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Vick not given the same shot as Manning


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Downside to Athleticism


just a tease:

"In particular, Gandy has a pretty interesting take on why black quarterbacks such as current teammate Michael Vick undergo so much public scrutiny. Gandy has watched teammates – Vick, Aaron Brooks in New Orleans, Kordell Stewart in Pittsburgh, Tony Banks in St. Louis and Dameyune Craig at Auburn – operate under a different set of standards"

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Downside to Athleticism


just a tease:

"In particular, Gandy has a pretty interesting take on why black quarterbacks such as current teammate Michael Vick undergo so much public scrutiny. Gandy has watched teammates – Vick, Aaron Brooks in New Orleans, Kordell Stewart in Pittsburgh, Tony Banks in St. Louis and Dameyune Craig at Auburn – operate under a different set of standards"



I didn't read the article because I already hit my quota of getting extremely angry today.


Now this would actually be an APPROPRIATE time for Rush Limbaugh to open his big, bulbous and stupid mouth.

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Downside to Athleticism


just a tease:

"In particular, Gandy has a pretty interesting take on why black quarterbacks such as current teammate Michael Vick undergo so much public scrutiny. Gandy has watched teammates – Vick, Aaron Brooks in New Orleans, Kordell Stewart in Pittsburgh, Tony Banks in St. Louis and Dameyune Craig at Auburn – operate under a different set of standards"



In reading the whole article, I think Vick is under heavy scrutiny more because:


A. He is physically gifted and he can flat-out make plays most QBs can't.

B. The expectations for him coming into the NFL were huge.

C. Some of his off the field behavior has raised eyebrows.

D. He is paid a ton of money.


This year he has met those expectations running the ball and has better passing numbers than in past years. Just maybe the rest of the Falcons team isn't that good.

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And the WCO is "not" the offense for Vick.


In reading the whole article, I think Vick is under heavy scrutiny more because:


A.  He is physically gifted and he can flat-out make plays most QBs can't.

B.  The expectations for him coming into the NFL were huge.

C.  Some of his off the field behavior has raised eyebrows.

D.  He is paid a ton of money.


This year he has met those expectations running the ball and has better passing numbers than in past years.  Just maybe the rest of the Falcons team isn't that good.


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Last I checked Jake Dehlomme in Carolina was white and he's really on the hot seat down here.


Leave the Race Card at home please.




Dude, has he sucked this year or what?

I can have been able to get Panthers tickets for over 50% off the past couple of weeks, even club level.


Do you think the Panthers should bail out on Jake and try drafting, say, Troy Smith?


Wow, at the start of the season if you told me the Bills would end up being more solid and happy in their QB play than the Panthers/Giants/Seahawks I would have thought you to be crazy!

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Are you guys insane?


Did you actually read the article? It didn't say that Vick wasn't getting a fair shake because he's black... it didn't even suggest that!


Here is what the article says:

"...When fans and coaches see a black quarterback, it's automatic that they expect to see a guy who is more athletic," Gandy said. "So what happens when you get around the goal line or you get in those situations where most quarterbacks are taught to throw it away or get rid of the ball for a short gain if the play breaks down? The black quarterback is told, 'Do something, make a big play.'


He goes on to say:

"It's all about the tutelage they get from the time they're in college on. I saw that with Dameyune Craig. He was told, 'If your first read isn't there, take off and run.' Do you think that anyone ever told Peyton Manning or Tom Brady to do that? Again, it's about the tutelage they get.


If you guys would actually take the time to READ the article, you might learn something. This is not some guy claiming that NFL fans are easier on white QB's than black. This is an interesting take from an NFL player who has experience in this. He's telling us that certain QB's are taught different things because of their different abilities, and that this sort of teaching is wrong.

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Those crackers Bledsoe and RJ got abused on this board,  vanilla face or not.  Quit playing the race card!



Did you read the article? It didn't say a single thing about black qb's getting abused by fans because they were black. Not once. Read the article.

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Are you guys insane?


Did you actually read the article?  It didn't say that Vick wasn't getting a fair shake because he's black... it didn't even suggest that!


Here is what the article says:


He goes on to say:


If you guys would actually take the time to READ the article, you might learn something.  This is not some guy claiming that NFL fans are easier on white QB's than black.  This is an interesting take from an NFL player who has experience in this. He's telling us that certain QB's are taught different things because of their different abilities, and that this sort of teaching is wrong.



You speak the truth.

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Are you guys insane?


Did you actually read the article?  It didn't say that Vick wasn't getting a fair shake because he's black... it didn't even suggest that!


Here is what the article says:


He goes on to say:


If you guys would actually take the time to READ the article, you might learn something.  This is not some guy claiming that NFL fans are easier on white QB's than black.  This is an interesting take from an NFL player who has experience in this. He's telling us that certain QB's are taught different things because of their different abilities, and that this sort of teaching is wrong.


