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Quoth the Ravens..NEVERMORE

El Presidente

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Ahhhh that was GOOD...

to think of the Cowboys HOFers and fans...watching something on par with Dallas at Buffalo last year.

The Lords Of Football clearly disapprove of closing a perfectly good stadium out of GREED.


This game is my 2008 highlight.

TAKE THAT you f$c$1ng Dallas fans...btw...YOU STILL have a CURSE on you.



Hope he's with you for the next TEN YEARS!



~El Pres~

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Ahhhh that was GOOD...

to think of the Cowboys HOFers and fans...watching something on par with Dallas at Buffalo last year.

The Lords Of Football clearly disapprove of closing a perfectly good stadium out of GREED.


This game is my 2008 highlight.

TAKE THAT you f$c$1ng Dallas fans...btw...YOU STILL have a CURSE on you.



Hope he's with you for the next TEN YEARS!



~El Pres~



Sweet .... the trifecta on any NFL weekend .. Bills Win ... Fins lose and ... cowgirls lose ....

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I like Wade and want him to do well, but hating the Cowpies is a passion of mine.


Also my brother-in-law and sister are big Ravens fans. If the Bills can't get in then I'll go for the Ravens. If they win against Jacksonville next week they'll be in.



I hear that. I always liked Wade, especially when he was Buffalo's coach. I wanna route for him and all, but it's so hard when he's Dallas' coach.




GO BILLS TODAY AT DENVER! Go down with Guns blazing at least!

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If the Jets and Dols win today, the Patriots are basically eliminated from the playoffs since the Ravens WILL NOT lose to the Jags at home next weekend. And both games today are games each team should win.


Oh dear, Do I really have to root for the Poorpisses two weeks in a row? :thumbsup:

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I think this signals the beginning of the end for Wade in Dallas. If they somehow manage to sneak into the playoffs, it would be nothing short of a miracle. If they don't, Jason Garrett takes the wheel next year and Wade is looking for a coordinator job.

The bloom has come off of the Garrett rose. One year ago I would have given you damn near 100% that he would succeed Wade, today 40%.


Harbaugh's success might give yall on the April bandwagon a bit of hope.

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I think this signals the beginning of the end for Wade in Dallas. If they somehow manage to sneak into the playoffs, it would be nothing short of a miracle. If they don't, Jason Garrett takes the wheel next year and Wade is looking for a coordinator job.


everyone says this--but he is now in charge of the offensive, ehere are big time players but the offense hasn't been all that good.

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I like Wade and want him to do well, but hating the Cowpies is a passion of mine.


Also my brother-in-law and sister are big Ravens fans. If the Bills can't get in then I'll go for the Ravens. If they win against Jacksonville next week they'll be in.




Ewwww! I've lived in the Baltimore area for over 13 years. No way could I root for the Ravens.

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I can't root for the Jests next week so I guess I'm damned to hell. :thumbsup::blink:

I find it incredible that anyone doesn't loathe the Dols and Pats more than the Jets. The Jets have been a footnote to the Bills over the last 3 decades, their boorish fans notwithstanding.

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