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You wouldn't drive away.....

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And who is on a crusade ? Who is preaching ? And your contempt for me has nothing to do with the ML thing or you wouldn't be bashing me. Nobody is defending ML anymore since the subpoena's have come out. Only morally bankrupt trolls are crusading their own agenda's. Nice try tho ! And that isn't the golden rule, try again.


Moderators can we ban this troll ?



Why don't we put up my posts against yours and see who's on a crusade and should get banned by the moderators shall we? I don't know your connection to this team but my perception is you've taken shop in the the glass house of self-righteousness and the only contempt I see is you accusing the rest us of being "morally bankrupt" et al. Other people share the same opinion as you and it's their right to have that opinion. You, however, take it beyond an opinion, spitting out vitriol in our direction because we refuse to accept your opinion as gospel.



My contempt (and many on this board) is that you REFUSE to let all the facts of this case come out before you crowned yourself judge, jury and executioner in the case of Marshawn vs. the hit-and-run victim. The irony is there is STILL NO CASE. But you can't seem to grasp that.


I guess I'm a "morally bankrupt troll" because I think Marshawn should be punished if he's found guilty huh? Ridiculous that my morals lean that way.


As for me being a troll, I actually have been down to Buffalo numerous times (make the 6 hour trek at least twice a year), I've been to Hammer's Lot and tailgated there, and I've met many of the people who post on this forum. Some of who I've disagreed with in the past but never to the name-calling level you've taken it to.


I've spoken my peace in regards to you, I'm done responding to your posts. I'll let Ramius, DC Tom, Kelly and the others continue to shoot you down.

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Why don't we put up my posts against yours and see who's on a crusade and should get banned by the moderators shall we? I don't know your connection to this team but my perception is you've taken shop in the the glass house of self-righteousness and the only contempt I see is you accusing the rest us of being "morally bankrupt" et al. Other people share the same opinion as you and it's their right to have that opinion. You, however, take it beyond an opinion, spitting out vitriol in our direction because we refuse to accept your opinion as gospel.



My contempt (and many on this board) is that you REFUSE to let all the facts of this case come out before you crowned yourself judge, jury and executioner in the case of Marshawn vs. the hit-and-run victim. The irony is there is STILL NO CASE. But you can't seem to grasp that.


I guess I'm a "morally bankrupt troll" because I think Marshawn should be punished if he's found guilty huh? Ridiculous that my morals lean that way.


As for me being a troll, I actually have been down to Buffalo numerous times (make the 6 hour trek at least twice a year), I've been to Hammer's Lot and tailgated there, and I've met many of the people who post on this forum. Some of who I've disagreed with in the past but never to the name-calling level you've taken it to.


I've spoken my peace in regards to you, I'm done responding to your posts. I'll let Ramius, DC Tom, Kelly and the others continue to shoot you down.


All I said is that ML or whoever was driving should have stopped and helped the woman. By taking off they became a dirtbag for doing that. I don't care about the legal part of it. I judged him on the actions we know already and are not in dispute.


But people want to villify me for calling him out for not stopping and thats why I continued to post because trolls like you don't want me or anyone else for that matter to state our opinion, which we have the right to do. Your the one stomping on people's rights here.



Now that the subpaoena's have been issued some people here have cooled their jets, but not you trolls, you just keep banging away calling me names for having an opinion. Having an opinion does not make me holier than thow. Most respectable people have weighed in and have stated that stopping was the right thing to do. Only morally bankrupt dirtbags think it's ok to drive off and leave the woman laying in the street. I don't have to wait for the legal system to make that judgement.


Anymore more flack from you three, then I'm putting you, Ramius, and Kelly on the ignore button.

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Having an opinion does not make me holier than thow. Most respectable people have weighed in and have stated that stopping was the right thing to do. Only morally bankrupt dirtbags think it's ok to drive off and leave the woman laying in the street.


It's rather hard to take someons statements of "moral bankruptcy" at face value when they're dripping with so much irony...

