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Something we all say we would do. Dad beats


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Well, I have a teenage daughter. My wife and I agree that if anything ever happens to her, it is a race to see who can get to the guy first. The other will wait for the race winner to get out. Nobody screws with our family.


Now, that being said. I would need PROOF, and i might show mercy for a 77 year old man. Most likely not though. Mess with my girl, and I will kill you....If my wife doesnt find you first.


There is no greater job for a man than to protect his family.


Barbaric? abso-fuggin-lutley.....

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if the justice system actually did something about these disgusting animals, then there'd be no need for individal justice.





Ramius, I knew you've always been one of my favorite posters for a reasons... THIS is the best quote I've seen on here in a while.

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So, who has the father really punished in this scenerio?

well, for starters there is one less pedophile in the world.


ALLEGED pedophile.


Of course I guess this should be expected. We're giving up all of our other rights ("We have to fight the terrorists!") so why would we believe in "Innocent until proven guilty" either? :D


At least in AJ's example, there was proof (and he was assaulted himself).


Don't bother with the "You don't have kids so you wouldn't understand" comments; I've seen them before.

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ALLEGED pedophile.


Of course I guess this should be expected.  We're giving up all of our other rights ("We have to fight the terrorists!") so why would we believe in "Innocent until proven guilty" either?  :D


At least in AJ's example, there was proof (and he was assaulted himself).


Don't bother with the "You don't have kids so you wouldn't understand" comments; I've seen them before.



Well, as posted, this guy has a history, and a 5 year old girl said he touched her.


Your 5 year old daughter comes home and says an old man touched her "inappropriately", what do you do? Trust the justice system? Thats rich...


One of my children ever comes home with the same situation, old man dies.

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ALLEGED pedophile.


Of course I guess this should be expected.  We're giving up all of our other rights ("We have to fight the terrorists!") so why would we believe in "Innocent until proven guilty" either?  :D


At least in AJ's example, there was proof (and he was assaulted himself).


Don't bother with the "You don't have kids so you wouldn't understand" comments; I've seen them before.



and as far as "ALLEGED"? You are the exact person defense attorneys dream about getting on a jury. They'll have you questioning the "credibility" of a 5 year old girl... The guy gets off, and then finds another kid to "get off" with... You let this go to trial, and he goes free. You kill him with your bare hands and, well.....

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I seem to recall a similar case like this about ten years ago, not sure where. A pedophile raped the guys daughter (there was, I believe, undisputable evidence), the guy blew him away with a shotgun after torturing him for a while, then the guy pleaded guilty, and the jury sentenced him to one day in jail (They had to give him something).


I've been searching google but haven't found anything yet.

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Well, as posted, this guy has a history, and a 5 year old girl said he touched her.

Where is the proof that this guy has a history? The post that HopsGuy made claiming "video proof" is a clip from Family Guy. Way to RTFA (or in this case, WTFV - Watch the Freak'n Video). :D


Again, innocent until proven guilty. You know, one of the foundations of our country? :D


and as far as "ALLEGED"? You are the exact person defense attorneys dream about getting on a jury. They'll have you questioning the "credibility" of a 5 year old girl...


Did you read what the police said? "Police detective Scott Chaffin said there was no physical evidence to support the molestation allegation,"


It's just great to condone murdering someone based soly on a 156 word article. :D


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Where is the proof that this guy has a history?  The post that HopsGuy made claiming "video proof" is a clip from Family Guy.  Way to RTFA (or in this case, WTFV - Watch the Freak'n Video).  :D


Again, innocent until proven guilty.  You know, one of the foundations of our country?  :D

Did you read what the police said?  "Police detective Scott Chaffin said there was no physical evidence to support the molestation allegation,"


It's just great to condone murdering someone based soly on a 156 word article.  :D




If you were in the situation of the father what would you do? Ask yourself that.


Go through all the litigation just so the guy gets a slap on the wrist like most sex offenders do these days?

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If you were in the situation of the father what would you do?  Ask yourself that.


Go through all the litigation just so the guy gets a slap on the wrist like most sex offenders do these days?


Given the facts in the article, yes.

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Given the facts in the article, yes.



I don't know what situation you are in (whether you have kids or not close to you). I didn't really read the article nor will I, but in the situation where a child you are close to (in my case my nephews), come home crying because an old man touched them or whatever, i don't know if i'd have the cool head to be calm and wait for the long flabby arm of the law to take care of it.

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I don't know what situation you are in (whether you have kids or not close to you).  I didn't really read the article nor will I, but in the situation where a child you are close to (in my case my nephews), come home crying because an old man touched them or whatever, i don't know if i'd have the cool head to be calm and wait for the long flabby arm of the law to take care of it.


