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Noise levels at Stadiums

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I have been to 6 UT games....I grew up in Dallas and my dad was an alum from there so I got to goto a few back in trhe 70s and early 80s..I was at the Cotton Bowl game between Texas and Notre Dame or Earl versus Joe...I saw them play Baylor Smu Texas Tech


Ah, alright. The stadium has really expanded and changed since then.

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Only other NFL stadium I've been to is Cleveland last year and it wasn't as loud or crazy for that matter as I was expecting but at the same time that was some of the most intense weather I've ever sat through in my life and that could've had an impact on the fans. IMO though right now Arrowhead is probably the loudest stadium in the NFL. Back in the late 80's, early 90's though I think we definately had the crown.

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I've been to the Ralph for about 40 games when I had season tix from 1988 to 1996. Consistently the loudest from start to finish, but I only have two other stadiums to compare it to, which were the old Browns stadium and the old Steelers stadium.

The old Browns stadium was too open and it allowed the noise to disperse a little too much, even though they had 70 thousand plus. Except in the end zones, where it could get really loud. In Pittsburgh, the odd seating arrangements made for loud zones, but overall fairly quiet. I also thought the fans tended to lose focus as the game went on.

Not at the Ralph!

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I've been to Mile High, Giants Stadium, Arrowhead, the RCA Dome, the Metrodome, the Ralph and Texas Stadium. Of those, Arrowhead was the loudest. The sound just reverberates all over the place, even though the fans don't scream or shout as loud as they do at the Ralph. Arrowhead makes my head hurt, so guess what? I'm going back there on Nov 23 to see the Bills spank them. Should be a good game. :unsure:

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Dallas MNF last year was off the hook loud.


Only other NFL stadium I was in was RFK for a Bruce Springsteen concert. Sat on the field for the show. I know this has nothing to do with the topic, but was just fascinated on how loud it is on the field. Prior to the show, about 75% full, the crowd did the wave. It was DEAFENING! You think it is loud in the stands, it is 3x as loud on the field. The noise just funnels onto the field.


Anybody here been on the field for a Bills game? How loud is it compared to the stands?

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I've been to Indianapolis, Miami 3 times (Joe Robbie or whatever it is called now), Cincinnati and the old Cleveland stadium. Cleveland doesn't count because Buffalo fans were louder than Cleveland fans (we beat them 56-0 or something like that) and Joe Robbie was in the era when Kelly beat Marino on a regular basis (won 4 beers from a Miami fan one game). Indianapolis was loud because it was a dome but the Cinci fans were louder.

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I've been to Indianapolis, Miami 3 times (Joe Robbie or whatever it is called now), Cincinnati and the old Cleveland stadium. Cleveland doesn't count because Buffalo fans were louder than Cleveland fans (we beat them 56-0 or something like that) and Joe Robbie was in the era when Kelly beat Marino on a regular basis (won 4 beers from a Miami fan one game). Indianapolis was loud because it was a dome but the Cinci fans were louder. Rich Stadium, as it was called when I had season tickets, was definitely the loudest.

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I've been to Indianapolis, Miami 3 times (Joe Robbie or whatever it is called now), Cincinnati and the old Cleveland stadium. Cleveland doesn't count because Buffalo fans were louder than Cleveland fans (we beat them 56-0 or something like that and by the 4th quarter we were the only ones left) and Joe Robbie was in the era when Kelly beat Marino on a regular basis (won 4 beers from a Miami fan one game). Indianapolis was loud because it was a dome but the Cinci fans were louder. Rich Stadium, as it was called when I had season tickets, was definitely the loudest.

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Fed Ex Field in DC holds 90k but its just not real loud for whatever reason. Baltimore has a really modern stadium and enthusiastic fans, but also it really didn't seem nearly as loud as the Ralph. Both DC and Baltimore have the most obnoxious crowd involvement gimmicks that by the 3rd quarter its not even ironically funny anymore (move those chains chanted after every first down is just stupid in Baltimore - in DC the PA repeatedly explains to the crowd when its appropriate to cheer, its just embarrassing).

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The only football house I've been to is the Ralph, so I have nothing to compare it to, but I must say it is loud and I am one of the contributors to that :cry:. Also, the MNF game against Dallas was SO loud that I STILL cannot get over it, lol. I loved it.


Personally I would love to go to another blue collar town, like Pittsburgh, and sample the noise, and strut in my Bills gear, hoperfully not dying in the process.

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I've been to The now extinct Vet, Giant Stadium and The Ralph. The Vet was pretty loud at least the few games I went to. I enjoyed my experience there, and for the most part the fans I encountered were pretty knowledgeable about the game. Which I like if I'm going to talk to people in a stadium. Rather then strictly rah rah types.



Giant stadium is iffy. Overall noise generally isn't loud, but if you go to certain games it can be. Giants games tend to be louder then any jet game I ever intended. The only time I've ever see a stadium full of jets fans loud, is when their team is actually good. If they're average, or under .500 just forget about it. They never bring the noise. The J-E-T-S chant is the only time The Meadowlands will make noise during a jets game. Giants fans tend to be louder throughout the game.


It's odd the stadium is all of 20 minutes away from where I live, but the difference between jets-giants fans is big. Giants fans are usually more aware, of the game, and situtations during, as well at other league stuff. I've never had bad experiences with giants fans. Jets fans tend to sit on their hands, waiting for Fireman Ed's brother to lift him on his shoulders, just for their 15 seconds of chanting, then it's back to sitting on their hands. I also realized theres a hell of a lot of Bills fans in New Jersey/NYC. Every jets/bills game I've gone to there since I started going to the game yearly in 93 has been no worse then a 60/40 split between jets/bills fans. The bills fans at these games have also been louder then jets fans. As much as they dont make noise for their team, jet fans will either talk sh-- to you through the entire game. Regardless of score, or they will empty the stadium by the 2nd half. Other then flyer fans, they're the worst fans I've encountered in any sporting event.


As far as the Ralph goes. I've only been there twice 06 titans/bills and last year giants/bills. I was a little dissapointed with my in stadium experience for the titans game. The tailgaiting was awesome, and the people were even better. Offering me and my friends beer, and food, and just general chatting it up, and heckling of titans fans. Nothing vulgar, just good natured ribbing. In game however. I was actually stared at for being loud, and trying to generate crowd noise and at one point in the 4th quarter asked if I could stop screaming. Maybe it was the seats I was in, but it rubbed me wrong. The stadium occasionaly got loud on 3rd downs. And a complete angry mob walkout after the losman pick to end the game/ the unwillingness to try a fg. Even though that game was nothing but fg's.


The giants game experience was much better. Even though I'm not a box seat kind of guy. I'd much rather be in the stands. Although I'm kind of glad I wasn't that day. The crowd seemed more into it. The people in the box were actually rowdy, and we had a sweet split of giants/bills fans.Which for some reason, in a competative game the back and forth sh-- talking is just fun to me. I felt I got a really good experience out of that game. Hopefully I can make it back for more games this year. I wanna try to at least get to 2-3.


I know I veered off the loudness debates, but it was louder then giants stadium and the vet. With jets games being the nfl equal to Devils regular season games in terms of crowd noise.

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