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online poker ban?......wondeful


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Of course, SC outlawed a taxable revenue stream, and drove people towards an untaxable one.  In this case, the powers-that-be are trying to outlaw an untaxable revenue stream.  Anyone care to guess why?


Don't kid yourselves.  It's not about the morality of gambling.  It's about the money.



Yes...the money. To change the subject, plenty of laws against smoking here and there. Plenty of evidence about health effects.


But I know here in OH, cigarette tax revenue is the 3rd largest stream filling the state coffers. In that most remote possibility - banning of ciggies in OH, the non-smokers would be in for a shock. The State won't let that $$$ stream go, - my very, very rough estimate is that when I and others no longer kick in the smoke taxes and it gets amortized across all taxpayers, the no-smokes crowd will get to fork over an extra 400 bucks per year. Salud!


The non-smokers would be better off offering me a light, let me pay the heavy taxation, and play the good odds that I croak early (most smoke-related illnesses take you fairly quickly) and additionally benefiting because my take-out from my SS contributions would be the cheaper survivor benefit type that would go to my wife. :P


The encouragement of any destructive behavior that is forced to pay money is of vital interest to any government employee's paycheck.

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The non-smokers would be better off offering me a light, let me pay the heavy taxation, and play the good odds that I croak early (most smoke-related illnesses take you fairly quickly) and additionally benefiting because my take-out from my SS contributions would be the cheaper survivor benefit type that would go to my wife.


Post of the day!! Cincy, I seek permission to use this arguement with all my non-smoker friends in various capacities.

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Not to keep going with the smokign thing, but I don't know any non-smokers who believe smokers shouldn't be allowed to smoke. It's just a matter of having designated areas for doing so when it's a public location. Smoke all you want, just don't do it at my expense (especially being that I'm an asthmatic).

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Not to keep going with the smokign thing, but I don't know any non-smokers who believe smokers shouldn't be allowed to smoke. It's just a matter of having designated areas for doing so when it's a public location. Smoke all you want, just don't do it at my expense (especially being that I'm an asthmatic).


Except it's not a public location. Public locations have been off limits to smoking for years. We're talking about bars and restaurants, which are private establishments, and smoking, which is a legal behaviour.


While I somewhat agree that it would be very smart for new businesses that want to allow smoking to have non-smoking areas, it should be voluntary. Just like your choice on whether or not you spend your money there.


At the end of the day, the smoking issue is another big goverment beacon that will eventually lead to far worse things. Watch out what you wish for...

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Except it's not a public location.  Public locations have been off limits to smoking for years.  We're talking about bars and restaurants, which are private establishments, and smoking, which is a legal behaviour.


While I somewhat agree that it would be very smart for new businesses that want to allow smoking to have non-smoking areas, it should be voluntary.  Just like your choice on whether or not you spend your money there.


At the end of the day, the smoking issue is another big goverment beacon that will eventually lead to far worse things.  Watch out what you wish for...



exactly, and I agreed with your sentiment earlier in the thread. For private establishments, I think the owner has every right to decide whether they want it to be smoking, non-smoking, or both. I certainly don't expect it to be my "right" to go to Joe's pub and expect it to be non-smoking just because that's my preference. The guy should be able to set his own ground rules.

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Post of the day!!  Cincy, I seek permission to use this arguement with all my non-smoker friends in various capacities.



Granted! :lol:


The former accounting firm, Price-Waterhouse, did a cost study in 1998 - 1999.


Their conclusion was that smokers more than pay their way, despite the popular hysteria. They stated that if a magic wand was waved and all smokers quit and lived longer, a bankruptcy of social security would be greatly hastened, and noted that the common run of smoking-related illnesses - lung and esophagal cancers, heart attacks and failures, etc., snuff one out rather quickly once afflicted - and at relatively low expense.


I take a morning coffee and read the newspaper at a local McD's. I have a cig. Several times, I have gotton daggers shot at me- once or twice a few words - from people who along with their tubby kids are consuming large quantities of pancakes and 3 syrup packets, sausage, eggs, hash browns, and 32 ounce sodas...not to mention their burps, farts, and cell phone disturbances.


I pointed that out to those who decided to accost this quiet man. I guess the family that curses together gets diabetes together... :P


I watched one bunch leave after licking the last smidgen off their styrofoam dinnerware and get into their 12 mile-per-gallon Toyota Sequoia 4x4 and roar off... :P:lol:

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I take a morning coffee and read the newspaper at a local McD's. I have a cig. Several times, I have gotton daggers shot at me- once or twice a few words - from people who along with their tubby kids are consuming large quantities of pancakes and 3 syrup packets, sausage, eggs, hash browns, and 32 ounce sodas...not to mention their burps, farts, and cell phone disturbances.


I pointed that out to those who decided to accost this quiet man. I guess the family that curses together gets diabetes together... 


I watched one bunch leave after licking the last smidgen off their styrofoam dinnerware and get into their 12 mile-per-gallon Toyota Sequoia 4x4 and roar off... 



Ahhh...hypocrisy at its finest!!

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Granted!  :lol:


The former accounting firm, Price-Waterhouse, did a cost study in 1998 - 1999.


