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Imus Simulcast dropped by MSNBC


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Not only that, but Keith Olberman (and everyone else) didn't say boo about this for the first three days after Imus made the comment. It wasn't until Sharpton pushed the story onto Page 1 that everyone else suddenly became 'concerned' with the 'unacceptable' comments.

Anyone familiar with Imus knows the mode that he was in when he made the comment. It wasn't intended as a viscous personal attack, rather he and his crew were being silly and rifting off the news like they do everyday. "'ho" is barely an insult anymore given the popular vernacular. The entire episode is a gross overreaction and one our country should be ashamed of.


Actually, I heard that "nappy" is the worse insult (I read somewhere it was "vile" - I kid you not).

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Not only that, but Keith Olberman (and everyone else) didn't say boo about this for the first three days after Imus made the comment. It wasn't until Sharpton pushed the story onto Page 1 that everyone else suddenly became 'concerned' with the 'unacceptable' comments.

Anyone familiar with Imus knows the mode that he was in when he made the comment. It wasn't intended as a viscous personal attack, rather he and his crew were being silly and rifting off the news like they do everyday. "'ho" is barely an insult anymore given the popular vernacular. The entire episode is a gross overreaction and one our country should be ashamed of.



Right. Given the context of the comment it was NOTHING but a MAJOR insult. C'mon. Basically, he said these girls were:






Even by-passing the racial overtones, how is that NOT a vicious personal attack? Play it over and over again and listen. He launched a vicious attack against these girls, plain and simple.

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Even by-passing the racial overtones, how is that NOT a vicious personal attack?


Which is what his network paid him to do and why the sponors paid the network for the priviledge to advertise on his show. He is a shock jock, he gets paid to say shocking things, and I assume he's said more shocking things over the years. It took a nimrod like Sharpton to all of a sudden make it a big deal.

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Which is what his network paid him to do and why the sponors paid the network for the priviledge to advertise on his show. He is a shock jock, he gets paid to say shocking things, and I assume he's said more shocking things over the years. It took a nimrod like Sharpton to all of a sudden make it a big deal.



Actually, Sharpton provided him the platform to apologize (which he screwed up badly). I agree his bosses are as culpable as he and more heads should roll. (I'm waiting for the day the same happens to Stern and his enabler superiors.)


Understand, Imus has been reprimanded in the past and has had to apologize and promise not to repeat these kinds of offenses. Well, once again, he stepped over the line. (This time FAR worse than before, as he didn't attack a weird rock star, a politician, etc. He attacked a group of amateur women athletes). If you can't understand that, I don't know how to continue the discussion. Had he suggested a 12-year old rape victim "asked for it" would that be OK, too? I'm not suggesting these are the same, but I guess, I'm asking, "were do YOU draw the line?" Please define what's OK and what isn't for a "shock jock".


For what it's worth (i don't think much) Imus certainly does not define himself as a shock jock. He take pains to point out the quality of the politicians who appear on his program and the level of discourse HE thinks takes place on the program. He spends a large portion of the program self-promoting his good deeds (ranch and such). SO is he a "shock jock" or is he a broadcaster of serious/important issues? My guess is, he tries to be something in between and wants to get the benefits of BOTH positions.


Sharpton is HARDLY the only one to be offended by this remark, and to say so is being ignorant or disingenuous. Don't agree? Do you think the Rutgers girls laughed this off?


Of course, the bottom line is he is employed by companies who care about their image. Imus has soiled it one too many times, and this time it looks like it might cost them $$$. Was it the result of protests by the likes of Sharpton and Jackson? Possibly, but those bozos complain everyday about something. this one resonated with the public, FOR A REASON, IMO.


I still think this was a somewhat calculated move on Imus's part. I think he succeeded in raising his public profile (when's the last time anyone cared about Don Imus?). Whether he succeeded in making himself more $ remains to be seen.

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Perhaps you weren't watching TV today. I was and there was PLENTY of outrage. I'm guessing the DA's career just began a big downward spiral.