What it seems to me he (Gandy, a lineman for the Falcons) is suggesting is that Vick and other black QBs don't get a fair shake by COACHES. Suggesting that black QBs are trained/coached differently. For ex., Manning has been taught to throw the ball away rather than take the sack. Vick has bee taught to run and make a play rather than take the sack.


Consequently, black QBs have different expectations placed on them in comparison to white QBs as a direct result of them being more athletic than white guys. And because of these different expectation, black QBs are usually less succesful.


In other words, Vick is having a bad year because he's black and therefore treated differently than white QBs. It's not because of his lack of abilities, his bad recievers, bad play calling, or anything like that; its merely boils down to him being black. I think this is pretty well atrocious. I guess the guy never watched Warren Moon play or Doug Williams.


I think this article is a clear indication that racism is more prevalent than anyone cares to admit in our society and in the NFL.

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Are you guys insane?


Did you actually read the article?  It didn't say that Vick wasn't getting a fair shake because he's black... it didn't even suggest that!


Here is what the article says:


He goes on to say:


If you guys would actually take the time to READ the article, you might learn something.  This is not some guy claiming that NFL fans are easier on white QB's than black.  This is an interesting take from an NFL player who has experience in this. He's telling us that certain QB's are taught different things because of their different abilities, and that this sort of teaching is wrong.



I've said this all year in regards to Vince Young. The Titans' coaching staff isn't doing him any favors by letting him play "his game". Make the guy stay in the pocket and learn to pass in the NFL. It will hurt the team in the short term but in the long term they will be much better off. Once he becomes a more efficient passer then release the reigns and let him run too. A QB who is better at running than throwing has never won consistantly in the NFL. In order to be successful a QB must be an efficient passer.


The best thing the Bills coaching staff has done this year is by limiting JP’s running. They sacrificed short term success for long term gains. It’s already starting to pay off.

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"When fans and coaches see a black quarterback, it's automatic that they expect to see a guy who is more athletic," Gandy said. "So what happens when you get around the goal line or you get in those situations where most quarterbacks are taught to throw it away or get rid of the ball for a short gain if the play breaks down? The black quarterback is told, 'Do something, make a big play.'



I would say that the story is about race.

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I've said this all year in regards to Vince Young.  The Titans' coaching staff isn't doing him any favors by letting him play "his game".  Make the guy stay in the pocket and learn to pass in the NFL.  It will hurt the team in the short term but in the long term they will be much better off.  Once he becomes a more efficient passer then release the reigns and let him run too.  A QB who is better at running than throwing has never won consistantly in the NFL.  In order to be successful a QB must be an efficient passer.


The best thing the Bills coaching staff has done this year is by limiting JP’s running.  They sacrificed short term success for long term gains.  It’s already starting to pay off.



I think this is spot-on. It makes things easier in the short-term (like TEN can get lucky a few games and win 5 in a row) but, long-term, this is probably hurting VY. If he can't consistently get the ball out on-time, with accuracy, to the correct receiver, he'll be nothing more than the tease that Vick has been. Sure, he'll win some games with his legs, but his team will (most likely) not be anything special.

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He's telling us that certain QB's are taught different things because of their different abilities


"...the black athlete is 'bred to be the better athelete because, this goes all the way to the Civil War when ... the slave owner would breed his big woman so that he would have a big black kid.'"


It seems like only yesterday... :lol:

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He's telling us that certain QB's are taught different things because of their different abilities, and that this sort of teaching is wrong.



And that's the problem -- how exactly is that kind of teaching "wrong"?


A college coach's job is to win college football games. If his QB is Payton Manning, you tell him to throw the ball away because the guy has lead feet and wouldn't get 2 yards before getting pounded. And because he's a great QB he will likely put the ball on the money if he chooses to throw.


If your QB is Michael Vick -- or Eric Crouch -- you tell him to run if its available because he can do more good running than throwing.

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WTF??  Why exactly is that kind of teaching "wrong"?


A college coach's job is to win college football games.  If his QB is Payton Manning, you tell him to throw the ball away because the guy has lead feet and wouldn't get 2 yards before getting pounded.  And because he's a great QB he will likely put the ball on the money if he chooses to throw.


If your QB is Michael Vick -- or Eric Crouch -- you tell him to run if its available because he can do more good running than throwing.



or Doug Flutie


Hard to tell him not to try to "make a big play" with his feet, although Flutie seems to have been by all accounts properly schooled in the basic fundamentals of pocket passing as well as being swift and jittery of foot. But then again, Flutie was never a "pocket passer" so go figure.


Personally, I find it hard to believe that the Falcons have not been trying for years to "school" Vick in the fundamentals of being a QB. He is either so set in his ways or just doesn't want to absorb it or is too arrogant to really listen and probably all three. yes, you can make legitimate argument about the supporting cast, quality of coaching, and the incongruity of the WCO with Vick, but still... Of course, Vick made his name by running around everywhere at VT. I'm sure they told him to take off at every turn. What college coach gives a crap about turning a Vick into a "pocket passer" when he can singlehandedly kick everyone's a*s with his legs?

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