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I feel bad for Eric Moulds

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When Eric Moulds was a free agent, he chose to stick with the Bills because he thought the team was on it's way back to greatness. Three years later, and we are on the express elevator to the basement! I wonder what he must be thinking now.



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I wonder what he must be thinking now.




Eric is thinking "Hmmm...should I drive My Hummer to practice today, or my tricked out Escalade?"


If Eric is bummed about the Bills losing, he should look in the fuggin' mirror and ask himself if he is totally without blame. Then he should get some fire in his belly and vow to do better.


What a dumb post.

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I feel bad for us.


I am positive that we care more about the actual winning that the players do. And aside for a very select few on this board, Eric makes more scratch in one half than the rest of us do all year. He makes $4,325,000.


I have trouble feeling bad for any pro athlete. Except Mike Tyson. He got a bad rap... :D

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Is any player 100% perfect? Nope. Even Moorman has put a couple in the end zone. But c'mon, Eric's scored all 3 TD's we've put on the board this year. The pick on Sunday? Bledsoe's admitted misread.


Moulds' year so far gets an A- from me - not too many players on the team that are that high.


That being said, I don't feel sorry for the guy at all.

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Is any player 100% perfect?  Nope.  Even Moorman has put a couple in the end zone.  But c'mon, Eric's scored all 3 TD's we've put on the board this year.  The pick on Sunday?  Bledsoe's admitted misread.


Moulds' year so far gets an A- from me - not too many players on the team that are that high.



Agreed... but that 15-yard unsportsmanlike conduct penalty was ridiculous. :D

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I feel bad for us.


I am positive that we care more about the actual winning that the players do. And aside for a very select few on this board, Eric makes more scratch in one half than the rest of us do all year.  He makes $4,325,000.


I have trouble feeling bad for any pro athlete. Except Mike Tyson. He got a bad rap... :D




How could you not feel bad for Tyson?

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Agreed... but that 15-yard unsportsmanlike conduct penalty was ridiculous. :D



Yep he has got to have better self-control than that. He had just gotten undressed by whoever was covering him and no flag was thrown. Considering how bad the refs had been all day. Not condoning it, but wondering how many of us would be able to hold that back.

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If we should feel sorry for anyone it should be Spikes.


He left Cincy for greener pastures, not to mention a ton of coin, and now may be on a worse team here in Buffalo.

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There's that unsportsmanlike penalty, Rico, plus the numerous drops in situations where we needed to sustain drives and didn't.  Moulds has done okay, but there's quite a bit of room for improvement.


That's true, maybe an A- is a little high,

but after watching him try to run last year with the bad groin,

I'm just really glad to see him making some plays

& scoring TDs again.



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Maybe Eric needed that bushel full of money because he has to pay child support for all the kids he has. And does he visit any of them...i don't think so!!!

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He was offered more money by Philly. But he made a committment to Buffalo from the start.


That's a fact. 200 kids or not, I appreciate that gesture but dont feel sorry for him because of it.


I do feel sorry for him for the instability at QB. While many of the elite receivers have benefited from stability at the QB position (Rice, Harrison, Moss), Moulds has had the likes of Rob Johnson, Alex Van Pelt, giving him the ball during the prime years of his career.


When Eric Moulds was a free agent, he chose to stick with the Bills because he thought the team was on it's way back to greatness.  Three years later, and we are on the express elevator to the basement!  I wonder what he must be thinking now.




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Who cares if he visits his kids or not, I only care about how he plays on Sundays.lol


I'm the biggest Moulds fan out there, but he is a part of our losing, so I don't feel bad for him. He's dropped a big pass in each game this season, he almost dropped the bomb on Sunday, and fumbled deep in Jax territory when we could've put that game away.


He isn't nearly as bad as Josh Reed when it comes to the drops, but he needs to step up his game.

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