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OK, I Need To Know This

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This applies to the Bills AND the Sabres. I would have thought that key losses would have frustrated me much more when I was younger. For some reason, it seems like the passion that I have for these teams has been getting worse and worse over the past few years. After the loss yesterday, I just could not get out of the funk for the life of me.


It usually takes a day or two to get the negativity out and then back in the saddle. PLEASE tell me I will not be doing this into my 60s and 70s!!! I really am serious on this post - these teams should not be upsetting MORE as I get older....

I think what hurts so much is that (for this year's Bills anyway) when a team show SO much promise early in the season and then goes back to falling face down in the mud, it's like falling off the same old cliff, except from a greater height. Same cliff, same fall, same landing spot, hurts more.


So. Whatchya going to do? Stick it out or jump ship like Mr. Now-I-Love-The-Titans? Hope springs eternal. Me? I'm a Bills fan. (And I proudly display the scars that prove it)

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It will continue until this city wins a pro championship of somekind or you pack up and leave this pit of misfortune. You feel this way bacause you see other cities old and new to their respective sports win championships EX.Carolina, Anahiem, Tampa Bay. Or football's Ravens and Tampa bay Bucs. Being a Buffalonian comes with the baggage of being the barren waste land of New York state. We get nothing from Albany and zero respect from the rest of the nation. The Bills were stepping stones for other teams to win Championships and the Sabres were stepping stones for Carolina and Ottawa, Philly and Dallas. It is also the way we lose, the absolute break down of the way that got us to the "Big Show" . I use the 1999 Sabres for an example we were a shut down team that took the oppostions big guns out of the game. Tight checking and good puck control with 4 lines that could score... Then that all went out the window. We choked, not resembling the team that was in the regular season or in the second season. Combine that with the dark cloud like, wide right, miracle in Memphis, no goal, no goal #2, no goal #3 and the steady stream of self inflicted gun shots to the feet and you start to carry it around like luggage, bitter and pissed looking at other teams saying " if they were in a Buffalo uniform we would still lose" . Losing has become away of life here in Buffalo. While the world lives, we die one year at a time. Soon both franchises will be gone and so will I.

God....I hope you're not trying to cheer us up or anything (looking for the punchbowl).

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I'd like to help you out BB, but.. my Dad is 75 and called to B word after the game yesterday -how it ruined a great day at the sports bar they were at in Florida. I'm 53 and I was in bed at 7:30 last night, not wanting to do a GD thing.. (it didn't help that it was pitch black outside..)


No, my brother Bills fan, it not only doesn't get easier, it hurts worse.


Best wishes!!


I agree, I was miserable all night long after the game & today as well. :wallbash:

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I'm 49 now and this current 10 year stretch of mediocrity has taken its toll on me. I still attend a couple of home games and 1 road game every year, but I don't find myself agonizing over defeats like I used to.


I taped the game as I had somewhere to be yesterday and after someone told me the score, I didn't bother watching 1 second of it when I got home.


I still cling to the hope that either the Bills or Sabres will a championship in my lifetime(preferably while I can still enjoy it :wallbash: )

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It will continue until this city wins a pro championship of somekind or you pack up and leave this pit of misfortune. You feel this way bacause you see other cities old and new to their respective sports win championships EX.Carolina, Anahiem, Tampa Bay. Or football's Ravens and Tampa bay Bucs. Being a Buffalonian comes with the baggage of being the barren waste land of New York state. We get nothing from Albany and zero respect from the rest of the nation. The Bills were stepping stones for other teams to win Championships and the Sabres were stepping stones for Carolina and Ottawa, Philly and Dallas. It is also the way we lose, the absolute break down of the way that got us to the "Big Show" . I use the 1999 Sabres for an example we were a shut down team that took the oppostions big guns out of the game. Tight checking and good puck control with 4 lines that could score... Then that all went out the window. We choked, not resembling the team that was in the regular season or in the second season. Combine that with the dark cloud like, wide right, miracle in Memphis, no goal, no goal #2, no goal #3 and the steady stream of self inflicted gun shots to the feet and you start to carry it around like luggage, bitter and pissed looking at other teams saying " if they were in a Buffalo uniform we would still lose" . Losing has become away of life here in Buffalo. While the world lives, we die one year at a time. Soon both franchises will be gone and so will I.



I guess I picked the wrong day to quit sniffin' glue

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This applies to the Bills AND the Sabres. I would have thought that key losses would have frustrated me much more when I was younger. For some reason, it seems like the passion that I have for these teams has been getting worse and worse over the past few years. After the loss yesterday, I just could not get out of the funk for the life of me.


It usually takes a day or two to get the negativity out and then back in the saddle. PLEASE tell me I will not be doing this into my 60s and 70s!!! I really am serious on this post - these teams should not be upsetting MORE as I get older....

im 50--it annoys me as much during the game---but i get over it much much quicker now

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This applies to the Bills AND the Sabres. I would have thought that key losses would have frustrated me much more when I was younger. For some reason, it seems like the passion that I have for these teams has been getting worse and worse over the past few years. After the loss yesterday, I just could not get out of the funk for the life of me.


