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SUW: Ramius's Rumblings and Randomness


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2. Airports: Apparently, when they start boarding, even if they haven’t called your specific zone to board yet, the thing to do is stand and crowd in front of the jetway. Obviously this MUST speed up the boarding process. Otherwise why would everyone do it? The only logical conclusion I can come up with is that everyone gets on the plane faster when they all crowd in front of the jetway.




Because people today Have to be first. They HAVE to be!! No one is better than me, how dare they!!!



3. Wal-Mart: As anyone who frequents a wal-mart knows, especially a super wal-mart (the kind with the grocery store inside) rednecks and hicks love it. The wal-mart super center is always populated with large numbers of rednecks, thus causing long lines at the checkouts. (Why wal-mart has 20 registers, but never more than 5 open at a given time is another quandary for another day). I have learned one VITAL fact when shopping to shave your wait time:


Use the self-checkout. Rednecks are deathly afraid of the self checkout. Perhaps there are too many lights, too many buttons to push, or maybe its too tough to scan your own items. Whatever the reason, rednecks avoid the self checkout like the plague. I’ll watch someone with 2 items wait for 30 minutes in a cashier line while theres NO ONE at the 4 self-checkout stations. Works for me. Then on my way out the door, I get looked at as some type of diety, because I understand the workings and magic of the mystical “self-checkout”.






My biggest problem with Walmart is what I like to call "oblivions". They can be found most anywhere peoplesheep congregate, but seem to be drawn to Walmart, hence, I never go there unless forced at gunpoint.


Oblivions are people who clog up the isles by walking in front of you, then randomly and without warning stop right in midstep, look directly up at the ceiling, begin to spin around, making a "duuuuhhhh" sound. They are completely oblivious to any other human around them, and think they are the only people in the store. I like to kick them directly in the ballz and run whenever this happens.


But usually, I don't go near it because even the parking lot is a disaster. You can never get in or out of it. How can you make a Walmart a bigger clusterfuk than it already is? Put a fuggin supermarket in it. Brilliant!!!

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read it and weep.




If you must know, see this thread

You'll end up wishing you didn't ask :P


Wow, I'm thinking I should hang out on The Wall more often. Seems I miss some good threads. :huh:


The peanuts with shells cracked me up and Ramius's first response to it. :doh:

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Seems your ramblings are related to waiting and being patient... They all go hand in hand... :P:D


Not that I am a redneck, I hate the self-checkouts... Seems they always set the damn things too sensitive and if you don't put your stuff on the bagging table (sensitive to the weight of the package)... You gotta jump through the hoops of getting the one person running the checkouts to clear it... It is a royal pain.


I do take they (companys that employ self-checkouts) save on benny's, so they don't have to employee lots of people...


But, back to the issue of your ramblings. Now knowing one person's pet peeve about self-checkouts, your issues are vexing. One one hand you are critical of people who fail to see the workings of one device (the revolving door) and their failure to wait... On the other hand you are equally critical of people who willfully wait because the see the hassle in another device.




Then again, I am as slow as a sloth... My job is to dam up water, let as little water go by as possible while trying to please the vessels who want to use the same water and get the most through the fastest...


All I can say is... It isn't a perfect world... Roll with it...



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Then again, I am as slow as a sloth... My job is to dam up water, let as little water go by as possible while trying to please the vessels who want to use the same water and get the most through the fastest...


Lemme guess...are you a beaver?? :doh::huh:

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Up until a couple of years ago, I spent eight years on a plane heading somewhere at least every other week. The one thing that has always amazed me is how the simple task of walking onto a plane, finding your seat, putting your bag overhead, sitting down and buckling up becomes the most excruciatingly painful thing for people to do. They will stand in the aisle and rifle through their bags so they have their drink, their reading material, their snack, their laptop, etc, as if they won't be able to stand up once the plane is in the air.


30 years ago those people were at the bus station! :doh:

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Not that I am a redneck, I hate the self-checkouts... Seems they always set the damn things too sensitive and if you don't put your stuff on the bagging table (sensitive to the weight of the package)... You gotta jump through the hoops of getting the one person running the checkouts to clear it... It is a royal pain.


Here's been my experience, from best to worst....


1) BJ's Wholesale Club - BJ's is different than others I've seen and work on size rather than weight. Scan it, place on conveyor belt, it senses the size of the item, then sends it down a chute to the end of the checkout. Only problem is if you're buying alot, you need to go to the end and push everything down the chute, because it backs up and trips a sensor somewhere, and won't let you scan anything until the chute is cleared.


2) Home Depot - The one near my house has 4 checkouts. Out of those 4, one will only take cash, one only takes cards. So you need to know how you're going to pay, so you make sure to get either the two that work correctly, or the appropiate one for your payment.


3) Price Chopper - Very sensitive scales on the bagging section and the scanners are all dirty and scratched, so there's always an item or two that you need cashier assistance to get to go through. Plus coupons need to be scanned by the cashier, slowing you down.


4) Wal-Mart - The one time I used a self checkout there, every other item I had needed cashier assistance. Which was a problem, because the cashier was off on another register ringing people out. So I'd have to wait for her to finish with them, before she could help me. What should have taken under three minutes to do, ended up taking almost 10.

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I think some people avoid the self check out lines cause they think "they pay the cashiers to check us why should I have to do it myself?"  :doh:


Thats my thinking, They pay cashiers to do this, now they want me to do it myself, and not give me a discount?


So I am taking a job away from someone (basically a senior or a young kid) doing their job for them and Walmart gets to save a couple bucks because they now only need one person to watch to make sure no one steals anything.

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Thats my thinking, They pay cashiers to do this, now they want me to do it myself, and not give me a discount?


So I am taking a job away from someone (basically a senior or a young kid) doing their job for them and Walmart gets to save a couple bucks because they now only need one person to watch to make sure no one steals anything.


Yep, that's probably it. Walmart just trying to save a few bucks by conning us into checking our own groceries. :doh:


I actually only use the self check out lines when I just have a few groceries. If I have a basketful I'll usually use the cashiers. I don't think the self check out lanes are meant for checking large quantity of groceries.

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Yep, that's probably it.  Walmart just trying to save a few bucks by conning us into checking our own groceries.   :P


Well if you think about it, Your doing a cashiers work, so should you not get paid like the cashier gets payed? Instead you saving Walmart money, although I'm sure the money your saving them is the only thing keeping them from going bankrupt :doh::huh::D

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Well if you think about it, Your doing a cashiers work, so should you not get paid like the cashier gets payed? Instead you saving Walmart money, although I'm sure the money your saving them is the only thing keeping them from going bankrupt  :doh:  :huh:  :P


I'd rather save my time and not have to deal with a cashier... There's a reason I usually buy everything online.

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The right way to board a plane according to ME!!!


assign zones based on seat assignments, not only from back to front, but windows, then middles, then aisles.


Strickly enforce carry on policy, one bag over head, thats it!!!!!!No breifcases, no laptop carriers etc overhead if you have a rollerboard up there. Not sure how they could enforce that, but thats my rule.


Also, NO fast food allowed on the dam plane. I love my fast food, but name me one fast food item that smells good to someone other than the person eating it. A plane be small, and as someone mentioned they all stink already.

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