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Cards about to get beat by dallas


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Refs didn't see the injured player in time. If they had, the right move would have been to blow the whistle (hurting Arizona), and--I think--charging Arizona with a TO, right?

LaBoy made the mistake of not staying on the ground. The zebras got it right.


But what a finish!

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LaBoy made the mistake of not staying on the ground. The zebras got it right.


But what a finish!


didn't they throw the flag long after the play. Could it have been even penalized? Either way, they my have called it right, but its clearly a hole in the rule that they didn't consider.

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Why? A team can call time out right before the snap of ANY play. Are you suggesting there should be some special protection for kickers, because their psyche might be shaken? IMO, THAT would be chickens#it.

I disagree. There should be some rule in this circumstance to avoid gamesmanship. Perhaps they should allow some guy with a mirror to deflect the sunlight into the kicker's eyes while we are at it.

Fine let them call a timeout--but at a reasonable amt of time before the play is gonna happen. Ice the kicker that way. Not a second before the snap.

This is the NFL--not Caddyshack......mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmisssssssssssss

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does this make anyone feel better that at least we lost to a good if not really good team last week who had a bad week the week before they played us?

I never feel better about a Bills loss, especially since I was at the game to witness the debacle.


Having said that, last week's loss is ancient history to me. Time to look forward and get ready for the Chargers and 3 straight division games.


I expect the Bills to be fully prepared for what is going to be a big test over the coming weeks.

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I disagree. There should be some rule in this circumstance to avoid gamesmanship. Perhaps they should allow some guy with a mirror to deflect the sunlight into the kicker's eyes while we are at it.

Fine let them call a timeout--but at a reasonable amt of time before the play is gonna happen. Ice the kicker that way. Not a second before the snap.

This is the NFL--not Caddyshack......mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmisssssssssssss

What they should do is take the timeout-calling ability away from the coaches. It can prevent this BS from happening and can also prevent a team from hurting itself.


Remember when the Ravens should have beaten the Pats* last year on the Monday night game? Had the coaches not called a timeout on the 4th down the Pats* eventually converted, we wouldn't have been vomiting about the undefeated cheaters the rest of the season.

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I disagree. There should be some rule in this circumstance to avoid gamesmanship. Perhaps they should allow some guy with a mirror to deflect the sunlight into the kicker's eyes while we are at it.

Fine let them call a timeout--but at a reasonable amt of time before the play is gonna happen. Ice the kicker that way. Not a second before the snap.

This is the NFL--not Caddyshack......mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmisssssssssssss



It's treated just like any other play. That is good enough for me. This league needs fewer "special" rules, not more, IMO.

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What they should do is take the timeout-calling ability away from the coaches. It can prevent this BS from happening and can also prevent a team from hurting itself.


Remember when the Ravens should have beaten the Pats* last year on the Monday night game? Had the coaches not called a timeout on the 4th down the Pats* eventually converted, we wouldn't have been vomiting about the undefeated cheaters the rest of the season.


Then what do you do when there's a legitimate reason for a timeout at the last millisecond? (See my comment above.) I think the needless last-second timeouts are poor sportsmanship, and in fact, tactically questionable, but I don't see a practical way to legislate them out of the game.

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Coaches should not be allowed to call time-outs. Only players.



I have no issue with that. One defensive player has a speaker in his helmet, and the coach can tell him, "Call a time out, right before the snap."


I really don't find calling a TO to ice the kicker chickens#it, or poor sportsmanlike, in any way. If you have a timeout to use, I think you get to use it as you see fit. He's a kicker, that's pretty much all he does. If he has to, he'll kick again, no biggie. It rarely seems to have a negative impact on a good kicker, anyway.

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