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Then the next day when you hear about it and they are saying it was your vehicle (and there is damage to your vehicle) you go to the police and say holy schitt I didn't know I hit someone. Case closed, that is why they call them accidents.


I was thinking the same thing. All Lynch had to do is call the cops and tell them that he noticed some damage on his SUV and was in the area were this girl got hit but doesn't know if he hit her as the wind was really whipping around a downpour on a very dark night. The better half and I were visiting friends not far from the strip and left from our friends home maybe 20-30 minutes before this accident happened. It was a cold pelting rain that at times seemed to be going sideways. We have a rather large SUV and have noticed in the past that just a strong gust of wind on the quarter panel will produce a "thump" sound; in fact the first two times it happened to me, I stopped, got out and checked because I thought maybe I hit something or someone. Called the dealer and was told that they had similar reports like this from other owners of the same model as ours. Trouble is you buy a 55 grand car and the damm thing is plastic!!! No matter it seems how much you pay these cars or whatever, they are all junk, but I regress.


I had a somewhat similar accident during my college days. I was on a date, had just crossed Main Street after a red light, so I was not going fast (Thank God). A 11 year old girl came flying out of a deli carrying a bunch of ice cream suckers or maybe Popsicles. It was raining hard, never heard her hit the car but saw the ice cream suckers or Popsicles fly across the windshield. I stopped immediately, the girl was alright for the most part, shook up, a couple of very miner cuts (from hitting the ground). She had really bolted fast from the deli (according to he owner) and ran between two parked cars. Asked the deli owner to call the cops (this was way before cell phones, in fact rotary dial phones were the norm (-: They came, I knew them as I knew every city cop and most of the sheriffs department back then. Even so stopping was and is still the right thing to do IF YOU REALIZE that a person may have hit your vehicle. I checked back on the young girl a week later and she was fine. Had a nice talk with her mother and how she had even warned her kids about running between parked cars. Only thing that sucked for me is that my insurance went up, as they sent a check for $500.00 to this girls mother so that she would not pursue any future litigation. She took the money and never heard from her again. $500.00 bucks in 1967 was a hell of a lot of dough, esp. to a single mom and daughter living on welfare. But my main concern like I said before was that the kid was not seriously hurt


Quite possible Lynch had a few "pops" in him ( but there is no proof he was over the legal limit when he got behind the wheel if indeed he was driving) and got a little paranoid with cops in general after his and his families run-ins with the law before. Maybe one or more mouthed off at one of WNY's finest. Something like that would spread like wildfire. Lynch is a young kid in a strange town, had a few "pops" not enough to get him drunk ( but a cop would surely smell it on Marshawn's breath) panic than an overwhelming fear set in. What to do, get out of there fast, get home where its safe and deal later with what happened. Morning comes Lynch calls his lawyer who tells him to clam up. Thus the BS mountain begins to grow mostly with help of this kid lawyer Lynch has hired and who has always had aspirations of taking on the almighty Buffalo Bills ever since the Bills ejected him from the stadium when he was 16 for being drunk and fighting. Motive #2, the revenge factor (-:


Now what happened to me is 100% true just as I told it. The rest about 80% true and the other 20% well lets just say as the old Marvin Gaye(Sp) song goes "I heard it through the Grapevine" :cry:

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I try not to compare myself to anyone. I try very hard not to judge others' actions.


In my past, I have driven when I had no business walking. I only HOPE if I ever had hit someone I would have stopped.

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Hypothetically... NOT SAYING IT HAPPENED... What happens if someone "slaps" the side of your vehicle and then screams: "Oh, I am hurt." Quite a "trick bag."


On another note... "The pedestrian can do no wrong" application has to be looked at and be modified.


Look at the CT man that got run over... Surely the car was speeding and tailgating another... But, the guy was in the middle of the freaking road meandering like a Sunday walk.


Would it kill people to put a little spring in their step when making a legal crossing... What do you do about "illegal crossings."


