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Ralph Wilson Stadium

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I love our stadium. Its built underground and is one of the biggest NFL Stadiums.


The exterior could use work BUT...


the interior is incredible


IMO its better than Cleveland, Pitts, Philly, Jax, San Fran, and Oakland.


The only that sucks is the sound system and the walkways

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Obviously you've never been to Quallcom Stadium.....talk about a shithole. Other than the shortage of restrooms, the Ralph is a fine stadium. HD Jumbo tron, stadium ribbon. So what if it's not new? Its still a great place to watch a game. I don't know where you get the its a dump mentality. Yeah, its not state of the art, but its fine.

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I don't agree at all. I think Ralph Wilson stadium is awesome. It may not be the most modern, but going to a game at the Ralph is about as good as it gets, for a live sporting event, for me. I have been to Reliant stadium for about 5 games over the last 7 years...it is a beautiful stadium, but when a game is done, I walk out, and go home...just like I went to a movie at a state of the art cinema. There is nothing special about the atmosphere... the Ralph is an experience...

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I like Rich Stadium....err the Ralph . Was modeled like the one in KC Arrowhead


There is not a bad seat in the house, plus you have plenty of room to park and Tailgate.


San Diego is the place where they need a new stadium. It was like going to the rockpile...that bad i was surprised. Toronto is not the best place to watch a game either, made for baseball not football.

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Other than mcaffe colessium in oakland, Ralph Wilson stadium seems to be the worst. It practically looks like and feels like a high school stadium.. If the bills are going to be in Buffalo for long, they need to rebuild




You're from Jax and criticizing another stadium? FWIW, I've seen many games at both places. You're right though, one of them is a glorified high school field. Just NOT the one north of 'Freak-ville'.

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I have no problem with the Ralph as stadiums go. I especially like the bathrooms at the top of the third level so you don't have to go all the way down to the mid level.


And you sure can't complain about the prices...one of the best in the league.



It's more the drunken, retarded "fans" @ RICH that I have issue w/. The building's fine.




We added new suites a decade ago and were looking to add some more recently. Thing is, are the suites selling out? I thought they weren't as it is



How much did that run you?

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Go to FedEx. By far the worst parking, worst seating, worst angles to the field, and better yet they have huge pillars that block the view from some of their seats. Total dump


Everything about Fedex Foosball sux. Up to and including the wus fans and peeling off $ 100's starting about 11:00am. White wine and fondue tailgating.......gimme the Ralph all weekend long !

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Other than mcaffe colessium in oakland, Ralph Wilson stadium seems to be the worst. It practically looks like and feels like a high school stadium.. If the bills are going to be in Buffalo for long, they need to rebuild



How many NFL stadiums have you been to to watch a game?

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Had a conversation about this topic last weekend. I guess ATL is a nightmare for parking, and has very little atmosphere in the area around the stadium. I got my usual spot for tailgating that is a reasonable cost, and a great setting. Not too many other stadiums have that it seems.



What Parking????


Went there a few years back for a game and tailgated in a friggin parking garage filled with mostly Bills fans that couldn't figure out where the hell to park in that Shthole for a city.


Miami is just okay.


Old Cleveland Municipal was a dump but had character. Where else could you go and sit 100 yards from the field in the end zone and still have better seats than the people on the 50 yd. line.


Tampa isn't to bad, lots of atmosphere and tons of "scenery" with very little material covering themselves.


The worst I have been in is Jacksonville though. At least Atlanta has parking within flying distance to the stadium. The worst parking at the Ralph is far better than the best parking in Jax. The morons that occupy a large number of games in Jax really make you wonder if they weren't bussing in the fans from the backwoods of Georgia and the Carolinas. The best part of Jacksonville, from a Bills fan point of view, is that when all is said and done on gameday, the most of their own fans that occupy the seats are maybe 30,000. The rest are from the opposing team or tarps.

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I think you have to rate the stadium and the atmosphere and tailgating all together. Some of the stadiums I have been to:


If you want a bad stadium experience go to St Louis or the Georgia Dome. People are more interested in the surroundings than the game. Contrived atmosphere where they pump in sound is sickening and completely detracts from the game. The fact that you are inside is even worse. StL tailagters are spread all around the city and it does not work like at RWS.


All domes should be outlawed IMO.


In KC the stadium owns all the land around the place so the tailgating is okay but a little too controlled, and it takes away from the flavor that you see around RWS. The stadium is equal to RWS.


Giants stadium is good except it is loaded with NYers.


Miami is only crowded when they are a top team otherwise apathy reigns.


Jax and TB stadiums are fine and are always loaded with visiting team fans and I don't mind that too much.


Qualcom sucks.


NE is the most dangerous place for a visiting fan. Usually because the Pat fan had his ass kicked in Buffalo and wants revenge.


I always had fun in Cin & Cle.


