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Sarah Palin

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McCain is knocking at death's door due to his age and he appoints someone with less federal experience than Obama? If McCain is elected she stands a good chance of being president. I think this greatly undermines McCain's attacks regarding expereince.

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McCain will say he has the experience and she will be able to get 8 years of experience as VP - plus it's more important for the P to have the experience rather then the VP. Plus if anyone complains about her she will shoot them.

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Here's why I'm concerned about Palin. If McCain is trying to win over the Hilltards (which he obviously is), that may backfire because Palin is a hunter and is pro-life. Not to mention the fact that the experience card is now completely off the table. It's done. McCain is 72 today...if something happens to him, Sarah Palin will be our president. Huh? I'd love to see her foreign policy record.



I don't think people are nearly as concerned about the VP's experience as the Presidential candidate's. We have seen so few VP's take over office. If people were really concerned about McCain dying within the next 4 years, they probably would not be considering him anyway.

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I think this is a very interesting choice. First, I applaud McCain for not only picking a woman, but also going back to his maverick status of bucking the system. I have long felt that this race is almost over, and still think this way, but if he completes this Hail Mary, it will be a brilliant maneuver. The base may be re-energized, which was one of the only ways, IMO, he could possibly win. She is very impressive as a conservative and I think she has a great future in the Republican party.


I just think that they are not going to get the number of female Hillary voters just because she is female. And it obviously completely undercuts their main criticism of Obama, that he is too inexperienced to be Commander-in-Chief. It will be interesting to see how she handles the press, and the speech she must give today, and the debate against Biden. I actually think she is going to surprise people, and have a pretty good showing. Unfortunately, I think she needs a fabulous showing and not so sure that is going to happen.


This really makes it interesting but ultimately the Hail Mary is going to be easily intercepted far short of the goal line.

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I don't think people are nearly as concerned about the VP's experience as the Presidential candidate's. We have seen so few VP's take over office. If people were really concerned about McCain dying within the next 4 years, they probably would not be considering him anyway.


We've also never had a man as old as McCain sworn in for the first time...

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Here's why I'm concerned about Palin. If McCain is trying to win over the Hilltards (which he obviously is), that may backfire because Palin is a hunter and is pro-life. Not to mention the fact that the experience card is now completely off the table. It's done. McCain is 72 today...if something happens to him, Sarah Palin will be our president. Huh? I'd love to see her foreign policy record.


My wife is a Hilltard as you call it, and was undecided but leaning towards McCain. This solidified it.


My wife is pro choice (and passionate about it), but the fact that Palin knew she was having a child with Down Syndrome and went through with the pregnancy hit home with her and said will with other woman as well, even if she is pro-life.


Whole different ball game when a woman is pro-life as opposed to a man.

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Here's why I'm concerned about Palin. If McCain is trying to win over the Hilltards (which he obviously is), that may backfire because Palin is a hunter and is pro-life. Not to mention the fact that the experience card is now completely off the table. It's done. McCain is 72 today...if something happens to him, Sarah Palin will be our president. Huh? I'd love to see her foreign policy record.

I'm not sure how the experience card is completely off the table. Obama hasn't increased his experience any with this choice nor has McCain decreased his.


For Obama to hit McCain on the VP's lack of experience, he has to highlight his own lack of experience. I'd expect when the McCain camp does hit Obama on experience, if Palin's experience comes up in response, that they will focus on her having been a governor (albeit for a short time and for a "small" state).


It'll be interesting to see what Hillary voters think of this. As that is clearly who he's pandering to.

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My wife is a Hilltard as you call it, and was undecided but leaning towards McCain. This solidified it.


My wife is pro choice (and passionate about it), but the fact that Palin knew she was having a child with Down Syndrome and went through with the pregnancy hit home with her and said will with other woman as well, even if she is pro-life.


Whole different ball game when a woman is pro-life as opposed to a man.


So your wife will only vote for a woman? Your wife's attempts to combate sexism have rendered her a sexist!

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McCain is knocking at death's door due to his age and he appoints someone with less federal experience than Obama? If McCain is elected she stands a good chance of being president. I think this greatly undermines McCain's attacks regarding expereince.


She's got 2 years of executive experience.


Obama has 2 years of legislative experience, but actually a lot less than that since he's been running for president the entire time. So she's actually got more high level experience.

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She's got 2 years of executive experience.


Obama has 2 years of legislative experience, but actually a lot less than that since he's been running for president the entire time. So she's actually got more high level experience.


High altitude, yes. High level, no. IT'S ALASKA, MA MAN. There's more people living in Pittsburgh!

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So your wife will only vote for a woman? Your wife's attempts to combate sexism have rendered her a sexist!


No...she just can't stand Obama and think's he's a phony, so was leaning towards McCain. She likes Palin because she's down to earth blue collar who's not a Bush cronie and my wife can relate to her. My wife prob would have went with McCain anyways.


I'd be careful about calling women sexists...they're likely going to decide this election, and any guy knows calling a woman a sexist doesn't lead anywhere good.

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I think it's a great choice....I think America is ready for a woman P/VP. I think Obama missed the guaranteed win by not picking Hillary. Again the Dems have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.


Sure. And if he HAD chosen Hillary, it'd be that he screwed the pooch by mobilizing the conservatives to the polls in droves to keep an anti-christ Clinton out of the white house. And of course we'd hear about the possibility of a woman being the Prez if anything happened to Obama. We couldn't possibly do that in a time of war, could we. While this is an obvious pander to the religious right and a low rent attempt to grab disgruntled Hillary supporters, it ignores one fact. The only thing this person has in common with Hillary Clinton is gender. She's anti choice, anti progressive. Call it what it is, a desperate reach for victory in an election where McCain's chances are dwindling by the hour.

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One thing I will be looking for from McCain: What is her role going to be. To me, you can't be an insider and pull weeds. But outsiders can. If he says Palin is going to be in charge of rooting out specific bits of waste and corruption, she might be able to do it. She's an outsider with no friends already. Sick her on "the process."


Rekindles the "maverick" image. Especially since he kept it so secret.


Wipes Obama's speech right off the top story. Not a single paper or show will have the convention as top story.


Everyone will tune in to see her speak at the RNC.


Experience card is tough for MCCain to assert now. Smells of pandering. We'll see. I'm willing to be charmed by the Alaska mother of 5 (!! why would you want to be VP with 5 young kids??).

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