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Electric Worry by Clutch





Man, I hate music videos.


But, not too shabby, otherwise. A little heavy on the vocal effects, for my taste, but tasty electric blues, nice harmonica...not bad! Better to listen to than to watch, that's for sure.

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Mississippi Fred McDowell is a bad mother!@#$er. It is a partial cover of a Fred tune. The man was a blues genius. Any cover of any Fred tune will kick ass if it is somewhat true to the original



It certainly helps to start with good material. If you don't have great song writing in you, "borrow" some.


The other Clutch stuff I have heard is nowhere near this interesting...but, I haven't heard much.

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It certainly helps to start with good material. If you don't have great song writing in you, "borrow" some.


The other Clutch stuff I have heard is nowhere near this interesting...but, I haven't heard much.


That is a mean harmonica solo in that song. The only type of harmonica I tend to hear much today is so John Popper-esque that it's refreshing to hear a really gritty and bluesy harmonica solo.


Clutch has a lot of albums, but I'm not such a big fan of their older, harder stuff. I like the more recent albums like Elephant Riders, Blast Tyrant, and From Beale Street to Oblivion (which is what the linked song is from). It's all the more bluesy end of the hard rock scale.


I find them interesting because most hard rock on the radio today is so much overproduced, regurgitated tripe. Image is everything and all that. They seem to be at least doing their own thing with their own sound, and not blending into the Creed/Nickleback/InsertName mainstream sound that everyone else seems to be putting out.


Funny Clutch story. First time I saw them in concert was in St. Louis about 9 years ago (geez, it's been that long???), and I knew absolutely nothing about them. They were playing their Elephant Riders album, and were just jamming in the middle of some song near the end of their set. When all of a sudden, some guy comes out on stage with a pushbroom in his hand sweeping the stage. Knowing nothing about Clutch, I wasn't sure if it was part of the show or not until the drummer threw a stick at the guy, and the lead singer then ran over and punched him in the head. Needless to say, that's how their set ended. Apparently the guy with the broom didn't appreciate a little blues jamming at that concert.

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That is a mean harmonica solo in that song. The only type of harmonica I tend to hear much today is so John Popper-esque that it's refreshing to hear a really gritty and bluesy harmonica solo.


Clutch has a lot of albums, but I'm not such a big fan of their older, harder stuff. I like the more recent albums like Elephant Riders, Blast Tyrant, and From Beale Street to Oblivion (which is what the linked song is from). It's all the more bluesy end of the hard rock scale.


I find them interesting because most hard rock on the radio today is so much overproduced, regurgitated tripe. Image is everything and all that. They seem to be at least doing their own thing with their own sound, and not blending into the Creed/Nickleback/InsertName mainstream sound that everyone else seems to be putting out.


Funny Clutch story. First time I saw them in concert was in St. Louis about 9 years ago (geez, it's been that long???), and I knew absolutely nothing about them. They were playing their Elephant Riders album, and were just jamming in the middle of some song near the end of their set. When all of a sudden, some guy comes out on stage with a pushbroom in his hand sweeping the stage. Knowing nothing about Clutch, I wasn't sure if it was part of the show or not until the drummer threw a stick at the guy, and the lead singer then ran over and punched him in the head. Needless to say, that's how their set ended. Apparently the guy with the broom didn't appreciate a little blues jamming at that concert.



I'll have to check out more of the new album. The "Beale Street" reference and the blues influence of this song, have me curious.


If you like harmonica, check out some stuff by, or with, this guy:



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