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Boy am I depressed about costs today....

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Gas in Saudi Arabia is like what, 12 cents a gallon?


Life in Saudi Arabia is like what, awful?


My fiance likes to be able to speak and think for herself. But hell, for gas that cheap, maybe she'll change her mind. :blink:

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Gas prices are going to keep rising continuously. Do I find it worth my time to complain as if I'm the only one suffering? No. If people would re-focus their energy from complaining to problem solving the world would be a much better place. It would also be a lot less whiny of a place.

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Yeah...life isn't worth living if we have to pay as much for gas as Europeans have for decades. :blink:

But life is HARD when there are people with more money than you and the government won't punish them!! :lol:

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I do not drive a big gas guzzler either...a toyota Yaris. But with the costs of everything going up lately I cannot help but feel like I am being strung up by my toes.


I am just curious....how much does it take to fill up your tank? Mine is about 30.00 for the Yaris tank....



$3.72/ gal. Not bad. About 5 cents/gal cheaper than the cheapest place here and about 15-18 cents cheaper than most places. Was in South SF two weeks ago- $3.98/gal.

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Really??? I'm no where near the top 10%, much less 1%, but $4/gallon gas is not affecting my life really at all. Would I prefer $2/gallon gas? Yeah, I would. But I would also prefer that rain was made from beer and my dog could talk. You don't always get what you want, but its an awesome time to be alive.


I feel bad for anyone who thinks times suck because gas prices are moving up.



you guys are being ridiculous.


that statement had more to do with the fact that Oil companies are setting RECORD PROFITS right now.


there is NO NEED for gas to be this expensive other than the fact they know we're addicted to it.


again, how are you reading that my view is "it's a bad time to be alive"?


its just BETTER for that 1%.






criminey pete

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Wow this thread sucks


I nominate LA and KD for the "ummmm where the fck did that come from?" award and Joe for the "I quit cigarettes cold turkey and never complain about anything either" award.


Keep up the good work fellas! :lol:


And I nominate you for the "whiney B word of the thread" award (hardly new territory for you). I feel so bad that you bought a gas guzzler and now have to pay $70 to fill it up. If you don't like it, feel free to take the bus. :lol:

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Yeah...life isn't worth living if we have to pay as much for gas as Europeans have for decades. :lol:



Boy am I tired of hearing about that. You know what else the Europeans have had for decades that we don't have? A decent mass transit system throughout the continent. If I COULD commute on a train to work believe me I would.

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you guys are being ridiculous.


that statement had more to do with the fact that Oil companies are setting RECORD PROFITS right now.


there is NO NEED for gas to be this expensive other than the fact they know we're addicted to it.


again, how are you reading that my view is "it's a bad time to be alive"?


its just BETTER for that 1%.






criminey pete


Here ya go, criminey pete.




Taxes. And don't forget about the Feds holding up the States for return of that tax money extracted from your hide for road building and maintenance unless they submit to whatever non-Constitutional whim Congress wants to keep their fancy as*ses in office.


Most American voters are thicker than the elk sh*t lying on the ANWAR ice and tundra... :lol:

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there is NO NEED for gas to be this expensive other than the fact they know we're addicted to it.


And you're basing that statement on...what, exactly? The fact that oil companies make money? Christ, you people act as if no one else on the planet uses oil. You want the price to drop? Nuke China. Then we won't have to compete with them for the oil. :lol:

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Here ya go, criminey pete.




Taxes. And don't forget about the Feds holding up the States for return of that tax money extracted from your hide for road building and maintenance unless they submit to whatever non-Constitutional whim Congress wants to keep their fancy as*ses in office.


Most American voters are thicker than elk sh*t lying on the ANWAR ice... :lol:



Sorry, I can't resist:


If there's something strange

in your neighborhood

Who ya gonna call?



If there's something weird

and it don't look good

Who ya gonna call?



I ain't afraid of no news

I ain't afraid of no news


If you're seeing things

running through your head

Who can ya call?



An invisible man

controlling the media

Who ya gonna call?



I ain't afraid of no news

I ain't afraid of no news


Who ya gonna call?



If ya all alone

pick up the phone

and call



I ain't afraid of no news

I here it likes the news

I ain't afraid of no news

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah


Who ya gonna call?



If you've had a dose of

freaky liberal news

Ya better call



Lemme tell ya something

Bustin' makes me feel good!


I ain't afraid of no news

I ain't afraid of no news


Don't get caught alone no no




When it comes through your door

Unless you just want some more

I think you better call



Who ya gonna call?



Who ya gonna call?



I think you better call



Who ya gonna call?



I can't hear you

Who ya gonna call?






Who ya gonna call?



Who can ya call?



Who ya gonna call?


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And you're basing that statement on...what, exactly? The fact that oil companies make money? Christ, you people act as if no one else on the planet uses oil. You want the price to drop? Nuke China. Then we won't have to compete with them for the oil. :lol:

The fact that our dollar is in the tank and we felt the need to invade the middle east has a hell of a lot more to do with it than the Chinese, although they are becoming an increasingly large factor.

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Sorry, I can't resist:


Jeeze, that was a lot of work, BlueFire. :lol:


No need to worry - Hillary or Osama will solve this energy issue pronto, just like Nancy Pelosi said she would. I seemed to have missed the Dem energy solution - can you find us a link about it, and how it is progressing? :lol:

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Jeeze, that was a lot of work, BlueFire. :lol:


No need to worry - Hillary or Osama will solve this energy issue pronto, just like Nancy Pelosi said she would. I seemed to have missed the Dem energy solution - can you find us a link about it, and how it is progressing? :lol:


Don't look at me, I aint voting for either of those two clowns. Especially Osama [sic]. :lol:


Course, I aint gonna vote for McCain either...

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Not an option :lol: Seriously, the explorer is 12 years old, I ain't buying a new car just to get a little better gas milage. Yukon bought when gas about $2.00, again ain't selling cause it only gets 18/hwy.



Crimminy, if you saw $4.00/gallon gas coming 18 months ago, you should be a wealthy man bout now

Exactly. I haven't done the calculations yet, but the car payments for the new car may be more than what you are paying for gas for the old one anyway. I've been considering it too cause I have a 12 yr old Corolla but I still get pretty good gas mileage with it so I don't see a reason to get a new car just now. :lol:

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there is NO NEED for gas to be this expensive other than the fact they know we're addicted to it.

Yeah, other than the worldwide demand for oil rapidly increasing. But aside from that, there's "no reason." :lol:


So you think the evil oil companies just noticed a couple years ago that people need gasoline so they decided to jack the price up and double their profits?

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Thank your State and Federal Democrats for stopping the tapping of US oil resources so they can garner their environmental whack-o votes. Nancy Pelosi in her grand pronouncements about her "New Congress" claimed they were going to solve energy woes IIRC. Ask her about how the plan is going. Ask her about fixing Social Security, while you're at it.


Meanwhile, The Chinese are proceeding with plans to help Cuba grab off-shore oil.




Pay with Pride! :lol:


Or you can more appropriately thank President G.H.W.B for the Outer Continental Shelf Leasing Deferral, and his son G.W.B. for renewing it.


Florida votes matter. (and you can thank Jeb Bush and Mel Martinez for helping deliver it). :lol:

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