a fine line, controlled aggression.



You are absolutely right Sage. But so does Rod Marinelli and he went 0-16. In some instances (not necessarily this one) criticism of coaches and players by fans can occasionally be valid. I've been a big Jauron supporter here but there are no more excuses...the statute of limitations has expired. Jauron and the team he has assembled needs to produce.


Well yeah, coaches deserve criticism if they don't get the job done. But the notion that Keith Ellison is a horrible football player and Jauron is just completely ignorant of this fact is ridiculous. If a guy like Alvin Bowen or Nic Harris legitimately gives us a better chance of winning, you can bet he'll be on the field. Jauron has been far from perfect but he's not an idiot.

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Alvin Bowen got in a big hit too. I mention this because we may need TWO outside'backers. Kawika looked slow.


I've said the same thing in the past, and noticed it last night-- Kawika Mitchell really gets smoked sometimes. He's not quick, and if he takes a bad angle, it's all down hill. Chris Johnson basically in one cut blew right by him, even though Mitchell was in position.

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I Tivo'd the game and reran most of the plays repeatedly.


Nic Harris looked very good. So did Ashlee Palmer and Marcus Buggs for the most part. All three of them had one bad pursuit angle each but that'll happen to every linebacker at least once a game. When guys like Spencer Johnson and other DL are being blown out of the play it makes it very hard on the linebackers.


Ellison does have competition but unfortunately he's probably leading the derby right now because he knows the defense so well. Basically with Ellison he'll hurt you physically. With the young guys, they'll hurt you mentally right now.


I noticed that Harris wasn't getting great depth on his zone drops but that may be because he was spying on Vince Young quite a bit. I loved when we drafted Harris and think he'll be an excellent player in time. It may be that the coaching staff starts giving him more reps to see if they can speed up his development.


Another young defender who looked good was Derrick Jones, the recently signed DT. He's big and athletic and aside from Marcus Stroud, he's the only DT on the Bills who can say this. He was also very quick off the ball.

Yup. He needs to see some action against some better players, but he beat up on the 3rd stringers...

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One thing everyone is going to have to get used to with Harris is he does tend to get a little too over-excited. He was notorious in college for late hit penalties & unnecessary roughness penalties (a la London Fletcher).


I'll take it. I've seen him in college action and know what you're referring to, and I also remember watching him and thinking "it sure would be nice to have a player with that intensity on our team"...


a year later, wish granted.


it's "OK" to have a player or two at that level when you can surround him with other higher character players (like Poz, McGee, etc)

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I've said the same thing in the past, and noticed it last night-- Kawika Mitchell really gets smoked sometimes. He's not quick, and if he takes a bad angle, it's all down hill. Chris Johnson basically in one cut blew right by him, even though Mitchell was in position.


Chris Johnson has done that to far better LBs than Mitchell. Johnson is amazingly fast.



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Well yeah, coaches deserve criticism if they don't get the job done. But the notion that Keith Ellison is a horrible football player and Jauron is just completely ignorant of this fact is ridiculous. If a guy like Alvin Bowen or Nic Harris legitimately gives us a better chance of winning, you can bet he'll be on the field. Jauron has been far from perfect but he's not an idiot.

Not sure. Dj stuck with Thomas for several games when he was not effective, leaving Fred on the bench. Fred had overproduced during the pre-season and once Thomas got hurt (was not benched for poor play, it had to come from an injury), Fred over-produced again.


I think DJ IS that ignorant of talent and is completely myopic as well in selecting guys both as starters and as draft picks.


I give DJ NO passes this year he is a moron; the fact that he knows 50 times more about football seems irrelevant when he applies this knowledge so shoddily.

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