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Is it hot where you are?

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1. Guess you did not catch my sarcasm. I think that everyone who does not acknowledge Global Warming is oblivious to how much everything in this country is motivated by money. My point was, everyone has been told the truth, most Americans just refuse to listen, for whatever reasons.


2. Why did you link to another TDB thread. (one about a player who should be banned??)



1. Yep, I missed the sarcasm. But the link was meant for anyone.


2. Ha...I had copied that link earlier, and I guess I didn't copy the new one correctly. I fixed it.

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The facts are out there, but they are buried in so much speculation and bias that it is hard to know what to believe.  I don't claim to know all the facts, but I do claim to have actually come to my own conclusions based on my own amateurish research.  Certainly nothing to brag about, but much more than most people do.



I regret to inform you that even if it your own personal opinion, somebody will tell you you're wrong.

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Yawn. Can we talk about West Nile Virus, Bird Flu or SARS? Or aren't those the flavor of the week anymore.


Whatever happened to the flesh-eating virus? Does anybody get that anymore? As a fan of zombie movies, I'd like to say that was my favorite.

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Figures a union guy would say that.  :)


my ass was at work at GE last night and it will be there tonight > I just did not want the kids that work for me during the day to be out in the hot sun working on decks today , I do not need them getting heat stroke . instead I had them painting in my house (AC ) why I did book work .

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We don't use the AC.  Cooler due to being closer to the beach but still hot.  Love the heat.  Open windows and ceiling fan at night work wonders. 


Oh, sailing on the ocean helps too.  :)


We open up at night and have been talking about having a house fan installed in the attic. Our neighbor swears by theirs, and they're not that expensive. Still in all, there is just nothing about heat that is enjoyable to me and I fear that any day now Al Gore is going to roast us all just because we've been making fun of his recently released Powerpoint presentation.
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I regret to inform you that even if it your own personal opinion, somebody will tell you you're wrong.


As long as they can back it up with more than, "Cause TV tells me so", that doesn't bother me at all.

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My word.  I am willing to make sacrifices, but there's no way you're gonna find me sitting here in Atlanta in July without A/C.



You word is something I accept.


But friends that we are, I want you to look about and put out a bowl of water for them birds tonight.



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Yawn. Can we talk about West Nile Virus, Bird Flu or SARS? Or aren't those the flavor of the week anymore.


In my defense... I never even had a conversation about those things... much less told someone else to worry about them..


Global Warming on the other hand.. I'm telling you, you should worry about it.

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No, because I was curious.



I can't point you to one that refutes global warming. I can - when I find them again (I really have to bookmark them, this is the third time in 24 hours I've been asked for them) - give you some reliable sources that demonstrate not only some of the scientific controversy surrounding the research, but also the hideously inaccurate, ignorant, and panicky nature of popular media coverage on the subject.


For starters, though...dig up the National Science Foundation's report on global warming from a few weeks ago. Though it was overwhelmingly "pro-" global warming, it was such an abortion of scientific research that a common sense reading of it by a person of average intelligence (i.e. an above-average American) will find serious flaws in the reasoning (such as their labelling the past 150 years as an "abnormal warming trend" based on a 400-year data set...conveniently forgetting to mention that from 400 years ago to 150 years ago is conventionally considered an abnormally cold period. Arbitrarily redefining an abnormally cool period of time as "normal" to establish that we're not abnormally warm is very bad practice.)


After that...somewhere in my browser history I have a link to an article about the recent conjecture that 2005 was the warmest year on record...according to one NASA scientist using a questionable data set, questionable methodology (including ignoring margins of error - which are considerable - in his measurements and arbitrarily assuming the "correct" data points are at the top of his error bars)...and justifying his "scientific conclusion" with "Well...this is what I believe." (Direct quote...the scientist's name, BTW, is Hansen. At Goddard, I believe). His conclusions are only disputed by such charlatans as...the entire NOAA. :) Of course...the media never reported the NOAA's considerable questions about Hansen's conclusions, even though the conclusions themselves were widely reported as cold, hard fact.


Which really is my complaint with "global warming"...what true science there is, is typically buried under a massive pile of nonsense, junk science, and policy masquerading as science, so that any real scientific discussion is damned near impossible, and the public at large is only exposed to the utter garbage like Gore's book. There's very valid questions about global warming that aren't getting answered (for example: how much of a role solar output's playing...or hell, simply whether or not extrapoliting millenia-long climate trends from decades-long temperature records is a valid method or not) because too many people on both sides of the issue are too busy trying to make policy to fit their agendas to actually do the science.

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By the way, the movie An Inconvenient Truth is excellent.  I saw it this weekend.  Very entertaining and makes strong points based on solid science, not emotional appeals.  Chances are, you will discover that the Global Warming problem is worse than most Americans have been lead to believe.


thousands of years ago the land that my house sits on was covered in ice . man was not around for global warming. what made the ice melt ????? just a normal change in mother earth that has been going on for millions of years . you are all getting sucked in to this bull sh-- .

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Whatever happened to the flesh-eating virus?  Does anybody get that anymore?  As a fan of zombie movies, I'd like to say that was my favorite.



Still around. Actually, it's not uncommon. Group A strep. Although there's apparently a new and worse version of the disease caused by MRSA. :)


And a hundred years ago, it was known as "gas gangrene", cause by Clostridium perfringens. It was never exactly a new disease.


(And yeah, bug people, I know gas gangrene isn't strictly necrotizing fasciitis. Just humor me this once...)

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