As for comparing Imus to a lying stripper...well, I think that's a good comparison. As far as I know MSNBC isn't giving her a show, either.


I understand those who may think political correctness has gone too far (I'm one of you). To you I say, pick a different case for your outrage. Imus is a multiple-repeat-offender (this is not an isolated case). He shamelessly insulted a group of young women playing for the NCAA National Championship. He has promised to the public and his bosses, to not repeat this behavior. Guess what? He lied. The only real crime, IMO, is that his bosses, who let him continue to air his bile, were not canned as well.


I know some here are programmed to think EVERYTHING Sharpton and Jesse support is wrong and should be mocked. Well, for the most part you are right. Public political types are usually concerned mostly self-serving with their causes (possibly even more so with public pseudo-religious political types). But, even the blind squirrel finds the occasional acorn, and in this case, I think they were right (though, possibly, for the wrong reason). Remember, Sharpton supplied Imus with a public platform for his (really terrible) apology.


If you said something like this at YOUR job...publicly, at a meeting or in front of clients, would you still have a job? What if you continued to do it after you were asked to stop and promised you boss that you would?

How many threads about the the lying B word? How many responses? How many responses to Imus? Lets see- some black B word( I am not trying to make this racial-Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have already, just trying to be consistant) lies about 3 white Duke(fantastic school) lacrosse players raping her. Those 3 players lives were hell the past few months. They were looking at jail time. They were looking at getting expelled. Once accused of rape, alot of damage was already done. Or some girls from Rutgers(did anyone know Rutgers was in the womens NCAA tournament before this?), got their feelings hurt because some shock jock said something not nice about them. Which is worse? It is so !@#$ing obvious to me which is worse! Please stop crucifying Imus(hes an !@#$ but does not deserve this!)! Use your frigging brains people! Dont buy into political correctness- think for yourself! Now go read some Ayn Rand! Forget about the falsely accused Duke players-lets go back to disussing how bad Imus is....


BTW I do talk like this at work! Free speech and freedom of expression are beautiful things!

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The guy raised more money for charities than anyone other than Jerry Lewis.

The Tomorrow's Children Fund, CJ Foundation for SIDS, Imus Rach for Kids with Cancer, The Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund. His radio-thon yesterday raised $1million.


Glad he won't be doing any of THAT anymore. Maybe Stern, Limbaugh and Hannity can now show their true colors and pick up the slack regarding this type of work. I'm sure their listener bases are as well-heeled as Imus's.

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Score a big 1 for censorship in America.


Or a big 0 for censorship and a big 1 for capitalism.


CBS fired Imus because the sponsors were bailing and because of pressure from the consumer. Simple as that. IF you don't like the outcome, blame the public pressure.

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Right. Given the context of the comment it was NOTHING but a MAJOR insult. C'mon. Basically, he said these girls were:




A bit



Only the hornet knows


Even by-passing the racial overtones, how is that NOT a vicious personal attack? Play it over and over again and listen. He launched a vicious attack against these girls, plain and simple.


But context is everything, especially when you put it within the entire show and that they were specifically talking about the team being very rough and mean looking on the court. Of course, Imus used a very poor descriptor of the team, but let's not get into a debate whether the team members will be lining up for Miss America next week.

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You know, in times like these, you have to find the good. You can't heal if you don't find the good. So let's take a moment and talk about how great it is that nappy-headed hos are finally getting their due.




Who here has not, in the last week, jokingly referred to someone as a nappy-headed ho? Everyone is doing it! This is a GREAT time to be a nappy-headed ho!!!


Sure, it's easy for the Sharptons of the world to get mad about this and get their names in the headlines and use it as an excuse to stand up and say "See, I am mad at Imus and racism." But they also need to look at the big picture and realize that nappy-headed hos are finally getting the respect they deserve.


So today, when people are expressing their outrage about Imus, do something positive and call them a nappy-headed ho. It'll be perfectly in context, and you'll be doing some good, and then you, too, can say 'I wasn't on Oprah and I'm not Rosie O'Donell, but I made a difference today."

