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People who actually do annoy you

The Big Cat

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Agree on Madonna - what's with the fake accent already, you're from freakin Michigan you has-been! Nancy Grace - that voice of hers and he whole schtick is the worst.


My personal list:

David Schwimmer - he looks like a human with Turtle-like features (turtle-ish or turtle-esque?) and he's a no-talent hack.


Al Sharpton - always shows up if there's a chance he can push his own personal agenda and mug for an additonal 15 minutes of fame


David Caruso - this pastey white fool with his..... overly dramatic........ pauses...... and I'm so much........... cooler than you...... attitude


Michael Irvin - I would love to see the contract HE signed with the devil to get the breaks he's gotten in life.


Jeff Goldblum - (see david schwimmer)


Ben Stiller - it's an intangible with this guy, but I just can't stand him or the characters he plays his dad is funnier than he'll ever be


Bjork - mousy looking little freak... get away from me, you creep me out!!!


Andrew Lesko (the guy who wears the riddler suit and tells me how much money I can make by opening a coffee shop) - this guy is just WIERD.


Ted (isn't he a little old to go by Tedy?) Bruschi - the night he came back for his first game after his "stroke" and they made it into the second coming of the mesiah, I had just had enough.


Boston Fans - freakin front-runners... you can't swing a dead cat and hit a Bruins fan can you, but now they think a Super Bowl and World Series win is a birth-right.


Bruce Willis - that stupid "how-cool-am-I" smirk got old exactly 10 minutes after moonlighting went off the air



That's a BEAUTIFUL post. I freakin' LOVE THIS THREAD!


I don't agree with all of your picks, but I see your points and like the way you articulate them. ;)


It's funny, I always found the hypocritical Rev Sharpton annoying. But, for some reason, once he became a "Candidate for President" (yeah, right) he now really amuses me for some reason. I kinda like Al Sharpton and I don't know why,


OTOH, I really liked the inspirational Rev Jesse Jackson when he was a dynamic preacher with Operation Breadbasket. Check out his participation on the album, Country Preacher by the great Cannonball Adderley:




(Hope that link works) But, once he became a politician, he started annoying the hell out of me. Outside of his brilliant reading of Green Eggs and Ham on SNL, he has done nothing to impress me in years.


Notice the mini-hijack attempt within the on-topic ramble? :lol:

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Don't forget Pauly Shore



Why? Why can't we just forget Pauly Shore. I would love nothing more and had actually done so until you brought him up.


Bastard! :lol:


BTW, Giada's looking GREAT today! And she has a buxom friend helping her in the kitchen.

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No, no, you can't throw jack black in there. don't go overboard.


Okay, maybe it's the morning caffeine kicking in and got me a little overzealous. I'll take Jack Black back (wow that's wierd to type) if you let me throw Jim "the gravy train" Belushi. The guy claims to be a huge Cubs fan or whatever and couldn't even prounounce Alex Karros correctly. Fuggin poser.


Dean, if you don't agree with my post completely, take solace that I won't call you a nasty name. :lol:

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The asshat in front of me in the left hand turn lane that doesn't go through the red light that I was surely going through. I'm a laid back kinda fella but that drives me nuts.


On the topic of pissing off other posters for no real reason:


That asshat behind me that gets right up on my bumper and expects me to run a red light so he can be sitting right next to me at the next red light, still late for his precious meeting. :lol:;)


On the topic of cars:


Freaking teenage douche bags that super-glue after market spoilers to the back of Honda Civics and slap V-Tech stickers on the doors. It's a Honda. H. O. N. D. A. I swear those gauges on the dash? Compasses. Every last one of them. For looks.


Freaking teenagers and loud bass @ 7:30 AM. You're in a neighborhood.


People who plaster their cars in "Cowboy (girl) up" stickers. Nine times out of ten, I swear it's an accountant or a middle-manager in technology driving it


On the topic of food:


People who think Papa John's is good pizza. Or for that matter, people that think Papa John's is pizza.


On the topic of the South:


People that fly the confederate flag with pride and don't make an effort to even understand why it's considered offensive to some. The flag itself? I could care less. The self-rightous moron flying it? At least learn the history. It's not all about your love for NASCAR.


