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32 killed in Va. Tech shootings


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Allowing grown, law abiding adults to carry concealed firearms on that campus could very well have saved a whole bunch of lives that day - and sent yet another message to these assclowns that not everyone is willing to be a victim for some "perceived" security.



I can't help but wonder what would have happened in 2002 at Appalachian School of Law if two students had not had the opportunity to retrieve their handguns from their cars and subdue Peter Odighizuwa after he shot the dean, a professor and a student? How many more people would have been shot that day? Fortunately, we won't have to know.

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I can't help but wonder what would have happened in 2002 at Appalachian School of Law if two students had not had the opportunity to retrieve their handguns from their cars and subdue Peter Odighizuwa after he shot the dean, a professor and a student? How many more people would have been shot that day? Fortunately, we won't have to know.

Exactly. These disturbed individuals prey on people they "assume" will not be armed and won't have the ability to fight back. Of the thousands of concealed weapon permits which are issued to law abiding citizens every year, how many of those people are in the news for using their weapon in an inappropriate manor? None that I have heard of.

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Exactly. These disturbed individuals prey on people they "assume" will not be armed and won't have the ability to fight back. Of the thousands of concealed weapon permits which are issued to law abiding citizens every year, how many of those people are in the news for using their weapon in an inappropriate manor? None that I have heard of.


Well...one. I don't know if you've heard, but the owner of a legally purchased gun just shot up the VT campus this week... ^_^

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It's nice that you can say that with such certainty. It's also pretty much pure bunk. Allowing grown, law abiding adults to carry concealed firearms on that campus could very well have saved a whole bunch of lives that day - and sent yet another message to these assclowns that not everyone is willing to be a victim for some "perceived" security.


Adding more laws certainly won't change a damn thing. The government will keep guns off the streets and out of the hands of criminals at about the same time the keep heroin off playgrounds.


My point is that !@#$ed up people will figure out a way to commit murder. Even if every frat boy at VA Tech was packing a Glock, this jerkoff would have killed a bunch of people. Freedom to carry might have changed only his methodology. (I'm not interested in exploring the many ways he could have killed a lot of people but I'm sure you can do the how-to-carry-out-mass-murder calculus.) For example, gun laws had no effect on Tim McVeigh, who is in the same league with this POS.

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Another serious question: while you certainly want to trust the law-abiding gun owner, who's to say he won't be viewed as an accomplice in this situation and taken out by another one, in the heat of gunfire?

Exactly. Ask a cop what situation he'd rather respond to, the situation where you know that the person carrying the weapon is the criminal, or a situation where dozens of people are shooting at each other because they heard a shot but didn't see the shooter.

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Exactly. Ask a cop what situation he'd rather respond to, the situation where you know that the person carrying the weapon is the criminal, or a situation where dozens of people are shooting at each other because they heard a shot but didn't see the shooter.

They call that a target rich environment.

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Did he have a conceal carry permit?


Probably not.


Not that I really see how it matters. People who carry concealed weapons legally probably aren't going to break any other laws. People who carry concealed weapons without a permit are probably intending to break other laws anyway. Kind of the same argument I have against the majority of anti-gun laws and bills: illegal weapons are only a problem in concert with other, more serious crimes, hence making guns "more illegal" probably isn't going to have an effect, since the people already breaking existing laws probably aren't going to be too troubled by breaking new ones.

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Exactly. Ask a cop what situation he'd rather respond to, the situation where you know that the person carrying the weapon is the criminal, or a situation where dozens of people are shooting at each other because they heard a shot but didn't see the shooter.


The flip side of that being: cops respond. Calling 911 rarely prevents crime.


Just playing devil's advocate. Really, that's as good an argument against gun possession as "preventing crime" is for it...but there are no easy answers, frankly.

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The flip side of that being: cops respond. Calling 911 rarely prevents crime.


Just playing devil's advocate. Really, that's as good an argument against gun possession as "preventing crime" is for it...but there are no easy answers, frankly.


Yes there are. Drop a sh-- ton of LSD into the water supply around the whole world. Duh.

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Hey..maybe we could make guns MANDATORY on college campuses? Think about it..Everyone on the intramural basketball court packing? Drunken saturday nights in the frat house? cat-fights over boyfriends? I love the sound of gunfire in the morning!!! ^_^


They already have such a place. Head down to coral gables and check out UM.

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Probably not.


Not that I really see how it matters. People who carry concealed weapons legally probably aren't going to break any other laws. People who carry concealed weapons without a permit are probably intending to break other laws anyway. Kind of the same argument I have against the majority of anti-gun laws and bills: illegal weapons are only a problem in concert with other, more serious crimes, hence making guns "more illegal" probably isn't going to have an effect, since the people already breaking existing laws probably aren't going to be too troubled by breaking new ones.

I'll buy that. I doubt the guy who is going to spray rounds around a college campus is going to think, "wait, is my registration all in order?" He's thinking that this is his last hurrah anyway. It's the person who's worried about getting caught that these kinds of things might stop. Then you wonder if you're just making a better criminal -- someone who can fake registrations, etc. Anyway, to the point gun advocates are making, I'd think it would matter -- it's another instance of the problem being someone who breaks the law, not a gun-owner with a conceal-carry permit respecting that law.

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and this would have mattered how?

Because we were talking about the majority of conceal-carry permit holders being law-abiding citizens, and this kid just broke a few laws if I may hazard a guess at how the legal system works. It would distance him from the gun advocate's distinction of a law abiding gun owner, because obviously he was not allowed to carry these legally in public.

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Probably not.


Not that I really see how it matters. People who carry concealed weapons legally probably aren't going to break any other laws. People who carry concealed weapons without a permit are probably intending to break other laws anyway. Kind of the same argument I have against the majority of anti-gun laws and bills: illegal weapons are only a problem in concert with other, more serious crimes, hence making guns "more illegal" probably isn't going to have an effect, since the people already breaking existing laws probably aren't going to be too troubled by breaking new ones.

I would dispute that theory. I think there are limitless punks, thugs and kids that would or do carry concealed weapons without a permit who are not intending to break any laws, they are just punks who think they're cool or don't want people to mess with them. And yet they are the most likely to pull and fire on impulse or rage or because of another such punk.

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I would dispute that theory. I think there are limitless punks, thugs and kids that would or do carry concealed weapons without a permit who are not intending to break any laws, they are just punks who think they're cool or don't want people to mess with them. And yet they are the most likely to pull and fire on impulse or rage or because of another such punk.

But enough about the NBA. Let's get back to the topic at hand. :blink:

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Why don't we make carrying guns mandatory AND forbid concealed guns. Everyone could have a six gun or uzi in a holster? That would eliminate crime altogether because EVERYONE would be armed. Call me a liberal, but I think we might want to make an age limit for this requirement. I think the risk of accident for kids before fourth grade might justify them not being required to carry guns. This may be the key to world peace.

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