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Buy Black Experiment

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Next to the Rockpile there used to be a Loblaws. When it closed, the neighborhood was complaining about businesses abandoning the inner city. Yeasr later, a black man opened up FIGMOS (Finally I Got My Own Supermarket). He lasted about 18 months before closing too.

The reason he gave:

"They steal just as much from a black store owner as they do a white one. " The shoplifting broke him.


My brother delivered to the Family Dollar store on William. The manager was standing on the dock with a pistol- The reason was that people would steal the cases as they slid down the rollers from the truck to the store!

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No offense but this is the most retarded thought process ever. you really aren't upset that you can't use a word that is one of the most offensive racial slur in history? It really bothers you that the people who went through slavery and some of the biogtry ever can use it and you can't? If doesn't, you need to get a life and some hobbies because you are a total loser then.
Sounds like I hit a raw nerve here. If you weren't suffering from the martyr syndrome you might have considered that the intent was that it was not OK for EITHER group to use ni$er.


And please explain why it is more offensive than any other ethnic term? Because jackson/sharpton were able to twist well intentioned white guilt into political and monitary gain while exploiting their own race?


Regarding the blah blah about slavery and oppression that you never had to endure but that you have chosen to grasp onto so you can feel offended, you may want to lighten up and enjoy that life that you infer you have and I don't.


[bTW I love the No offense but your thought process is retarded line. ]

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No offense but this is the most retarded thought process ever. you really aren't upset that you can't use a word that is one of the most offensive racial slur in history? It really bothers you that the people who went through slavery and some of the biogtry ever can use it and you can't? If doesn't, you need to get a life and some hobbies because you are a total loser then.

No black person alive went through slavery in America. Don't let that stop the stupidity, though because the crutch is definitely helping.

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Would Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton be throwing a tantrum if there was a "buy white experiment"?



Actually, it is simply standard procedure for many White Americans. They don't announce it, these days, but they still do it. It wouldn't really be an experiment, as it has been going on for over 200 years, in this country.

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Actually, it is simply standard procedure for many White Americans. They don't announce it, these days, but they still do it. It wouldn't really be an experiment, as it has been going on for over 200 years, in this country.

What a crock of absolute baseless sschiit. Do you honestly believe that the vast majority of white people go out of their way to shop at white-owned businesses?


Every person I know shops where there is convenience and competitive pricing. Never...and I mean NEVER has anyone I know EVER knowingly (or even unknowingly) ONLY shopped white-owned stores. Maybe it's time you start hanging out with a different group of people.


I appreciate the fact that you love to be the voice of the people who are being held down in this world by the big bad greedy gigantic corporate white boys, but this is about as ridiculous a statement as I have ever read from you.

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Actually, it is simply standard procedure for many White Americans. They don't announce it, these days, but they still do it. It wouldn't really be an experiment, as it has been going on for over 200 years, in this country.


Keep up the white guilt brother! I actually prefer my sushi from a Japanese chef. I prefer my Chinese food from Chinese owned restaurants and believe it or not, I also like my burritos from a Mexican operated restaurant. And lastly, but certainly not least (easy PC Police), I prefer a brutha run facility when I buy BBQ.


What does that make me Deano?

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If you are a white person fighting over the right to drop N bombs, you have all ready lost.


"White guilt" or not being a pathetic piece of trash that has to further stupidity? But it's my right as an American to use racial slurs dammit. :thumbsup:


I am a white person who is fighting for the right to offend anyone I want to not be branded a terrorist or enemy of the state. The victimization of America has to stop.


BTW, you were the one defending a black person's 'right' to use the term !@#$...let's not lose focus.


I make a personal choice not to use offensive slang but that's my choice.


I saw Carlos Mencia last week and that dude nails it. He offends everyone. He has some grerat stuff about Obama, you should've been there. :lol:

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This thread is certainly a disappointment.


I did a buy black experiment once and was interested in seeing what other people found in their experience. I have so many things that buying new stuff gets boring. I try new ideas to spice things up and "buy black" was one of them. For a whole three days EVERYTHING I bought was black. And I mean everything.


I bought a Bently that had everything black. EVERYTHING. I couldn't tell what speed I was going because the speed indicator was black with a black background. It was hard to drive at night because the black headlights illuminated literally nothing. It was difficult and I was wondering how long someone else could last. I did a buy blue and a buy red and a buy green stage too and they were a little easier.


Basing purchases on race seems weird to me.

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What a crock of absolute baseless sschiit. Do you honestly believe that the vast majority of white people go out of their way to shop at white-owned businesses?



Who said "the vast majority" of white people did? Are the "vast majority" of Blacks participating in this experiment?