On the topic of Sports:


Brett Hull... 'nuff said. That's my trophy, biotch.


On the topic of Work:


Technical bloggers and people who get too philosophical about technology in general.

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Okay, maybe it's the morning caffeine kicking in and got me a little overzealous. I'll take Jack Black back (wow that's wierd to type) if you let me throw Jim "the gravy train" Belushi. The guy claims to be a huge Cubs fan or whatever and couldn't even prounounce Alex Karros correctly. Fuggin poser.


Dean, if you don't agree with my post completely, take solace that I won't call you a nasty name. :lol:



It's OK if you do Pirate-dude. All I ask is that you make it humorous, or at least SOMEWHAT witty.

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On the topic of pissing off other posters for no real reason:


That asshat behind me that gets right up on my bumper and expects me to run a red light so he can be sitting right next to me at the next red light, still late for his precious meeting. :lol:;)


On the topic of cars:


Freaking teenage douche bags that super-glue after market spoilers to the back of Honda Civics and slap V-Tech stickers on the doors. It's a Honda. H. O. N. D. A. I swear those gauges on the dash? Compasses. Every last one of them. For looks.


Freaking teenagers and loud bass @ 7:30 AM. You're in a neighborhood.


People who plaster their cars in "Cowboy (girl) up" stickers. Nine times out of ten, I swear it's an accountant or a middle-manager in technology driving it


On the topic of food:


People who think Papa John's is good pizza. Or for that matter, people that think Papa John's is pizza.


On the topic of the South:


People that fly the confederate flag with pride and don't make an effort to even understand why it's considered offensive to some. The flag itself? I could care less. The self-rightous moron flying it? At least learn the history. It's not all about your love for NASCAR.


On the topic of Sports:


Brett Hull... 'nuff said. That's my trophy, biotch.


On the topic of Work:


Technical bloggers and people who get too philosophical about technology in general.


I freaking love it... great post. Spot on every one of those Brett Hull, confederate flag flyers, spoiler super-gluers, perfectly said.


Can I add one more to the list? Raiders fans... no wait hear me out. Not the fans who actually KNOW football or know something about the team. I mean the guys or slap a Raiders sticker (right above their Nike Swoosh sticker) on the back window of their ridiculously low riding trucks to get "street-cred," the ones who wear all the gear to the mall, but couldn't tell Ken Stabler from Ken Venturi, the ones who have their gangsta biotches wearing raiders gear because it identifies them as thier "property" and lastly the one's who DO know football and know about the team, but feel compelled to dress like their going to a Sci-fi convention. Sorry guys the "black hole" doesn't impose much fear when your team couldn't beat UB, Buff State or the Orchard Park Pilgrims.

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I forgot to add to the list:


My Mother.


My, 77 year old, 4'11", 90lb, mean-spirited, going senile Sicilian Mother.


I know I'm lucky to still have her around and I love her very much. BUT, she annoys the hell out of me.

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I have three. Well, sort of two. Mine are all from personal experience unlike you star gazers in this thread.


First is Cato Kaelin. When will his 15 minutes be up? Everywhere I turn, there he is.


Next two, which count for one, Sandra Bullock and Cameron Diaz. They are both talk, talk, talk, sex, sex, sex. If they didn't help pay the bills and refer new clients, I'd have booted them long ago. :lol:;):oops: Just shut up already will you?

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On the topic of cars:

People who don't know how to make a left hand turn. Get to the middle of the intersection you moron and turn when there is an opening or the light is changing - don't sit back in the lane like an idiot and make me have to wait for another light because you don't know how to drive!!!!! ;):lol:




The idiots who make those Hardee adds where guys are all stupid, slovenly neanderthals who loudly masticate like a bunch of dumb farm animals - wow - you really nailed that one - all guys are dumb slobs!! I literally have to turn the channel when they come on.


People who constantly mis-use the term 'literally' when they mean 'figuratively' - especially paid professional announcers. If he 'literally' got 'blown up' on that play it probably was a result of terrorist action - not a good defensive play.


People ahead of me in line at the grocery store etc. who wrtite checks. I HATE that!

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