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I need to create a will

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I contacted an attorney (referred by someone at the office) and the papers are being drawn up. I have to meet with the attorney next week, go over the questions, take a draft home to the wife, make changes and then come back together to sign.


FWIW - the issue was never about the cost of the will. I just thought that my situation was simple enough to where I didn't need to go through all of the steps mentioned above. The cost of the attorney is around $400.


Thanks to all who posted their thoughts.

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I contacted an attorney (referred by someone at the office) and the papers are being drawn up.  I have to meet with the attorney next week, go over the questions, take a draft home to the wife, make changes and then come back together to sign. 


FWIW - the issue was never about the cost of the will.  I just thought that my situation was simple enough to where I didn't need to go through all of the steps mentioned above.  The cost of the attorney is around $400.


Thanks to all who posted their thoughts.



I think $400 is reasonable in your neck of the woods. We paid that a few years ago. In the end, it's what you don't know about the situation that can hurt you. It seems as though it should be simple, but unfortunately it really isn't. Good luck and remember - your legacy could be a kick-ass server for all Bills fans to enjoy for eternity! :w00t:

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Also make sure that your will states that a certain person will be in charge of cleaning the porn off your computer.


There's got to be some good money to be made in PC porn removal...

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Make sure you are very specific with respect to your kids. My wife and I had one drawn up; I am an attorney, tho not in wills, and went to someone who does this for a living.


Ours read specifically that my folks are in charge of our son's money (in trust), her folks have custody. We specified vacations to see my folks (in Buffalo), type of school we wanted our son to go to (private, Catholic etc.), specific years that he would get disbursements etc.


It may seem ridiculous, but try to think of every possibility. Remember, this is the place to put down all of your wishes and desires as to how your kids are raised in very detailed specifics.

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Make sure you are very specific with respect to your kids.  My wife and I had one drawn up; I am an attorney, tho not in wills, and went to someone who does this for a living.


Ours read specifically that my folks are in charge of our son's money (in trust), her folks have custody.  We specified vacations to see my folks (in Buffalo), type of school we wanted our son to go to (private, Catholic etc.), specific years that he would get disbursements etc.


It may seem ridiculous, but try to think of every possibility.  Remember, this is the place to put down all of your wishes and desires as to how your kids are raised in very detailed specifics.




When you put in all those restrictions it hardly seems worth your kids' while to off you. :ph34r:


Way back when, my parents told my brother, sister and I that she and my Dad had taken out some fight insurance prior to a vacation. As it turns out it was for $10K or $20K...chump change, really when you think about it.


When we said, "why just $10k?" my Mom's response was, "we want to make sure you have $$ to cover our funeral expenses, but we don't want you rooting for the plane to crash."

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Hire a lawyer, do a proper trust, get it funded properly.  If nothing else do it because of one word...........probate.


What does Travis Henry's girlfriend have to do with a will.


Oh. Probate.


I thought you said pro bait.


My bad.

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When we said, "why just $10k?" my Mom's response was, "we want to make sure you have $$ to cover our funeral expenses, but we don't want you rooting for the plane to crash."




That was freaking hilarious!

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When you put in all those restrictions it hardly seems worth your kids' while to off you. 


Way back when, my parents told my brother, sister and I that she and my Dad had taken out some fight insurance prior to a vacation. As it turns out it was for $10K or $20K...chump change, really when you think about it.


When we said, "why just $10k?" my Mom's response was, "we want to make sure you have $$ to cover our funeral expenses, but we don't want you rooting for the plane to crash."



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