I appreciate the fact that you lack a conscious and go out of your way to defend abuse of those who are the most vulnerable by those with the means, but you don't have to distort my post to do so.


I would bet more White Americans avoid shopping at Black owned establishments than vice-versa. Here in the good old South, it isn't as unusual as you might think.


The point, of course, is many people try to do business "with their own", whatever that may mean. For years, Italians supported Italian run businesses, same with the Jews and the Arabs. Black America is much further behind, in that area, partly because there was a dearth of Black owned businesses for such a long time. Many Jews avoided German-owned businesses for a long time, a few still do. In fact this was in today's Jacksonville Times Union:




Personally, I don't think people should avoid a business simply because of an owner's skin color. But, I think I will take a look at my own backyard before I jump on a group for doing what many others from other races and ethnicities have done for years, and which helped their communities thrive. I know you don't have that capacity, and don't expect you to do the same. You are too busy vigorously supporting the abuses of those with the most power. Carry on!

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Keep up the white guilt brother! I actually prefer my sushi from a Japanese chef. I prefer my Chinese food from Chinese owned restaurants and believe it or not, I also like my burritos from a Mexican operated restaurant. And lastly, but certainly not least (easy PC Police), I prefer a brutha run facility when I buy BBQ.


What does that make me Deano?



I think that makes you typical, and not one of the people being discussed in this thread. I'd say I'm the same, except I don't care if the BBQ is from a Black man, or an Arab...as long as it is great BBQ.


I don't understand the "White guilt" comment, at all. Just speaking the truth.

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Who said "the vast majority" of white people did? Are the "vast majority" of Blacks participating in this experiment?


I appreciate the fact that you lack a conscious and go out of your way to defend abuse of those who are the most vulnerable by those with the means, but you don't have to distort my post to do so.


I would bet more White Americans avoid shopping at Black owned establishments than vice-versa. Here in the good old South, it isn't as unusual as you might think.


The point, of course, is many people try to do business "with their own", whatever that may mean. For years, Italians supported Italian run businesses, same with the Jews and the Arabs. Black America is much further behind, in that area, partly because there was a dearth of Black owned businesses for such a long time. Many Jews avoided German-owned businesses for a long time, a few still do. In fact this was in today's Jacksonville Times Union:




Personally, I don't think people should avoid a business simply because of an owner's skin color. But, I think I will take a look at my own backyard before I jump on a group for doing what many others from other races and ethnicities have done for years, and which helped their communities thrive. I know you don't have that capacity, and don't expect you to do the same. You are too busy vigorously supporting the abuses of those with the most power. Carry on!


And in the Liberal North you have a generation of kids buying FUBU and whatever Puff the Magic Daddy poduces as fast as the Bangledeshi children can sew it.


As far as what was done in the past, this is today...the here and now. Quit living in the past. I bet you spent alot of time in the college system, didn't you?

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And in the Liberal North you have a generation of kids buying FUBU and whatever Puff the Magic Daddy poduces as fast as the Bangledeshi children can sew it.


As far as what was done in the past, this is today...the here and now. Quit living in the past. I bet you spent alot of time in the college system, didn't you?



I won't apologize for having a good education, and you don't have to apologize for embracing ignorance.



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Who said "the vast majority" of white people did? Are the "vast majority" of Blacks participating in this experiment?


I appreciate the fact that you lack a conscious and go out of your way to defend abuse of those who are the most vulnerable by those with the means, but you don't have to distort my post to do so.

You're picking a battle for the sake of picking a battle so you can somehow convince yourself you've done some good today. I get it. And if you can somehow magnify your own efforts by pretending that people who disagree with you "abuse those who are most vulnerable," then I really can't help that line of narrow-minded thinking. I can only guess you go out of your way to shop at stores owned by aging, judgemental hippies.


More to the point of your comments, I guess I must have missed the easily-interpreted difference between "standard procedure for many white Americans" and "vast majority" of white Americans. The point remains that to suggest that white Americans go out of their way to avoid black-owned businesses is ridiculous. What next? Maybe white people will go out of their way to only vote for white presidents.


Of course they will.

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You're picking a battle for the sake of picking a battle so you can somehow convince yourself you've done some good today. I get it. And if you can somehow magnify your own efforts by pretending that people who disagree with you "abuse those who are most vulnerable," then I really can't help that line of narrow-minded thinking. I can only guess you go out of your way to shop at stores owned by aging, judgemental hippies.


More to the point of your comments, I guess I must have missed the easily-interpreted difference between "standard procedure for many white Americans" and "vast majority" of white Americans. The point remains that to suggest that white Americans go out of their way to avoid black-owned businesses is ridiculous. What next? Maybe white people will go out of their way to only vote for white presidents.


Of course they will.



I think you went out of your way to pick a fight, if you now agree with me.

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