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Brady runs off the field question

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Being the loser did he even shake hands with the winners? I thought I saw him just run off the field as soon as the game ended. If I am wrong please correct me. If so Brady is not only classless but spineless as well.


Brady called Manning after the Baltimore win. They golf together. On the field before the game, they chatted for 5 minutes. I'm glad to see Brady lose, but he's not a total jack-@ss. He knows they will both be Hall of Fame inductees.

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Being the loser did he even shake hands with the winners? I thought I saw him just run off the field as soon as the game ended. If I am wrong please correct me. If so Brady is not only classless but spineless as well.


I didn't see if Brady shook anyones hand, I couldn't dislike him anymore to begin with but what really blew my mind was how Peyton Manning was running all over the field after the game obviously looking for and when he finally got to him Belichick just looked angry and shrugged him off.


Belichick is an !@#$.

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I didn't see if Brady shook anyones hand, I couldn't dislike him anymore to begin with but what really blew my mind was how Peyton Manning was running all over the field after the game obviously looking for and when he finally got to him Belichick just looked angry and shrugged him off.


Belichick is an !@#$.


Thats what I thought too. What an Ass for not at least congratulating the other team QB and Coach. It will be a pleasure next year to beat them twice !

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I didn't see if Brady shook anyones hand, I couldn't dislike him anymore to begin with but what really blew my mind was how Peyton Manning was running all over the field after the game obviously looking for and when he finally got to him Belichick just looked angry and shrugged him off.


Belichick is an !@#$.


It amazes me how grouchy, hostile and downright miserable he is, even when he wins and with all his success. (See what I mean?)


Honestly, the more I watch him the more I think that Belichick is afflicted with some kind of mental disorder, like an idiot-savant thing wherein he is a football genius but a social retard. Just watch him whenever he's giving a press conference or interview: monotone and no affect whatsoever. Bill Belichick is the Rain Man of NFL coaching.

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Brady called Manning after the Baltimore win. They golf together. On the field before the game, they chatted for 5 minutes. I'm glad to see Brady lose, but he's not a total jack-@ss. He knows they will both be Hall of Fame inductees.

It is interesting that we annoit Brady as a HOF QB...not that I would disagree, but here was a question I heard debated after the 3rd Pats SB. "If Brady was to retire today (day after he won the 3rd SB) would he be a first ballot HOF? The one guy who said it would be hard to vote him said that being a SB MVP (albeit a two-time winner) is not enough to get you into the HOF. That the HOF is for a body of work that at this time Brady has not accomplished. So I ask, 2 yrs later, does Brady have the numbers for Canton?

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The colts should have been grabbing Dillon and Brady to have a 20 minute conversation on the field after the game. The Pats were so interested in chatting with LT after their win last week I wonder why they didn't feel the same way yesterday?

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BB, went over and shook hands and talked with Dungy after the game, but when peyton went over to shake his hand, BB just ran right by him and din't look at him.

Peyton tried to shake hands with Belichick, but it clearly looked to me like BB brushed him off. Nobody will make anything of this (since there's probably not much to make of it, anyway), but Belichick could at least appear to show some congrats to Peyton.

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Brady called Manning after the Baltimore win. They golf together. On the field before the game, they chatted for 5 minutes. I'm glad to see Brady lose, but he's not a total jack-@ss. He knows they will both be Hall of Fame inductees.


Agreed...Tom Brady is no Belichek....The guy does have class....Though one thing bothered me....in his press conference, he said "It was frustrating that we had a lead with 3 minutes to go and we lost the game"....Is he referring to his defense giving up a TD here ? Is he trying to blame his defense for the failure....I doubt it..The guy is pretty good.

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That the HOF is for a body of work that at this time Brady has not accomplished. So I ask, 2 yrs later, does Brady have the numbers for Canton?


Yes...The way he has run this team the last 2 years (the years when they have not made the super bowl) with no one to call a WR and to throw for 4K and 3K+ yards in those seasons he has definitely deserved a bust in Canton.


To go into the HoF you have to mean something to the game. You have to innovate and do something different that brings the greatness of the game....


Brady has just done that...His claim to fame is to throw for 4000+ yards without a single valid #1 or #2 WR on his team.

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