The cards are stacked against the driver with regards to pedestrians... You will then get this type (hit and run) of behavior.


Just saying.

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Then the next day when you hear about it and they are saying it was your vehicle (and there is damage to your vehicle) you go to the police and say holy schitt I didn't know I hit someone. Case closed, that is why they call them accidents.


Exactly, I still can't understand why on the next day Marshawn didn't come forward, he would have been issued a misdemeanor level traffic ticket and would have his chance in court to explain his behavior. I would hedge a bet that if he was issued the summons for misdemeanor leaving the scene of a personal injury accident he probably would have been offered a plea deal down to the violation level of leaving the scene thus allowing him to play in Canada. Now because the DA has to take this to grand jury and find information through subpoena you can forget about a plea bargain down the road.


Because he hasn't resolved this (lawyers advice) 3 of his team mates and bills officials have been subpoenad thus opening the door for any one of them to perjur themselves and make this entire situation get a hell of a lot worse. Marshawn has made his problem the entire teams problem.


What an exemplary act and great PR move it would have been to go to the police station the next day, turn himself in and hold a press conference and apologize for his actions. Nope, instead we get this heaping pile of BS. If his lawyer had half of a brain he'd realize that cooperating and apologizing raises the likelihood of a plea bargain down the road

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It's rather hard to take someons statements of "moral bankruptcy" at face value when they're dripping with so much irony...


lol, thanks for quoting that - I didn't bother to read his posts, but that is damn funny.

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What an exemplary act and great PR move it would have been to go to the police station the next day, turn himself in and hold a press conference and apologize for his actions. Nope, instead we get this heaping pile of BS. If his lawyer had half of a brain he'd realize that cooperating and apologizing raises the likelihood of a plea bargain down the road


Marhawn has been receiving bad advice.


It's too bad that he's too dumb to realize it.

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I'm willing to run an experiment. For those that feel it was possible for "Driver X" of the vehicle in question to not know he hit a person while taking the turn at 25 MPH and damaging his car, if you are willing to sign an injury waver, I am willing to set up the exact conditions of that night and hit you with my vehicle, and then tell you if I knew I hit you.


They aren't using the Ralph's parking lot these days, so we'll take it to the fieldhouse lot that is paved with blacktop. I will get behing the wheel of a midsized SUV at say 11 PM. In the car I will have a copy of "The Humpty Dance" by Digital Underground which I will play at volume 6 of 10 with the bass at 10 of 10 (burrrrirerrrr..burrrrrip). My kind assistants, SD, Apuz, Obiewan and the other crusading holy rollers will aim high pressure power cleaners at my car, courtesy of Home Depot Rentals.


Our friends that feel "Driver X" was set up can play the part of the girl. By the looks of it, many here would probably be lighter than her playing weight, so that shouldn't be a problem. You can skip, giggle, stumble, cartwheel, or do whatever you heart desires into the makeshift intersection, at which point I will connect with my fender and passenger side quarter pannel somewhere between your knees and your nipples. To make it fair, I will blindfold myself and take up to 5 decoy runs, any of which you can decide to enter the intersection. If I don't feel a thing, I will drive on. If I do somehow by the miracle of God feel the impact of hitting a somewhat large human being as I go 25 MPH, I will stop the car and come to your assistance if need be. I know that is a very self-righteous thing to do, thinking that I can help you in some manner, but I was all set to TiVo Conan OBrien anyway.


To make it easy, maybe we can do it the night prior to the home opener since many plan to be in town anyway. I know that Canadian slut is faking her injuries, so you shouldn't have to worry about possibly being hurt and missing the game the next day. I grew up on Miami Beach, so for my security I would like a waiver to be signed, because the culture I grew up in had many lawyers, and they only brought lawsuits to make money off of innocent people.

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I disagree .....