Their conclusion was that smokers more than pay their way, despite the popular hysteria. They stated that if a magic wand was waved and all smokers quit and lived longer, a bankruptcy of social security would be greatly hastened, and noted that the common run of smoking-related illnesses - lung and esophagal cancers, heart attacks and failures, etc., snuff one out rather quickly once afflicted - and at relatively low expense.


I take a morning coffee and read the newspaper at a local McD's. I have a cig. Several times, I have gotton daggers shot at me- once or twice a few words - from people who along with their tubby kids are consuming large quantities of pancakes and 3 syrup packets, sausage, eggs, hash browns, and 32 ounce sodas...not to mention their burps, farts, and cell phone disturbances.


I pointed that out to those who decided to accost this quiet man. I guess the family that curses together gets diabetes together... :P 


I watched one bunch leave after licking the last smidgen off their styrofoam dinnerware and get into their 12 mile-per-gallon Toyota Sequoia 4x4 and roar off... :lol:  :lol:




At least you know who you are. Not like those syrup licking liberal hypocrites. :P:lol:

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well I think it's human nature to be a little more upset when things hit close to home as opposed to when they affect someone else. As for the smoking thing, I actually agree with AD. I don't think smoking should be allowed in public places, but I think an individual proprietor should be able to decide whether or not his establishment is smoking or non.



aj, you were undeserving of my seemingly caustic tone. I am sorry for this. :P


Rights being swept away have been a pet peeve of mine for a very long time. Politicians (from both parties) create fake issues and villians (cigarette smokers, etc.).

Major police resources will soon be devoted to smokers, poker players, people who cook with trans fats, etc. I know how vital and costly police resources are, and would rather see them devoted to the protection of your loved ones than this type of silly sh--.


These pols are smart. They are dividing us, and getting re-elected. Sadly, it will get much worse. I predict that there will be no tailgates in 10 years or less, and in 20 years, another form of prohibition.

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aj, you were undeserving of my seemingly caustic tone. I am sorry for this.  :P


Rights being swept away have been a pet peeve of mine for a very long time. Politicians (from both parties) create fake issues and villians (cigarette smokers, etc.).

Major police resources will soon be devoted to smokers, poker players, people who cook with trans fats, etc. I know how vital and costly police resources are, and would rather see them devoted to the protection of your loved ones than this type of silly sh--.


These pols are smart. They are dividing us, and getting re-elected. Sadly, it will get much worse. I predict that there will be no tailgates in 10 years or less, and in 20 years, another form of prohibition.



No apology necessary....I always enjoy our discussions :P


I'll even take what you're saying a step further and let it be known that I think prostitution should be legalized/decriminalized. Does that mean I want to have the right to go out and drop $50 to get laid? Not at all....but when you bring up the allocation of police resources, this is another area where I think they're being misplaced. My personal view is that prostitution is wrong, but at the same time I also don't see why two consenting adults should not be able to do as they please behind closed doors. I'm sure it can't be cheap to set up all these sting operations I see on shows like 'Cops' or whatever....certainly they have better things to do than to worry about some guy who feels he needs to part with a little money in exchange for some female attention.


Not to get too "PPP" on this forum, but this is a big reason why I find myself leaning in favor of the Libertarian viewpoint. The gov't just has their noses in way too many aspects of our personal business.

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I'll even take what you're saying a step further and let it be known that I think prostitution should be legalized/decriminalized. Does that mean I want to have the right to go out and drop $50 to get laid?



Prostitution is already legal. Its called dinner and a movie.

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Prostitution is already legal. Its called dinner and a movie.



Actually, thats a combination of Prostitution, Gambling, and Skill, since its not required.


Holy sh--, looking at it that way, sex is immoral and we should outlaw marriage and dating!

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Cincy, as usual, your opinions about the "liberal movement" are misguided, but I'll save that for another time.





Your many years of life experience are noted. Perhaps your opininons may change when you become all of 25...you never know, you young government worker buck you! :P

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Your many years of life experience are noted. Perhaps your opininons may change when you become all of 25...you never know, you young government worker buck you! :P



No, it was more or less your attempt to make a causal relationship between the things you suggested and the liberal movement.

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I'll even take what you're saying a step further and let it be known that I think prostitution should be legalized/decriminalized. Does that mean I want to have the right to go out and drop $50 to get laid? Not at all....but when you bring up the allocation of police resources, this is another area where I think they're being misplaced. My personal view is that prostitution is wrong, but at the same time I also don't see why two consenting adults should not be able to do as they please behind closed doors.



Ahh, Ajz....dunno. Few prostitutes have much of a free will left to be considered capable of consent.


I know that some say it's a victimless crime. A lot...most...prostituion is the running of women and some boys for third-party profit. I don't know if there is a modern term, but an old one was the "stockade". That's where the pimp takes those new, ofttimes slow and naive kids into a room, and has her beat and repeatedly, brutally raped over several hours and days, the idea being to render them senseless and subservient. They get out of line, they don't produce the money from tricks, they get more of the same.


Most end up horribly diseased, disposable. Many came in with profound mental problems and that is increased.


They become just...wet spots cowering in the night, stripped of their humanity, wondering when the next abuse, the next pain and degradation will come from. And if this is the day they die...

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