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Are any of you twitter fans?


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By day I am one of those serious exec types but by night I like surfing the web and staying in touch with friends. Point is that I try to keep my personal and professional lives separate. With social networking tools these lines are being blurred. Is twitter a good thing or not?

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Only you can make up your mind on that.


I'd say that if you're careful what you post (ie: "I'm wasted! This is the best weed ever!" is not something you want to post on Twitter....), then it's probably fine. Personal preference.

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Only you can make up your mind on that.


I'd say that if you're careful what you post (ie: "I'm wasted! This is the best weed ever!" is not something you want to post on Twitter....), then it's probably fine. Personal preference.



Thanks - yeah it is the same on facebook. At times I am really surprised at what people will put out there for the world to see.

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i love facebook right now, a bunch of former cc folks are on there and we are all kind of passing info, support and simple messages...but i know personally, i am not putting anything out there that would be detrimental should anyone do any searching...


Thanks - yeah it is the same on facebook. At times I am really surprised at what people will put out there for the world to see.
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  • 5 months later...

for those that do actually use twitter, can you give some feedback as to how to best use it to do more professional networking, job searching etc....when setting up a profile, what is the best information to put out there. someone suggested i add twitter to my repetoire of networking tools along with facebook and linkedin, but not really sure the best way to use twitter for that purpose

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for those that do actually use twitter, can you give some feedback as to how to best use it to do more professional networking, job searching etc....when setting up a profile, what is the best information to put out there. someone suggested i add twitter to my repetoire of networking tools along with facebook and linkedin, but not really sure the best way to use twitter for that purpose


My industry is so heavily regulated our broker/dealer does not allow us to use any social networks for professional reasons. They cannot control what is said so they say we can't us it. BTW in my mind the best way to network in good ole face to face.


Regarding Facebook I got on it this year seeing it's my 30th reunion this weekend and I wanted to check in with people. Well no one from my high school is on facebook or at least I can't trace them using our high school.

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Chef, I completely agree with your face to face being the best way, but being that we are in such a global enviornment, I am looking to connect to others that may assist me in my career search and help gain a competitive edge over the others. i just read an article that a job posted by best buy had 'twittering' as a desired qualification for the position. I want to avoid the more social use of twitter and use it more as a professional networking tool for those that are not in my immediate 'face to face' area


My industry is so heavily regulated our broker/dealer does not allow us to use any social networks for professional reasons. They cannot control what is said so they say we can't us it. BTW in my mind the best way to network in good ole face to face.


Regarding Facebook I got on it this year seeing it's my 30th reunion this weekend and I wanted to check in with people. Well no one from my high school is on facebook or at least I can't trace them using our high school.

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Chef, I completely agree with your face to face being the best way, but being that we are in such a global enviornment, I am looking to connect to others that may assist me in my career search and help gain a competitive edge over the others. i just read an article that a job posted by best buy had 'twittering' as a desired qualification for the position. I want to avoid the more social use of twitter and use it more as a professional networking tool for those that are not in my immediate 'face to face' area


I guess I didn't make that clear. I meant in my industry face to face is the best.

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The best use that i have found for Twitter is that many, many experts in my industry post useful information and resources to Twitter that they don't post to their regular content outlets (like their blogs). I have found a lot of good info from people this way. It's simple for them to quickly blast out a useful link instead of having to construct an entire blog post around something they like or find useful.


Same with me...if I find a good piece of info I can share it quickly instead of needing to concern myself with creating and maintaining a full-blown blog.

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Twitter, like pretty much all social networking sites, can be a tool or a toy. Few people really need this to function better, or more efficiently. For those who can communicate effectively in 140 characters, and have a real purpose to do so with a variety of people on a regular basis, it might be something to look into. For most though it is a "look at me" toy, tends to deal in the trivial and further propagates superficial and impersonal communication.


Like pretty much all social networking sites and apps, it has security holes, and people actively looking to exploit them, and otherwise take advantage of the users of the site for ill purposes.

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I like twitter but don't use it for networking or professional purposes. During the World Series of Poker it was a good way to keep up to date on players and how they were doing. I know that's not everyone's thing but I'm sure others are into something else that they would like to follow. For instance I follow Darren Rovell. He used to be on ESPN and now covers sports for CNBC. He always has an interesting perspective on sports from a financial side. I'm sure there are 1000s of other similar examples but then millions of losers who waste time on there and add no value.

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The best use that i have found for Twitter is that many, many experts in my industry post useful information and resources to Twitter that they don't post to their regular content outlets (like their blogs). I have found a lot of good info from people this way. It's simple for them to quickly blast out a useful link instead of having to construct an entire blog post around something they like or find useful.


Same with me...if I find a good piece of info I can share it quickly instead of needing to concern myself with creating and maintaining a full-blown blog.

Exactly how i use it as well. Follow the analysts who are the thought leaders in our space..


BTW, for anybody who is interested in SEO, twitter posts and links can get you up that google natural search result pretty quickly.

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Just another means of communication. For me, it's more convenient to tweet at some contacts -- the PR guys for our hometown guys' pro baseball teams, for example -- than to track down an e-mail addy or phone number. (But if I need to follow up on something, I still have that option.) And any newspaper that isn't using it to get story links out there is missing the boat. Mike Harrington has taken the lead on this in the BuffNews sports dept.; pretty sure Keith McShea will be doing the same with preps stuff this fall.

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I use Twitter as basically a better RSS feed. I follow about 80 people, mostly market-related folks. I was just recommended on "Follow Friday" by a guy in NYC that has ~8000 followers. My business partner is much better at this and has quite a few high-profile followers that re-tweet his posts. I'm actually pretty impressed how useful Twitter is, when properly employed.

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that's what I want to learn...how to use it to my advantage...thinking about following retail/supply chain etc...trade groups and following stories related to that industry and see if I can get it going that way


I use Twitter as basically a better RSS feed. I follow about 80 people, mostly market-related folks. I was just recommended on "Follow Friday" by a guy in NYC that has ~8000 followers. My business partner is much better at this and has quite a few high-profile followers that re-tweet his posts. I'm actually pretty impressed how useful Twitter is, when properly employed.
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By day I am one of those serious exec types but by night I like surfing the web and staying in touch with friends. Point is that I try to keep my personal and professional lives separate. With social networking tools these lines are being blurred. Is twitter a good thing or not?




I wish long distance phone calls cost $3 per minute like long ago. You know...back when we lived a peaceful life and didn't bother each other unless it was really important.


If it was generally important, or simply a warm communication, a letter was written and sent. Which took time, contemplation. And no hot blood of the moment ruining relationships.

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