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Are Illegal Immigrants Good Or Bad For Economy?

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I'm not saying that would not suck, but that's how it goes. I lived in a neighborhood that went to hell before and it had nothing to do with immigrants. I moved!


It went to hell because you lived there! <_<

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I don't think that children should be rewarded with American Citizenship simply because their parents are criminals. Do you?

I don't. It seems to me like this is the third rail of American Politics. Nobody really wants to touch it.

But until then, they are legally Americans.

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For now. Who is to say that will not be changed. How do you and to what? I don't know but because they are born citizens is such a huge draw for the illegals.


So we continue to dangle that candy, and are surprised when it lures people here.

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The last thing I propose is that you think about it, and let us know what happened to a hard core patriot named Joe Six Pack. He was a tough guy, and WILL ALWAYS BE a hero who defended our country. When did he become a hypocrite?


I AM a patriot. I'm just not a bigot.


I'm the grandson of an immigrant who no doubt had to endure a whole lot of bigotry.


I love my country. Immigration's what made it great.

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Free markets and open borders are the key to economic prosperity.

The above statement is simply untrue. The Japanese have experienced their share of economic success without anything even remotely resembling an open border. Instead of importing a flood of low wage labor to Japan (with the host of associated problems), the lowest skill jobs are exported to neighboring countries. The profits associated with those jobs flow back to Japan.


The consequences of American immigration policy are these:

  • It is no longer possible for an unskilled American worker to make a decent living.
  • Governments are allowed to put off solving the Third World hyper-fertility problem until another day.
  • The shared American cultural unity that once existed is being permanently destroyed.
  • The distinction between America and the Third World will become increasingly blurred.
  • The environment is being adversely affected.
  • The most ambitious and adventuresome Mexicans etc. are unavailable to help dig their own countries out of poverty.

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I don't think you have to be racist to oppose immigration, but there are those who are racists. Still, you make an argument that it hurts American workers. I'm not convinced. What if all the illegals left and McDonald's, farmers, meat packers, poultry companies, cleaning companies and all the rest of people that rely on cheap labor had to suddenly compete for the work force that was left. Wages would no doubt go up, but so would prices. The same worker making more money would have to pay more for a double order of chicken wings because the poultry plant had to pay more to find someone to strip and cut the chicken. Someone has suggested that we might automate more businesses. Ok, but that would take a lot of time and in the meantime there would be problems I'm sure.


Taking a longer view, I think having the immigrants here, working, having kids--and most of them are good kids, like my father who was the son of an immigrant--adding to the population is a good thing. We need a younger population to help get us over the baby boom hump. THese kids will grow up to be productive workers who pay taxes and contribute their talents to the economy.


That's just it. This sentence is why things are so screwed up.


"What if all the companies that rely on cheap labor had to suddenly compete for the work force that was left. Wages would no doubt go up, but so would prices."




Prices would not go up because companies have already screwed the American workforce. To keep prices down companies outsourced labor and have imported cheap goods from China (Walmart).


What are we going to do with all the Mexicans who are unemployed when more jobs get moved out. Get ready to build more prisons and pay for them.


Plus, why can't White people have more kids. Why does it have to be Mexicans working for nothing. If that's not "dumbing down the population" I don't know what is.

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Come to California, to see the problem first hand.

One third of the prison inmates are illegals.

They put a massive drain on our health care system.

Most uninsured drivers are illegals.

Everything with government documents is also printed iin Spanish-doubles the cost.

Go into any fast food place-everyone speaks spanish and there is a real good chance they are illegal.

I've had to repeat my order because they couldn't understand me.

Bus ads totally in Spanish- there is a radio station that calls itself La Raza which translates to "The Race"

If we could deport all these illegals, the economy of California would instantly get better.



And what you write about here is the reason there is so much "white flight" out of California. Most people from the golden state have fled to Arizona, Neveda, New Mexico, Texas, Oregon, Washington.

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It is the contractors AND the government for turning a blind eye to the invasion. People like Calderon and Vincente Fox seem to be dictating American policy, and this alone is pretty sick.

Many of the illegals are not literate in any language. Who is paying for their education, middle class people, or those who have real money? The rich are insulated from living near illegals. It was easy to do, because they had much practice after removing themselves from (perish the thought) living near African-Americans. Mexican leaders are shipping their poor and sick right into our neighborhoods. They work here and send many of their American dollars back to Mexico where it goes to support Mexican billionaires.


Construction used to be a high paying field. It was dangerous, but workers knew the risk. My deceased father was a union boilermaker. They built power plants, and he walked I-Beams 20 or so floors up, in the elements. He welded off of scaffolds.

People who are brave and skilled enough to do this deserve a lot of money. Today, illegals are working on jobs for pennies, and they are getting killed. Safety is a non-issue quite often.


Not every American kid is going to be as educated as you. American kids need jobs. They need to work, support families and contribute to society. Jobs are being swept away while our government winks. It is disgusting.


The cries of hypocrites asking "who will do these jobs" reminds me WAY to much of slave owners asking "who will pick this cotton?"



Another great post. Well done. My grandfather and brothers and cousins are electricians and I'm sure their job will be in danger some day also . . . like a poster has already pointed out.


It's a proud occupation and it's nothing to be ashamed of, yet the rich, over-educated elite think if you get your hands dirty, you are scum.

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I AM a patriot. I'm just not a bigot.


I'm the grandson of an immigrant who no doubt had to endure a whole lot of bigotry.


I love my country. Immigration's what made it great.



The truth is you hate this country and love an economy.


Watch Lou Dobbs on CNN.




People from other countries do not love this country. They love the economy and hate the culture.




A multicultural society does not work (See France). It's that simple. It creates too many problems (crime).

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The truth is you hate this country and love an economy.


Watch Lou Dobbs on CNN.




People from other countries do not love this country. They love the economy and hate the culture.

A multicultural society does not work (See France). It's that simple. It creates too many problems (crime).


Personally I just think it creates crappy burritos.

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Like the Republican Country, The Democratic Country, The Country of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.


Ironically, enough, by this definition the Russian Orthodox Church is a country...but the state it existed in - the Soviet Union - is not.



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Like the Republican Country, The Democratic Country, The Country of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.


Ironically, enough, by this definition the Russian Orthodox Church is a country...but the state it existed in - the Soviet Union - is not.


I see his point somewhat. Our beliefs, while varied, are a relatively small subset of overall politics if you look at it comparatively.


If you look at it in an internal sense, you are correct.

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I AM a patriot. I'm just not a bigot.


Joe, please don't imply that I am a bigot because of my view on this topic. I actually wanted someone else to go there, but not you. :thumbsup:


You know damn well that neither of us wants a safe house with 50 illegals next door to us. This is a big reason that I can't take a stance that the invasion is OK. I don't wish this on any home owner, and it IS happening, and not far from my house. I can prove it Joe.

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What happened to your neighborhood? Why did you move?

The home owners sold and renters moved in--welfare people. The street was covered by swarms of screaming kids. I had to go. No houses were selling anymore in the neighborhood and we got lucky. They were building an old folks behind our house and wanted to build a driveway where our house was, so they bought it and tore it down. What luck!

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The home owners sold and renters moved in--welfare people. The street was covered by swarms of screaming kids. I had to go.


I just want to make sure that I understand. Government programs are good... unless they move into your neighborhood.

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