Bears stadium is cool but not a great tailgate place.


Phily & Lambeau are on my hit list of place I want to see a game.

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I think you have to rate the stadium and the atmosphere and tailgating all together. Some of the stadiums I have been to:


If you want a bad stadium experience go to St Louis or the Georgia Dome. People are more interested in the surroundings than the game. Contrived atmosphere where they pump in sound is sickening and completely detracts from the game. The fact that you are inside is even worse. StL tailagters are spread all around the city and it does not work like at RWS.


All domes should be outlawed IMO.



Just got off the phone with a friend. He's a football fan, from north Florida, but doesn't have any great allegiance to the Bills or any other team - just enjoys a good game.


We talked about going to the see the Bills/Falcons December 27 at the Dome. I'm still up in the air about it. I swore the last time I went there, that I'd never set foot in that poor excuse for an NFL venue. There's little to no tailgating to speak of. There's one main entrance on one side of the stadium through which all patrons are herded as if it's cattle drive. The lack of parking almost forces fans to ride MARTA, the mass transit system.


Whoopee! What fun. Ride the sardine-packed train, get herded into the sterile stadium, then get blasted out by canned hip-hop music.


The lack of natural sunlight makes it feel like you're inside of a cavern or some big indoor mall. I get claustrophobic in there.

The ironic part is that as crappy as Atlanta's heat and humidity-filled summers are, the autumn weather is spectacular. Late October, early November are absolutely beautiful in the Atlanta area. It's depressing to leave the beautiful crisp azure-skyed afternoon and go into that batcave. I always think that other than maybe San Diego, there's probably not an NFL city with nicer fall weather than Atlanta. I was indoctorinated on autumn afternoons spent in War Memorial and Rich Stadium. From my perspective, there's just something unnatural about football being played under a roof.


Don't know if I'll go to the game Dec 27. I've kind of gotten to the point where I can enjoy more watching my HD telecast, in the comfort of my recliner, and not have to put up with all the extraneous crap and expense that goes along with the Georgia Dome experience.


On the other hand, it is the Bills.

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I might have replied earlier in this thread, but if I didn't I'll do it again here. I can't stress enough that RWS is one of the best football stadiums in the NFL. I've seen and worked in almost about 24 of the 32 stadiums in the league now, and RWS is one of the best, if you like to actually watch football.


I used to do stats for Summerall and Maddens crew for FOX. I also worked on the crew for Dick Stockton and Matt Millen, so I got to travel around and see a lot of the NFL stadiums.....mainly in the midwest but as time went on.....all over the league. I got to see all of the NFC stadiums eventually and a good bit of the AFC stadiums. I never worked a game at the Ralph, but called in a favor to stand on the sidelines during a game....pre-9/11.


There is no other stadium in the NFL that compares to Ralph Wilson Stadium as far as sightlines to watch a football game. Arrowhead is close, but overall RWS is better. Every seat is pretty good in RWS and the upper decks pretty much only span the sidelines. Most other NFL stadiums have upper deck seating in the endzone which gets to be pretty damn far away from the field. Not only do the upper deck seats only span sidelines at the Ralph, but they also overhang the lower bowl quite a bit meaning that they still aren't that far from the playing field. Not many other stadiums are like that.


Whoever said FedEx field is nice must have hit their head. FedEx is probably the worst new construction stadium in the league. It's not only ugly on appearance, it's very steep and seats are far from the field for a new stadium.


Obviously what you don't get at the Ralph is nice concourses and concession options. But who cares? This isn't baseball, where you are begging people to come to games by offering sideshows along with the price of admission. Football is America's game at the present, and most fans are there to see nothing but the game. So, football doesn't really need all of the frills to make the stadium attractive. The bells and whistles are nice, but not needed in football.


People don't know how lucky they are with RWS. PLENTY of parking. Great setup for tailgating. Traffic really isn't all that bad. It's slow everywhere, but not terrible at the Ralph. Sightlines at the Ralph are great almost everywhere in the Stadium. Only one scoreboard is a drawback. Metal bleachers are a drawback, but the design of the stadium is awesome.


The only places that compare overall are Green Bay, and Kansas City. To some degree the old soldier field was also close. Even new places like Pittsburgh, Cincy, and say Carolina aren't all that great. Yeah, you can eat in a spruced up concourse, but when you enter to your seats, the Ralph is by far the best.

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I was just wondering for the people who have traveled to different cities to watch NFL games.... I was just wondering if anybody can name a stadium worse than the Ralph..The reason why I say that is because I keep hearing that RWS is the worst..the only one I could think of was Mcaffe Coliseum in Oakland.... Does anybody have anything else.


The worst aspect of the staduim is the product on the field. It has been dismal for a long time. Instead of naming the taxpayer built stadium after the grouchy owner (who didn't pay a penny for the facility) the naming rights should be sold and the proceeds used for upkeep. ;):D

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