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online poker ban?......wondeful


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In a time where major world issues could have a heavy impact on the next fifty years for our country and the planet, Congress continues to bog themselves down in the tediousness of online poker and the use of 'God' in the Pledge. Both parties have been a joke and seem content to waste their own time. Unfortunately, it's unlikely that changing the names in November will result in any change in action. Same schit different day.


By the way, this bill passed easily- 300-and-change to 90-something. Now the gov't has bought themselves some time to figure out how to regulate and (more importantly) tax the online gaming industry, which no doubt is the next step.

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Online Poker ban?


Prohibition should be back on the books around 2008....funny how you will still be able to bet on horses...drop your entire paycheck on quickdraw...but I will not be able to throw a $100 into my PP account to play some poker in my own home....nice...



I think our politicians should have bigger things to worry about. I also think our casino lobbyists may have something to do with this legislation, as online gambling does have an impact on their revenues. I think that was hinted at in the article.


I don't need the government telling me when and how I can lose my money, Ican do that just fine on my own. Gambling is going to be around, regardless of the bumblings of the US government. I guess we will have to just play poker in person, kind of like we used to ten years ago.

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The ban on online poker is complete bull sh--, but i think a lot of it has to do with the amount of fraud that takes place, so it kinda makes sense.


If Jim Smith goes to vegas and blows jr's college fund, thats his fault, and he has to face the music.


Now if Jim Smith goes online and loses 20K on party poker, he can just call up his credit card company and say..."My card # was stolen online and someone used it to play online poker." Now he's in the clear and only on the hook for $50.

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The ban on online poker is complete bull sh--, but i think a lot of it has to do with the amount of fraud that takes place, so it kinda makes sense.


If Jim Smith goes to vegas and blows jr's college fund, thats his fault, and he has to face the music.


Now if Jim Smith goes online and loses 20K on party poker, he can just call up his credit card company and say..."My card # was stolen online and someone used it to play online poker." Now he's in the clear and only on the hook for $50.


I am sure it is not as easy as you make it sound...

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A Congressional "feel-good" piece of legislation.


No legislature, no law - ever - has been able to prevent over - creduluous folks from getting fleeced and losing their money.


For every gambling winner, there are countless losers...which is why the business exists in the first place...easy pickings.

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No legislature, no law - ever - has been able to prevent over - creduluous folks from getting fleeced and losing their money.


For every gambling winner, there are countless losers...which is why the business exists in the first place...easy pickings.


But that's not the point - for most people, it's simply entertainment. If I win a few bucks, great. If not, I still had fun. How is it any different than spending a few bucks for some beers?


This isn't about "protecting the citizens from addiction," it's about Vegas lobbyists paying government to enact this law, and is also about the fact that the government can't figure out how to tax it. No tax revenue = ban.



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Online poker.  Mark Foley.  Gary Condit.


Keep online gaming.  Ban !@#$ing Congress.  B-)



The problem is that the internet is not a truck, it is not something that you can just dump something on, its a series of tubes.


Online poker, obviously, fills up the tubes, so that when my staff sends me an internet I don't get it for a few days.

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The problem is that the internet is not a truck, it is not something that you can just dump something on, its a series of tubes.


Online poker, obviously, fills up the tubes, so that when my staff sends me an internet I don't get it for a few days.


That's right. All them poker chips clog up the tubes. 0:)

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