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Homework is too stressful


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right, whats your point? mine was that the kids are already putting in the time of a fulltime job, some overtime is ok. but kids need more activities than just "school". especially with the typical education they are getting nowadays.


im not agreeing that homework should be banned altogether. this school is obviously overreacting. but there should be a limit to how much homework children under 12 are required to do. i also think that there should be some required time dedicated to other activities. shoot, even sports teach good lessons at that age. let alone playing an instrument, or getting into computers, or karate, or whatever else you guys make your kids do to tire them out so they go to sleep and give you a moments rest at the end of the night...


My kid is 8... He usually gets homework if he can't finish up in school during those hours... Amazing because he never seems to have any... Yet, parents in his class are always pissing and moaning about how much their get gets... Don't they get it, or just look to blame the teacher... He goes to a Catholic school.


And no... My kid's number one job is school... Comes before everything... That is his job... And if he can't manage (along with my help) it properly... I guess it takes him longer...


And analogy... Remember all the talk about how much time NFL coaches put in? Sleep at the office, what not? Remember Shula's and Noll's take... Shula would have his wife drop him off in the morning and pick him up promptly at 5:00... He would say, if you can't get it done in that time, you are disorganized... I take the same stance...


Its the parents... Spin it any way you want... My kid knows what his numero uno job is and makes "hay when the sun shines" (at school that is)... Why blow it off in school only to get home and miss something because he wasn't keeping up...


Organization my friend starts at an early age...

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interesting...when I was a kid, my mom thought we didn't get enough homework

so in addition to school work, swim team and violin lessons, she went to Paul's Teacher's Pet and bought more math problems for me to do


personally, I don't think kids need to bust their asses until they get into college. They will however have to learn good study habits or else they're screwed in a high pressure engineering curriculum.

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The problem isn't too much homework. The problem twofold: 1) watered down education for the kids (thanks to the 'self esteem' movement) and 2) not enough parental involvement to help supplement what is taught in the classroom.


I pay to have my kids taught to read and math etc. at school. Why in God's freakin name do I have to do the job the teachers supposed to do at night ? I'l help with homework, but I'm not going to do the teachers job. Otherwise why send them to school to begin with ?

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I pay to have my kids taught to read and math etc. at school. Why in God's freakin name do I have to do the job the teachers supposed to do at night ? I'l help with homework, but I'm not going to do the teachers job. Otherwise why send them to school to begin with ?




No wonder you drive an H3...



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Sorry... FSD... Just read your other post... But, it does fit your mentality... :rolleyes:


You may call my comments unhealthy... But, at least I will be raising an academically strong kid that knows how to manage his time... :rolleyes::rolleyes:


For the record. My daughter is a straight 4.0 student since kindergarten. So what was your point ? I can't be too far off, now can I ?

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Sorry... FSD... Just read your other post... But, it does fit your mentality... :rolleyes:


You may call my comments unhealthy... But, at least I will be raising an academically strong kid that knows how to manage his time... :rolleyes::rolleyes:


Another point, I am wrong for demanding that a teacher do their job effectively and efficiently during the day so that I don't have to do their job at night. Your a teachers wet dream if you dont take that stance with them.

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The problem is, some teachers are giving more homework when they shouldn't be, usually with the excuse of not having enough class time to teach it all. But parents these days are also complaining because they're poor children should not have to do school work at home because they have soccer practice along with Dance, and music lessons, and therapy to go to after school.


This is pretty similar to the recent post about students having too high self esteems because they are taught all along that they are "special" and given everything from a young age, and told they can do whatever they want. Today kids are given awards and praise just for doing something, instead of actually earning it. When they cry that something is hard, the parents all come out at full force saying that it needs to go because it will hurt their childs fragile self esteem. No wonder so many kids are mal adjusted and go nuts, when they finally have to face a real world situation, they don't know how to handle it. Kids come out of school these days expecting a 6 figure salary and to be in charge because they are special. They don't believe they have to work for anything.


Growing up I remember getting hours of homework some days, and it was mostly because It was not completed in class. What are these kids going to do when they get to a post secondary institution where they are given a report or an essay to write for their next class while they are walking out the door?

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For the record. My daughter is a straight 4.0 student since kindergarten. So what was your point ? I can't be too far off, now can I ?


dude, for the record, a student typically looks at school work how the parent does. And if you think that the kid having a need for help with homework is not your problem, your kid suffers. Reality is that a lot of kids need more help than a teacher can provide. You also live in Cali, where the teachers have the stiffest requirements to become a teacher, thus there are fewer of them and they get overworked and have less time for preparation and time to help the kids, not too mention overcrowding of schools. What you are expecting out of teachers is for them to wear an S on their chests.

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Another point, I am wrong for demanding that a teacher do their job effectively and efficiently during the day so that I don't have to do their job at night. Your a teachers wet dream if you dont take that stance with them.

You do make a good point. I should be there to help my child with homework after school if they don't understand something, not because the teacher did not teach it to them. The student is in class to learn from the teacher, and if the teacher does not have time to teach it to them, they should not then just tell the parents its your job to teach it to them.

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dude, for the record, a student typically looks at school work how the parent does. And if you think that the kid having a need for help with homework is not your problem, your kid suffers. Reality is that a lot of kids need more help than a teacher can provide. You also live in Cali, where the teachers have the stiffest requirements to become a teacher, thus there are fewer of them and they get overworked and have less time for preparation and time to help the kids, not too mention overcrowding of schools. What you are expecting out of teachers is for them to wear an S on their chests.

The teachers have it lucky these days, they consider 20+ overcrowding, when I was in elementary school (over 10 years ago, 30 kids was average)

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You do make a good point. I should be there to help my child with homework after school if they don't understand something, not because the teacher did not teach it to them. The student is in class to learn from the teacher, and if the teacher does not have time to teach it to them, they should not then just tell the parents its your job to teach it to them.

it is the parents job to make sure that their kid is succeeding in school. Sure, they are some crappy teachers out there, but reality is that 40 minutes a day by 180 days/ year (for each subject) is probably not enough time spent refining skills and adding new ones to the child's reptoire. You can whine all you want about the teacher assigning your kid some work to do at home, but it comes down how much do you want your child to succeed. Parental involvement is integral for the success of the child.

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The teachers have it lucky these days, they consider 20+ overcrowding, when I was in elementary school (over 10 years ago, 30 kids was average)

some of the schools i was mentioning in cali, there are 40 + kids in a classroom. Some spots, it is so bad that you have to arrive early to school to ensure that you have a desk to sit at, thus driving up the dropout rate.

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Another point, I am wrong for demanding that a teacher do their job effectively and efficiently during the day so that I don't have to do their job at night. Your a teachers wet dream if you dont take that stance with them.

make sure those teachers are teaching the difference between "your" and "you're" so you don't have to.

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Another point, I am wrong for demanding that a teacher do their job effectively and efficiently during the day so that I don't have to do their job at night. Your a teachers wet dream if you dont take that stance with them.

Homework is practice, or at least should be. A child learns a concept in class, and then they go home and prove that they understand.


Homework should not be overblown projects that prove nothing other than Jimmy's mom spent more $$$ and time finishing his project than Jenny's mom did.

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