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It's Gameday!!!!

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I'll be watching it from the comfort of my own home as well because I live in VA and every Redskins game is televised locally. So I'll be able to throw down. That's right baby. A glass of cold tea or Pepsi and some Tostitos with salsa. :thumbsup:

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I can barely contain myself. Too bad I work a double today. That's alright, I'll be able to watch the game at work.


Tonight is the night we can finally see if this retooled Bills squad is as good as we think they can be. Let's hope we're right about them.

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Yeah Baby!!!!! The Bills flag is flying on the porch and my wife officially becomes a widow at 4pm Arizona time. By the way, the Bills inflatible linebacker goes out and accompanies the flag on September 7th. Go Bills!!!!!!!!!

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