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Whatever Paula Abdul is on...


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I will take some of whatever she's doin, and I would also like to take her. :devil:


Me too....I've always found her pretty sexy :thumbsup:

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That is why we give way too much attention to these people. Drunk on the job (and she's promoting her show so she's on the job) for most of us equal out on our asses.

The question is, is she as replaceable as we are at our own jobs? My ego tells me I'm important, but I don't have a job that has tens of millions of dollars riding on it.

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The question is, is she as replaceable as we are at our own jobs? My ego tells me I'm important, but I don't have a job that has tens of millions of dollars riding on it.


Is she replaceable? Did you really ask that? The true question is, what does she do to deserve the money she makes?

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Most shows on TV require chemistry. What you may think is a replaceable part can kill your show immediately. You don't mess with what's been working unless you absolutely HAVE to do it.


So what's the line? I assume promoting your show while abviously hammered is ok in your book? And I don't have chemistry within my job? The imates are running the asylum.

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Most shows on TV require chemistry. What you may think is a replaceable part can kill your show immediately. You don't mess with what's been working unless you absolutely HAVE to do it.


I think it's clear that simon is very comfortable with Paula, and it allows him to take greater license with some of the ways he hacks on her...that can be a pretty enjoyable part of the show, IMO :thumbsup:

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Hollywood has different rules. They'll pass this off like her last episode, and say it's a bad reaction from pain meds for her chronic bad back.


And that my friend is the problem and reason number one I don't watch too much television or go to the movies. Different rules indeed.

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