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online poker ban?......wondeful


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I would just like to chime in on the smoking issue that seems to have hijacked this thread.  I have a hard time understanding why any rational, educated individual would want to smoke.  I think that most of them smoke because they are addicted to nicotine, not because smoking is such a pleasant thing to do.  Almost every smoker that I have ever talked to tells me that they wish they could quit. 


If there was a magic pill to cure nicotine addiction, what percentage of people do you think would continue to smoke?  30%? 


At least the smoking ban and other anti-smoking efforts are reducing the number of smokers in NYS.  Which I feel is good, even if it pisses off smokers.


Flame away!  :lol:



Well if it's addictive, why don't governments ban the outright sale...classify ciggies as a controlled substance?


There is government (taxpayer) cash to help drug addicts. Plenty of alcohol rehab jingle.


So open up your wallet and pay to cure my addiction! If it saves the life of even one stuckincincy, it's worth it! :devil:

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