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Three way trade rumor?

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We get Tommie Harris in the deal and give up a second and Josh Reed.




Here's the info on the author of the article. he might be right even blind nut finds a squirrel now and again. I'm guessing his source is either a Ouija board or Magic 8 Ball. I'm pretty sure he doesn't have an inside source. I wonder how hard JW and TG are laughing at this. :worthy:


Anyhoo, for the dreamers like me here's the info on Harris.

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There is no rumor here, just some idiot writer pulling sh-- out of his ass. Even the language he uses is written exactly like a "Bills should do a 3-way trade for..." pulled from this very site. He doesn't even credit an anonymous source...so what is the source? His head?

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We get Tommie Harris in the deal and give up a second and Josh Reed.


To determine if any trade rumor is even remotely possible or true all you have to ask yourself is if you were the other teams in this deal would you do this trade? For the Bears maybe getting Marshall for Harris you have to give up something to get something. If you were Denver NO WAY. I am going to give up a star wide out to a team that I already gave my QB to for Josh Reed and a 2nd round pick?


Reed is a nice slot guy but he isn't going to compensate enough for Marshall. Maybe if the rumor was Reed, Steve Johnson and a 1st round pick I would be more inclined to believe it. Getting a nice slot receiver and a guy with some potential like Steve Johnson as well as another 1st seems like a deal that is at least a possibility.


If we got Tommy Harris for Josh Reed and a 2nd Round pick I would be ecstatic. Harris is young and one of the best 4-3 DT's in the game it wouldn't even be a win now move it would just be a great move. BUT no way is it going to happen once again if you were Denver would you make that deal?

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Sounds like the guy was making it up as he was typing. When he says "a player "like" Josh Reed", is obviously saying that he chose Reeds name and hadn't read or heard it anywhere. Sounds like a below average reporter desperate for something to report on.

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