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Red Pinto Experience

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good stuff ... what does it take to get Kenny/Ron into the Hall of Fame anyway? and has the bowling ball been at every game during the streak? it will need its own bust then as well ...


There is no official NFL Hall of Fame for fans, however Visa has a 'Hall of Fans' room in Canton. I contacted Visa and found it is no longer sponsored and they are no longer accepting nominations for 'new inductees', although as far as I can tell the room still exists and can be visited.

I don't necessarily expect them to mount any bowling balls or Red Pinto hoods, but some acknowledgement for a man who has the current longest streak of consecutive games attended for one NFL team both home and away would be more than appropriate.


>I always wondered- what does Kenny do for work?


Ken is a software engineer.

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I'd love to know how many people have taken a shot out of that ball...I have, back in Cincy '04


Me, my son, and two daughters (legal age). Mrs. Rock said "no thanks!"


The shots are best when the bar opens - gets kinda skanky after a couple hundred people... :rolleyes:

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my new step daughter thinks pinto kenny is the coolest goddam thing she ever saw in her whole 7 years on this earth...so much so that we had a ceremonial happy new years ketchup/mustard hosing-down on the back porch at midnight. what a blast. the pictures are priceless. if i ever get us to western new york she'll be begging to go to the tailgates to drink juicey juice out of that damn bowling ball.


my plan is working perfectly....BUFALO FAN FOR LIFE....mwu hu hu ha ha ha HAH AHAHA :rolleyes::lol::w00t::lol:

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