Even though someone may never have been in that specific situation, I think some basic assumptions can be made based on ones past performance ....... if one would stop and leave a note on a car they have dented in a parking lot accident ....... I think they would stop to render aid to a hit pedestrian ......... if someone who just accidentally hit and killed a dog goes out of his or her way to knock on doors to try and inform the owner ...... I think they would stop and render aid to a hit pedestrian. If someone sees a woman and children beside the road with a flat tire and stops to help even if it makes them late for work/church/dinner .... IMHO would stop to render aid to a hit pedestrian.


see there are a whole bunch of behaviors that would indicate someone is a decent enough human being to stop and help someone they may have accidently injured.


You are correct! Those are all "Basic Assumptions" that is what some of the posters are trying to say. That "No one knows" some of us can assume anything. But in he end until you've been placed into a situation or circumstance you "don't know"how you would respond.


This is precisely why I hate when people use the word "NEVER" b/c until you've been in every situation you don't know how you would respond.


I commend you on being a stand-up person for how you've responded in the past but by "no means" does those events indicate how you would've responded if you were in this situation.


For one let's go with the idea it was ML driving, let's also go with the idea that he also was drinking.

If this was you in this situation it greatly changes the position you've previously mentioned.

For one you run the risk of DWI or DUI.

You run the risk of then getting arrested and losing your license.

Losing endorsements

Fined from team

Suspended from team and or league.

Embarrass your family, team, city.

We didn't mention additional charged that would've been added such as reckless driving...


So there would've been alot more things to consider if you were put in this situation than the ones you've previously mentioned.

Not to say you would not have still got out and checked on the pedestrian but there would've been alot more at stake and you might have considered everything you could possibly lose and responded differently.

But hey "Who knows" until you're put in that situation....

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I gave a real life example yesterday of 8 East Aurora cops that came to a common sense understanding with me because I did the right thing and manned up to my teenage jackassedness.


I'll give you another story.


5 years ago....Palm Beach Fla. Out on Clamatis St with friends and girlfriend. I was driving and not drinking since I had over an hour drive. 1 AM and leaving a parking ramp, or so I thought. I head down the ramp and notice the exit is closed. There is a car behind me and one in front of me. Before I could even signal to turn around, the Ford Expedition in front of me throws it into reverse at full speed and rails me as I am laying on the horn. Thankfully it was only about 10 feet in front of me.


Everyone is ok in the car...I am in a near rage, and understand I probably have a drunken moron to deal with. It turns out to be a 18 year old girl and some random guy she was taking home. She came out and was hysterical because she thought I was going to kill her. Anyway, she was drunk alright. I look at my car and see there is damage to the grill and fender, but not very bad. The girl is crying because her dad is going to kill her for taking his car out and now she gets caught bringing a guy home (interracial by the way, and of obvious concern to the girl). I get all the insurance info from her and she is so nervous she doesn't even ask for mine. I get all her home info and a phone number, and tell her to have the guy drive her home since she was crocked and now a wreck. I thought for a split second of calling the cops, and figured security would come anyway, but they didn't. I let her off though knowing this experience should be enough to wake her up and she didn't need her life ruined for being an idiot driver.


I had the repairs done and the girl put it on her credit card. She was not cute by the way. This was a case where someone made a stupid move, but I saw it for what it was and helped the girl out. Some may call me stupid for doing so, but the punishment that girl would have received would have been insult to injury.


In reality, there is a 98% chance Lynch knew the girl was hit and took off. If he had shown concern for a human being that was injured, the Cops would have probably been more worried about extra paperwork and just focused on the girl. The cops give these guys a break as it is...I'm sure there would be zero story if Lynch was a man and stopped to help.



The thing with this situation is that if the cops were involved this female would have been charged with DWI or DUI. Let's assume if it was even lynch who was driving that he may have been drinking. Do you think he wouldn't have gotten arrested for hitting someone while under the influence?

Furthermore, let's say he wasn't drinking and he did get out of the car and help. Do you think she's not going to try and press charges against a millionaire athlete that just hit her?

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I really hope I would not drive away. My ideals scream at me to do the right thing, but... unless you have walked in those shoes, who really knows?


