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The reason why we lost...

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The O-Line and Edwards lost us this game. I know I'm gonna get thrashed for calling out the golden child, but both of his fumbles are on him. Without 4 turnovers the dolphins don't score more than 16 points, an acceptable performance from our defense.


It "looked" bad seeing Ginn rack up yards on McGee but it never really hurt us, but if we can't score more than 16 points we're not winning many games anyways.

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The O-Line and Edwards lost us this game. I know I'm gonna get thrashed for calling out the golden child, but both of his fumbles are on him. Without 4 turnovers the dolphins don't score more than 16 points, an acceptable performance from our defense.


It "looked" bad seeing Ginn rack up yards on McGee but it never really hurt us, but if we can't score more than 16 points we're not winning many games anyways.


It's pretty obvious he had a bad game, but so far, that's the worst i've seen him this season.

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Our running game was fine. We had untimely turnovers, and a horrible defensive scheme. Why the !@#$ is Ted Ginn able to catch the ball on a 15 yard slant on the run? Edwards wasn't as clutch as usual, and it just seemed to wasn't our day. Bottomline. Not the end of the world...this "we are a .500 team" is bullsh!t.

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It's pretty obvious he had a bad game, but so far, that's the worst i've seen him this season.


I agree completely. We as fans need to keep everything in perspective(IE the sky is not falling).


I personally don't feel like we were "outplayed" or totally dominated. We hung around against a tough division opponent in their stadium. A couple rookie mistakes cost us the game, mistakes that next year Trent hopefully won't make and we win this game.

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Is it just me, or do our defensive coaches seem to come in to most games with no game plan. Not literally, but if you're going to cover Ginn the way we did (protecting against the deep ball, letting him catch underneath) when they have Chad "i can't throw more than 25 yards in the air" Pennington, that means you have no idea what you're doing. We had like deep zone coverage, and had McGee in man playing way off...It seems like a no brainier to me to cover him tight, and we had no pressure.



We lost the game on our lack of offensive production, but our defense did not play this game the way they should have, and that scares me. A lot.

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is, we can't run the ball. Discuss.


We can't run the ball? We averaged 4.4 yards per carry. Miami averaged less than two yards per carry. Yet, we rushed the same number of times (27). It had nothing to do with not being able to run the ball; rather it was our lack of commitment to running the ball. We had second and one and tried a deep ball to a rookie receiver. And on third and one, we tried a quarterback sneak that resulted in a fumble. That play, IMO, was the kick in the balls. Give the ball to Marshawn and shove it down their throat...just like we did on the opening drive of the second half. I felt like we were about to go up 23-20. Then it's game on.


But if you're looking for the real reason we lost the game, it's this: We lost the game because we had three turnovers (basically four since we allowed a safety as well). End of story.

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