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OT: Wrestling?


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Ok, I'm listening to the ESR over the 'net. I do in the morning when I've no meetings. This crazy... "IWA WRESTLING WILL BEAT YOUR ASS AND STEAL YOUR CAR!!! OHHH YEAAAAA" commercial comes on.


Does anyone actually watch this crap? Anyone over 15? I don't understand it, personally... it's not only completely fake, it's bad acting on top of fake!

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Ok, I'm listening to the ESR over the 'net. I do in the morning when I've no meetings.  This crazy... "IWA WRESTLING WILL BEAT YOUR ASS AND STEAL YOUR CAR!!! OHHH YEAAAAA" commercial comes on.


Does anyone actually watch this crap?  Anyone over 15? I don't understand it, personally... it's not only completely fake, it's bad acting on top of fake!



My 80 year old grandmother LOVES watching wrestling (and has for at least the last 15 years...). I think she just likes seeing the guys in the tight pants though. Go Grandma! :doh:


Me, never really saw the allure...



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I watched pretty regularly until Vince McMahon was able to buy the WCW. It seemed like it was around that time that wrestling went from something fun to watch to being trash. There's no interesting personalities anymore. All they care about is showing as much T&A as possible and having their guys swear up a storm. Maybe they should try to get better writing and create good characters and storylines again.

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I watched pretty regularly until Vince McMahon was able to buy the WCW.  It seemed like it was around that time that wrestling went from something fun to watch to being trash.  There's no interesting personalities anymore.  All they care about is showing as much T&A as possible and having their guys swear up a storm.  Maybe they should try to get better writing and create good characters and storylines again.




While Vince McMahon laughs all the way to the bank.

He is a real POS.

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While Vince McMahon laughs all the way to the bank. 

He is a real POS.



Agreed. When my 20 year old niece was around 8-10, she used to watch the WWF with me. There's no way I'd watch pro wrestling with a young kid any more. Heck, I don't even want to watch that filth now!

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People mock wrestling, then turn on multiple " Reality TV " shows. I find that funny.


I hate them both! I've actually made tha analogy before, and I think it's a darn good one.

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I watched pretty regularly until Vince McMahon was able to buy the WCW.  It seemed like it was around that time that wrestling went from something fun to watch to being trash.  There's no interesting personalities anymore.  All they care about is showing as much T&A as possible and having their guys swear up a storm.  Maybe they should try to get better writing and create good characters and storylines again.



Now that you mention it, back in the 80's it wasn't bad. Over the last, what, ten years or so it has gone to trash.

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the greatest of all time HULK HOGAN made it all happen... without him, Vince wouldn't have stevestojan. Read his biography... without him, NO ONE starts selling merchendise or anything like that... he was doing it out of his car before anyone had a clue that was possible in the wrestling world. HULK HOGAN RULES!



hahaha... I don't watch it anymore, but when I was a kid and even a small stint in college when Hogan came back as "Hollywood" I watched it all the time. Hogan was a good role model back in 1984... he admits that he took steroids and that it was wrong and stopped a long time ago. He has always been great with his fans and I will love him forever.

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Now that you mention it, back in the 80's it wasn't bad.  Over the last, what, ten years or so it has gone to trash.




Yeah, it sucks. I stopped watching after The Rock's character started to get boring. None of the others were interesting enough to keep my attention.

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McMahon dropped the ball when he didn't hire Jonny Fairplay. :D


I still keep up with it on-line cause I find the actual business interesting, but don't watch it too much anymore... all the ones I liked who talked good smack are either off the air (Heenan, Jesse The Body, The Rock), too old (Flair), or dead (Wizard).

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