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Adam Schein on Sirius says the Texans

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He says the the Texans would be crazy to hold out for the #5 pick.


The anouncement of the contract agreement with Moulds and the delay of the weekend should put all the pressure on the Texans come Monday.


It will be interesting to see if the Eagles jump back in. They could really use Moulds and he is there for the taking.

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This 4th round pick thingy has reached the point of obsurdity.


Someone, probably Moulds' agent, floated the idea of a 4th rounder. Now everyone is discussing it as if it is fact. Same thing as with the Losman trade.


Here's an idea. Maybe Buffalo wants a 3rd or 2nd for him. In the absence of hard information, this is as valid as the idea of the Bills and Texans 'struggling' over a 4/5.


Personally, if it was a question of the 4th rounder, I think this deal would have already been done. I don't know, and neither do these clowns who pose as insiders.

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I agree. Sometimes these people have to ask themselves, what am I going to get out of a 3rd round pick that I can't get from Eric Moulds for the next couple years? Sometimes you get extremely lucky and get a starter in the 3rd round. Usually it takes a couple years for a player to develop.


Eric is fully ready to step on the field and make a significant impact.


They allegedly have agreed to pay him 14 mil/4 years. Will they be paying the 3rd round pick that kind of jack? It's an inequity.


I would hold out for the 3rd.

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Houston's 4th round pick would be the 1st pick on the 2nd day of the draft.  There's always some good players that slip to the beginning of day 2.  I say take it if it's offered.


Thats the problem, its not being offered...for some reason the Texans are dragging their feet on this it seems.


I guess they didnt learn their lesson when they lost out on Orlando Pace last year, if you are too slow or try to hold out when you have zero leverage, you'll be left extremely disappointed.

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Houston's 4th round pick would be the 1st pick on the 2nd day of the draft.  There's always some good players that slip to the beginning of day 2.  I say take it if it's offered.



You are a wise man. :D


Have some frankincense on me.

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wasnt RJ one?


Yep and that Jags turned him into Fred Taylor and Tavian Banks, pretty good value if ask me. I like the idea of getting the pick as mentioned good players fall to the pick and/or trades are made for the pick that could land a few more day 2 picks or picks in next years draft.

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