It usually takes a day or two to get the negativity out and then back in the saddle. PLEASE tell me I will not be doing this into my 60s and 70s!!! I really am serious on this post - these teams should not be upsetting MORE as I get older....


It doesn't get any better, speaking as a 51 year old.


When I was held up at gunpoint back in 1991, I remember thinking "I only want to see Buffalo win one Super Bowl before I die." Still here, still waiting.


Living across the river from Philly, I almost went to the Phillies' parade on Friday. They said there were 1-2 million people there. And they had won a World Series as recently as 1980. 28 years is nothing if you're a Bills' fan.

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This is a loser city. You can see it on the faces of the people here immediately when you have been somewhere else for a while and come back into town. I'm not saying the place doesnt have any redeeming features but...


Every season feels like the monday night game against dallas last year.

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indeed...the older I get the easier it is to let it go...maybe it's dementia.

I too am one of the lucky ones, I get over the losses easier with each passing season. After the Miami game, I went outside and threw the pigskin with my son (he's 14 now) and my wife commented that I no longer am hard to live with after a Bills loss :wallbash: I'll be turning 40 soon and quite honestly feel more serene and philisophical about the wins and losses. Having said that, I pray each day that I don't leave this Earth having not witnessed a Bills SB victory.


God bless Tim Russert and all the other great Bills fans that went before him.

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I too am one of the lucky ones, I get over the losses easier with each passing season. After the Miami game, I went outside and threw the pigskin with my son (he's 14 now) and my wife commented that I no longer am hard to live with after a Bills loss :wallbash: I'll be turning 40 soon and quite honestly feel more serene and philisophical about the wins and losses. Having said that, I pray each day that I don't leave this Earth having not witnessed a Bills SB victory.


God bless Tim Russert and all the other great Bills fans that went before him.

I guess I feel the way you do. I'm 60. I was over at my brother's, helping him rehab a house, and we worked on painting rooms up until kickoff. When it became clear that the rally fever wasn't shared by our D-Line, I silently picked up a putty knife and started patching the living room. My bro did the same thing. At the end of the day, we were in first place, but more importantly, I'm helping my brother who really needs the help. And helping someone is a decent salve for defeat.

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It will continue until this city wins a pro championship of somekind or you pack up and leave this pit of misfortune. You feel this way bacause you see other cities old and new to their respective sports win championships EX.Carolina, Anahiem, Tampa Bay. Or football's Ravens and Tampa bay Bucs. Being a Buffalonian comes with the baggage of being the barren waste land of New York state. We get nothing from Albany and zero respect from the rest of the nation. The Bills were stepping stones for other teams to win Championships and the Sabres were stepping stones for Carolina and Ottawa, Philly and Dallas. It is also the way we lose, the absolute break down of the way that got us to the "Big Show" . I use the 1999 Sabres for an example we were a shut down team that took the oppostions big guns out of the game. Tight checking and good puck control with 4 lines that could score... Then that all went out the window. We choked, not resembling the team that was in the regular season or in the second season. Combine that with the dark cloud like, wide right, miracle in Memphis, no goal, no goal #2, no goal #3 and the steady stream of self inflicted gun shots to the feet and you start to carry it around like luggage, bitter and pissed looking at other teams saying " if they were in a Buffalo uniform we would still lose" . Losing has become away of life here in Buffalo. While the world lives, we die one year at a time. Soon both franchises will be gone and so will I.

I'm fairly certain you didn't cheer him up much. Hell, even myself, who's reasonably optimistic, just went to check my gun for bullets.

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2 days down (and it's my 49th birthday) I guess I might feel better by thursday, honestly it has always been hard for me, got really bad after wide right.... music city bs........ no goals 1-3......9 years no playoffs kind of dulled it for the Bills but a couple of years ago with the sabres getting to the finals again......It is not so bad when the teams suck, but when you know they are winners only to be shot down again, curse the damn Bflo. curse!!! I know it is immature but......... what can I do? If they do well in the I expect them to collaspe even if I hope that these are the ONES. I haven't lived in Bflo. for 15 years either, that had no affect on me. Sometimes I think being father away makes it more acute. Oh well, bring on the Pats*, Go Bills !!!!!! Go Sabres!!!!!!!!!!

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Well I'm 52 and have followed the Bills since '67. Except for a few bright spots over those 41 years, there has been a lot of losing. After a while you get numb to it, and you don't see the point in wrapping yourself up so emotionally over it. It's a big business with lots of money in it, but how does a win or loss personally affect me? It doesn't, so "F" it! Don't think either for a minute the players value winning the most. With the huge money in the game, they all want the most they can get for themselves first, and if they win, great, if not, oh well



After the 4th SB loss, there was a Snickers candy bar commercial featuring Marv and a lot of the Bills. Any one remember it? In it they were laughing at themselves for losing 4 SB's. I thought to myself if they can't take it seriously, why should I get all upset about it

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