I hate when people don't RTFA. It's 156 words, yet you don't want to take the time to read it but form a strong opinion based on the headline?? :D


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I hate when people don't RTFA.  It's 156 words, yet you don't want to take the time to read it but form a strong opinion based on the headline??  :D



I'm with you Fez...it's like the kids in school who didn't read sh-- but still wanted to run their mouths in class to hammer home the point that they didn't know what they were talking about. If you don't take the time to gain the relevant information first hand, then you instantly lose credibility when you attempt to discuss it...regardless of your opinion on it.

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Hey...all of you guys puffing out your chests about "standing up for the family" and condoning vigilante justice can do me a favor. Please lay out the groundwork for me on your "perfect" system of justice that automatically knows who committed a crime and who did not. I'm sure this and many other countries would love to implement that system immediately.


Do any of you have any idea how many children make claims about being inappropriately touched because they are looking for attention from their parents? I'm not suggesting that is what happened in this instance, but it's reason enough for a person not to fly off the handle and inflict his own brand of lethal justice. How many of you blindly believe everything a 5-year-old says?


Regardless of whether or not this man molested the child, he did not kill her. Implying that death by beating is an appropriate punishment is unreasonable and barbaric, to say the least.


If I actually witnessed someone molesting a child -- mine or someone else's -- there's no question I would do something about it. Commit murder? Only if another life depended on it.

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Regardless of whether or not this man molested the child, he did not kill her. 


Anyone who does that to a child deserves a punishment far exceeding his actions, IMO. I'm not saying I would kill the guy, but I would do whatever I had to in order to cripple him ten times worse than he crippled the child. If you don't think that something like that traumatizes a child for LIFE, then you need to read up on the subject a little more. Personally, I wouldn't stop inflicting torture on the fukker until he literally had to beg me to kill him.


You can tell me/us that it's not "rational" all you want to....doenst' make any difference. You hurt my family, I hurt you a hundred fold in return.

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ALLEGED pedophile.


Of course I guess this should be expected.  We're giving up all of our other rights ("We have to fight the terrorists!") so why would we believe in "Innocent until proven guilty" either?  :devil:It worked for OJ

At least in AJ's example, there was proof (and he was assaulted himself). Dont you think that the punishment fits the crime?

Don't bother with the "You don't have kids so you wouldn't understand" comments; I've seen them before. Do you have a wife?  A girlfriend?  A mother?


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Well, I have a teenage daughter. My wife and I agree that if anything ever happens to her, it is a race to see who can get to the guy first. The other will wait for the race winner to get out. Nobody screws with our family.


Now, that being said. I would need PROOF, and i might show mercy for a 77 year old man. Most likely not though. Mess with my girl, and I will kill you....If my wife doesnt find you first.


There is no greater job for a man than to protect his family.


Barbaric? abso-fuggin-lutley.....






That is how it is in my house also....exactly the same.


I actually think that the culprit would be better off if I got to him.....while I was making sure he never walks again I might not kill him....but I guarantee you that my wife would put not one but two bullets into the guys head......


Just to be sure.


The courts system is not set up to effectively take care of this situation....and pedo's like this take advantage of that.

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Hey...all of you guys puffing out your chests about "standing up for the family" and condoning vigilante justice can do me a favor.  Please lay out the groundwork for me on your "perfect" system of justice that automatically knows who committed a crime and who did not.  I'm sure this and many other countries would love to implement that system immediately.

There isn't a perfect system - but the one currently in place that puts these predators back on the streets time and time again to reoffend is certainly not the answer, nor is "we don't have the money to keep them in jail", which is a gigantic crock of crap.

Do any of you have any idea how many children make claims about being inappropriately touched because they are looking for attention from their parents?

You working on a career as a defense attorney? If that's the best defense you have, work harder.

I'm not suggesting that is what happened in this instance, but it's reason enough for a person not to fly off the handle and inflict his own brand of lethal justice.  How many of you blindly believe everything a 5-year-old says?

Apparently the father was actually involved in the situation. Perhaps he had far more reason than our "brilliant" (proven daily) media has put forth.


Regardless of whether or not this man molested the child, he did not kill her.  Implying that death by beating is an appropriate punishment is unreasonable and barbaric, to say the least.

Nice leap. What if 20 years from now she commits suicide because she's suffering from PTSD? Should we try him again? Sorry, man. You sexually molest a child, you ought be in a box.

If I actually witnessed someone molesting a child -- mine or someone else's -- there's no question I would do something about it.  Commit murder?  Only if another life depended on it.


I don't think that guy went down there with the intent to murder the guy - it's simply what happened. Thanks for putting the perfect world spin on a situation NO ONE can actually predict the outcome of.

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If the guy specifically wants to kill another human being.(or torture to death) the guy should be ready for the penalties attendant thereto...going to prison for a while. I'm not sure how I would actually react. My experience as a police officer was that in the vast majority of cases the victim's families were angry enough to talk about doing some of the things described but realized they would only be making the situation worse for themselves, their own family and in most cases the victim. Let the police and the authorities handle the situation.


Killing someone, even for revenge, is not an easy thing to do and there are significant emotional and psychological repercussions.

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