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This is disgusting


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makes me want to puke. Why are we so obsessed with JP managing a game. God forbid a buffalo bills QB does more than manage a football game. Everyone on this board is obsessed with this concept. manage this and magane that. I cant take it. With this team, we arent going to make the playoffs with a QB that can manage a game.


Well our D is good. Yeah they're good. When they get a 3 and out. When they dont they bend over and let teams march right down the field for 7. They still havent come up with the big stop when we needed it. In the pats game in the 4th. In the jets game. We let that poor excuse of an NFL running back on the Jets (im too lazy and tired to look up his name) look like E. Smith mid 90s on their final drive in the 4th.


Our last game against the Jets was this Bills team in microcosm. They have talent and potential. But they choke on the most crucial of plays.


Someone wants to lock London long term again. Are you kidding me?!?! All we need is another blitzing LB to get stood up at the line by some scrub fullback.


Sorry for being so pissed off. Ive seen my Bills talk the talk but not walk the walk in the past 5-6 years or so. Until they prove me wrong, this will be my *managable* opinion.


Flame away.



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makes me want to puke.  Why are we so obsessed with JP managing a game.  God forbid a buffalo bills QB does more than manage a football game.  Everyone on this board is obsessed with this concept.  manage this and magane that.  I cant take it.  With this team, we arent going to make the playoffs with a QB that can manage a game. 


Well our D is good.  Yeah they're good.  When they get a 3 and out.  When they dont they bend over and let teams march right down the field for 7.  They still havent come up with the big stop when we needed it.  In the pats game in the 4th.  In the jets game.  We let that poor excuse of an NFL running back on the Jets (im too lazy and tired to look up his name) look like E. Smith mid 90s on their final drive in the 4th. 


Our last game against the Jets was this Bills team in microcosm.  They have talent and potential.  But they choke on the most crucial of plays. 


Someone wants to lock London long term again.  Are you kidding me?!?!  All we need is another blitzing LB to get stood up at the line by some scrub fullback. 


Sorry for being so pissed off.  Ive seen my Bills talk the talk but not walk the walk in the past 5-6 years or so.  Until they prove me wrong, this will be my *managable* opinion. 


Flame away.




No you're not. You just want a fight so you say a bunch of objectionable shiit to piss people off.

Try using your brain.....I find that works wonders for wayward aggression.

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Why do we wanna see JP MANAGE a game...


Becuase quite frankly, a good QB needs to know how to MANAGE the game before he can try to win a game.


and secondly, a QB managing a game keeps the other teams Offense off the field, and lets our D-men get a little rest, so they are not dead in the 4th Q.


Finally, the thought of seeing Nall or Holcomb in their makes ME wanna puke... They leave a taste in my mouth like......... ashing in your pop and drinking it.

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makes me want to puke.  Why are we so obsessed with JP managing a game.  God forbid a buffalo bills QB does more than manage a football game.  Everyone on this board is obsessed with this concept.  manage this and magane that.  I cant take it.  With this team, we arent going to make the playoffs with a QB that can manage a game. 


Well our D is good.  Yeah they're good.  When they get a 3 and out.  When they dont they bend over and let teams march right down the field for 7.  They still havent come up with the big stop when we needed it.  In the pats game in the 4th.  In the jets game.  We let that poor excuse of an NFL running back on the Jets (im too lazy and tired to look up his name) look like E. Smith mid 90s on their final drive in the 4th. 


Our last game against the Jets was this Bills team in microcosm.  They have talent and potential.  But they choke on the most crucial of plays. 


Someone wants to lock London long term again.  Are you kidding me?!?!  All we need is another blitzing LB to get stood up at the line by some scrub fullback. 


Sorry for being so pissed off.  Ive seen my Bills talk the talk but not walk the walk in the past 5-6 years or so.  Until they prove me wrong, this will be my *managable* opinion. 


Flame away.





You either need to hava a beer, or have drank too many beers. Give it a rest. :D

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Finally, the thought of seeing Nall or Holcomb in their makes ME wanna puke... They leave a taste in my mouth like......... ashing in your pop and drinking it.



Would it have been so hard for you to get with the program and say like drinking warm spoiled milk? :D

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makes me want to puke.  Why are we so obsessed with JP managing a game.  God forbid a buffalo bills QB does more than manage a football game.  Everyone on this board is obsessed with this concept.  manage this and magane that.  I cant take it.  With this team, we arent going to make the playoffs with a QB that can manage a game. 


Well our D is good.  Yeah they're good.  When they get a 3 and out.  When they dont they bend over and let teams march right down the field for 7.  They still havent come up with the big stop when we needed it.  In the pats game in the 4th.  In the jets game.  We let that poor excuse of an NFL running back on the Jets (im too lazy and tired to look up his name) look like E. Smith mid 90s on their final drive in the 4th. 


Our last game against the Jets was this Bills team in microcosm.  They have talent and potential.  But they choke on the most crucial of plays. 


Someone wants to lock London long term again.  Are you kidding me?!?!  All we need is another blitzing LB to get stood up at the line by some scrub fullback. 


Sorry for being so pissed off.  Ive seen my Bills talk the talk but not walk the walk in the past 5-6 years or so.  Until they prove me wrong, this will be my *managable* opinion. 


Flame away.





OK I'll say it: Good post.

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Just one more thread with someone bringing up some reasonable points to be dismissed by the homers with jokes and ignoring the facts. 


Message boards are great places to find people that are completely out of touch with reality.




Yes because all of history's great leaders have debated on message boards.

Lighten up. Espescially if you have read any of the garbage this guy has put forth prior. But then you must agree with it.

And if message boards are so full of people out of touch wuth reality and homers and jokers why are you here?