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Right. Given the context of the comment it was NOTHING but a MAJOR insult. C'mon. Basically, he said these girls were:






Even by-passing the racial overtones, how is that NOT a vicious personal attack? Play it over and over again and listen. He launched a vicious attack against these girls, plain and simple.


Hmmm. Seems like cheap shot boy speaks with forked tongue. :nana:


eg1 : http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?act=f...&pid=969155 [Original Take]

eg2: http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?act=f...&pid=968587


Right. Given the context of the comment it was NOTHING but a MAJOR insult. C'mon. Basically, he said Paul Williams is:





Even by-passing the homophobic overtones, how is that NOT a vicious personal attack? Play it over and over again and listen. He launched a vicious attack against poor Paul, plain and simple.



[An apology is not enough; Alert Rosie O'Donnell and fire him! ]


Free speech is undervalued until it's you.

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Sure, it's easy for the Sharptons of the world to get mad about this and get their names in the headlines and use it as an excuse to stand up and say "See, I am mad at Imus and racism." But they also need to look at the big picture and realize that nappy-headed hos are finally getting the respect they deserve.


Sharpton should be ecstatic, nappy-headed ho that he is.

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Hmmm. Seems like cheap shot boy speaks with forked tongue. :nana:


eg1 : http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?act=f...&pid=969155 [Original Take]

eg2: http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?act=f...&pid=968587


Right. Given the context of the comment it was NOTHING but a MAJOR insult. C'mon. Basically, he said Paul Williams is:





Even by-passing the homophobic overtones, how is that NOT a vicious personal attack? Play it over and over again and listen. He launched a vicious attack against poor Paul, plain and simple.

[An apology is not enough; Alert Rosie O'Donnell and fire him! ]


Free speech is undervalued until it's you.



Clearly you missed the sarcasm of my original post. The "puhleeze" was in response to the "victim of PC" statement. If that wasn't clear, I did a crappy job with white-space and/or the setup. My bad


I did NOT infer Paul Williams is gay and not sure where you got that. I did state he was short and the composer of "The Rainbow Connection". Besides, even it I decided to say, William is gay (which I don't think he is), weird looking and dorky, how is this related, in any way, to the Imus situation? If I had a program and was being paid by a company to write about the Sabres and made that remark in the context of my duties, the analogy would be closer. If my bosses wanted to fire me for that remark, they would have that right. If I sold ads to my posts (THERE'S an idea whose time has come) and the sponsors wanted to discontinue based on these comments, they would have that right.


I am NOT, by any means, saying Imus doesn't have the right to voice his stupid, unfunny and hate-filled remarks. Of course, he does, I'd fight to the finish (I'm suddenly Popeye?) for that. But, others have the same right to voice their displeasure with his statements. Ultimately, his bosses have the right to fire his ass, if they want. The system is working perfectly here.


As a result, Imus will get another sandbox to play in (if he wants to keep playing) and it will be a BIG story. Don't cry for Imus. He played with fire and got burned. He's lucky, he'll survive to play with fire again.

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Rutgers Coach , Imus Apology Accepted



The Rutgers University women's basketball coach said Friday her players have accepted radio host Don Imus' apology for racist and sexist comments toward the team and they are "in the process of forgiving."


"We still find his statements to be unacceptable, and this is an experience that we will never forget," said coach C. Vivian Stringer. "These comments are indicative of greater ills in our culture."


Imus met with the Rutgers athletes Thursday night hours after CBS fired him for calling the players "nappy-headed hos" in a broadcast last week.


Stringer emphasized Friday that the basketball team had never called for Imus to be fired.


"It would sadden me for anyone to lose their job," she said. "And he came [to the meeting] in spite of the fact that he lost his job. So let's give him credit for that."

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"We still find his statements to be unacceptable, and this is an experience that we will never forget," said coach C. Vivian Stringer. "These comments are indicative of greater ills in our culture."


Yeah...like the fact that the very legitimate accomplishments of minorities can be completely ruined in their own eyes by something said by someone who is so completely irrelevent and ignored that what he says isn't even noticed for THREE DAYS. :nana:

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