I'm amazed at the holier then thou types on this board right now.


Maybe some of you live in a glass bubble, but the majority of people I've met in my lifetime have driven drunk at least once. Right or Wrong, that’s the way it is. Let's say one of those nights you hit somebody, something that could happen to anyone if they make the choice to get behind the wheel. You will not be getting just a DUI, you will go to Jail. You might go to jail for a long time, your life savings gone when it's all said and done. That or you drive off, maybe call it in on a pay phone.......


Odds are nothing ever happens to you


I might sound selfish, or you might think I'm saying I would drive away. I'm not, I don't know what the hell I would do. What I do know is it's real easy to say I would stop on an internet message board.

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Does it even matter that with things like:


1. The Duke Lacrosse lack-of-a-case fiasco

2. The Media attitude, especially Nancy Grace's, immediate and final judgment on that and other matters

3. The massive amount of money that trial lawyers make over trumped up injury cases....as if that isn't the #1 advertisement that one cannot hope to get away from in this town, not matter where you go, watch, listen, etc.

4. The fact that we still only know 2 facts

5. The simple reality that any rational person would immediately engage a lawyer, especially if they have significant financial consequences to face

6. The obvious lack of evidence, and therefore the willful playing of the media by the DA, um ah er um ah, "we don't know where Lynch is", phony crap


happening that no one is even surprised by these events turning out the way they are? Seriously? :blink: If they can bum rush a bunch of college kids at a house party and turn it into a national saga for a year, doesn't it make sense that all defense attorneys, or any rational person, are now on permanent notice not to trust any DA or media person, regardless of circumstance? Especially on the heels of the recent, multitude of examples of DAs/media trying to use the hype to further their careers?


People, these are the rewards we get to reap for sowing 1-6. You don't like the music? Change the f'ing tune. Any lawyer in this day and age that doesn't enforce a media/DA blackout in a matter like this should be sued for malpractice.


Sorry that you don't like the fact that Lynch isn't talking. Sorry that you don't get your Hot Pockets(been saving that for a long time) solution to this situation, and where in the hell does something that happens in June effect what happens during the season? Especially given this coaching staff? Sorry that you don't get the facts right now.


Tough shitt, deal with it. Where in the hell does it say that anyone is entitled to any of that? If you want to B word or hold somebody accountable, start with the trial lawyers, the media salaciousness in the last few years(bitching about not being able to show dead troops comes to mind), the grandstanding DAs/politicos out there, and the contentious environment they have conspired to create.


This isn't about "holier-than-thou", this is about "not-seeing-what's-actually-happening-here-and-blaming-a-guy-for-listening-to-his-attorney". Sorry, just bringing the reality and killing the phony theoretical, as usual. I don't have kids, but I'd like to hear any parent here tell me that if their kid was involved in something like this that they wouldn't immediately engage a lawyer first, and have them "man up"(so gay) second. Especially if it was their car, and therefore now their house, savings, assets now on the line. Give me a f'ing break. I have seen this many times before and the parents are batting 1.000 on lawyering up.


I have tried to stay out of this but after reading this entire thread I gotta say enough is enough.

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This isn't about "holier-than-thou", this is about "not-seeing-what's-actually-happening-here-and-blaming-a-guy-for-listening-to-his-attorney". Sorry, just bringing the reality and killing the phony theoretical, as usual. I don't have kids, but I'd like to hear any parent here tell me that if their kid was involved in something like this that they wouldn't immediately engage a lawyer first, and have them "man up"(so gay) second. Especially if it was their car, and therefore now their house, savings, assets now on the line. Give me a f'ing break. I have seen this many times before and the parents are batting 1.000 on lawyering up.


I have tried to stay out of this but after reading this entire thread I gotta say enough is enough.


Reallly ? You know many parents this has happened too? I've been alive a long time and don't remember anyone at any time that I knew personally that has hit someone with a car. Your friends need to take driving lessons.

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