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random off season prediction thread

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well its that time of the year again to post with nothing new/exciting/relevant/noteworthy and to just make "filler" threads to kill time...


so with that being said give me 2 random predictions for the upcoming season. it can be anything you want.


prediction 1- make any prediction you realistically think/expect to happen during the course of the bills season


prediction 2- any prediction NFL league wide that you expect to happen.





my predictions are-


the bills finally beat new england once this year


i think michael vick will be on an active roster this year

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As the season goes on, Jerry Jones professes his love for Terrell Owens, and Owens pisses Bills fans off, by saying he would like to play in Dallas next season...Eagles beat the Chargers in the Super Bowl...

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Houston Texans are the suprise playoff team this year.

Indianapolis Colts don't make the playoffs.

Marshawn Lynch will be amongst the AFC yardage leaders despite his suspension.


Haha, that's what people have been saying for about five years now. Eventually, they'll make the playoffs and somebody will finally be right.


As for my predictions:

1.) Leodis McKelvin will make the Pro Bowl one way or the other.

2.) The Eagles will win the Super Bowl.

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#1 - T.O. will verbally abuse T.S. and/or D.J. on the sideline during a game by week 6.


#2 - S.F. will make the playoffs because they have a coach who leads with courage and intensity.

Yeah, because mooning your players is "courageous and intense"... and that's what wins games.

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