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Just one more thread with someone bringing up some reasonable points to be dismissed by the homers with jokes and ignoring the facts. 


Message boards are great places to find people that are completely out of touch with reality.


It's one thing to raise reasonable points in a reasonable fashion....it's another to accuse those of differing opinions of inducing vomit before you put forward those reasonable points....& if you don't see the difference you are as thoughtless as tornado681.

IMO it is reasonable to start expecting JP to making some game changing positive plays(not just non-game changing positive plays)....it is also reasonable to put him into context of having only started 11 games & one should expect errors from him....hell, one should expect errors from anybody who plays.

This threads premise is simply pissy whinging. "This is disgusting, This board makes me want to puke." :D

If JP does pan out I think I'm going to be doubly happy. 1st off I'll be happy that we will have a top QB(finally). 2ndly I'll be happy that all the negative Nancie's who just couldn't wait & just had to blurt out "Ooooh we're doomed" will be forced to pull their heads back in....though I'm sure they'll find something else to only see the negative on.

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makes me want to puke.  Why are we so obsessed with JP managing a game.  God forbid a buffalo bills QB does more than manage a football game.  Everyone on this board is obsessed with this concept.  manage this and magane that.  I cant take it.  With this team, we arent going to make the playoffs with a QB that can manage a game. 


Well our D is good.  Yeah they're good.  When they get a 3 and out.  When they dont they bend over and let teams march right down the field for 7.  They still havent come up with the big stop when we needed it.  In the pats game in the 4th.  In the jets game.  We let that poor excuse of an NFL running back on the Jets (im too lazy and tired to look up his name) look like E. Smith mid 90s on their final drive in the 4th. 


Our last game against the Jets was this Bills team in microcosm.  They have talent and potential.  But they choke on the most crucial of plays. 


Someone wants to lock London long term again.  Are you kidding me?!?!  All we need is another blitzing LB to get stood up at the line by some scrub fullback. 


Sorry for being so pissed off.  Ive seen my Bills talk the talk but not walk the walk in the past 5-6 years or so.  Until they prove me wrong, this will be my *managable* opinion. 


Flame away.






Take two Prozac and call your doctor in the morning.

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makes me want to puke.  Why are we so obsessed with JP managing a game.  God forbid a buffalo bills QB does more than manage a football game.  Everyone on this board is obsessed with this concept.  manage this and magane that.  I cant take it.  With this team, we arent going to make the playoffs with a QB that can manage a game. 


Well our D is good.  Yeah they're good.  When they get a 3 and out.  When they dont they bend over and let teams march right down the field for 7.  They still havent come up with the big stop when we needed it.  In the pats game in the 4th.  In the jets game.  We let that poor excuse of an NFL running back on the Jets (im too lazy and tired to look up his name) look like E. Smith mid 90s on their final drive in the 4th. 


Our last game against the Jets was this Bills team in microcosm.  They have talent and potential.  But they choke on the most crucial of plays. 


Someone wants to lock London long term again.  Are you kidding me?!?!  All we need is another blitzing LB to get stood up at the line by some scrub fullback. 


Sorry for being so pissed off.  Ive seen my Bills talk the talk but not walk the walk in the past 5-6 years or so.  Until they prove me wrong, this will be my *managable* opinion. 


Flame away.




Hey, guess what? You're right. This isn't a great team. They haven't been great for awhile. Their GM has three games in his career. Their coach is new. Their coordinators have six games total between them. They have a young QB. They have new systems, a new line, two starting rookie safeties and two other starting rookies on defense. Thier best player has played one quarter. They have played two of three games on the road in tough places. They were predicted to be one of the 3-4 worst teams in the league. What did you expect?

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Hey, guess what? You're right. This isn't a great team. They haven't been great for awhile. Their GM has three games in his career. Their coach is new. Their coordinators have six games total between them. They have a young QB. They have new systems, a new line, two starting rookie safeties and two other starting rookies on defense. Thier best player has played one quarter. They have played two of three games on the road in tough places. They were predicted to be one of the 3-4 worst teams in the league. What did you expect?




I love the direction this team is going. Yes, we will have setbacks and hopefully they will now learn from their on field mistakes.

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Hey, guess what? You're right. This isn't a great team. They haven't been great for awhile. Their GM has three games in his career. Their coach is new. Their coordinators have six games total between them. They have a young QB. They have new systems, a new line, two starting rookie safeties and two other starting rookies on defense. Thier best player has played one quarter. They have played two of three games on the road in tough places. They were predicted to be one of the 3-4 worst teams in the league. What did you expect?




Best post of the year.... I wish everyone understood this.

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Hey, guess what? You're right. This isn't a great team. They haven't been great for awhile. Their GM has three games in his career. Their coach is new. Their coordinators have six games total between them. They have a young QB. They have new systems, a new line, two starting rookie safeties and two other starting rookies on defense. Thier best player has played one quarter. They have played two of three games on the road in tough places. They were predicted to be one of the 3-4 worst teams in the league. What did you expect?



This is disgusting, you make me want to puke. When will JP win us the big game on his own?





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QBs winning big games by themselves really doesn't happen in the NFL anymore.


But, a QB can sure lose a game by himself.


Exhibit A: Big Ben, who had a terrible Super Bowl, yet the Steelers won. This year, they have asked him to do a little too much, and I think his lingering physical problems aren't helping.


I just saw Charlie Frye come back from a terrible first half, and now the Browns have the lead over the Raiders. The point is, J.P. can't panic when things are going bad. I'll point out that the Antichrist to many on this board, Tom Brady, never panics and keeps an even keel, when things are going bad for his team.


That's the key. A quarterback needs to be a leader, because he gets too much credit when the team does well, and too much blame when the team loses.

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