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My chick of the day


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I don't usually post these things. But I am making today an exception after seeing U.S. women's ice dancer Tanith Belbin. She is skating with Ben Agosto and they are second in the competition. But who cares about that?!?!?!?!


Just look at her! Originally from Quebec, she became a U.S. citizen at the end of last year:













and by far my favorite: :devil:




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I liked this:


Tanith, you've gotten noticed outside of your sport for your good looks. Do you enjoy that kind of attention?


TB: I think that any attention that helps draw audiences to the sport is good. Obviously, I want to support figure skating as much as possible. And I'm certainly not offended by any comments that are made just regarding my looks or anything like that outside of skating. It's very flattering. But I certainly don't think that that's something that we've relied on to get us where we are, that's for sure. Obviously, hopefully, with these Olympic Games, we can prove that we can have both an attractive image but also great results and be at the peak of our game.


Ben, do you realize that you're the envy of every guy who watches the Olympics because you get to skate with Tanith?


BA: Oh, yeah, definitely. I'm definitely the luckiest ice dancer -- figure skater, probably -- in the world. Tanith is a wonderful person, and of course she's extremely good looking, but on top of that, she's a great person, she's fun to be with, she works hard. And we've developed a great relationship with our friendship over the years. We work hard, but we have fun and we never really fight about anything because we're always trying to work towards the same goals. It's a dream come true, and I couldn't be happier that I'm living that dream with Tanith. :devil:


And how does your girlfriend feel about you going off to spend hours every day with Tanith?


BA: She's not happy that I have to be away for about three weeks, but she knows that this is something I've been working for my whole life, and she is very excited that I have the opportunity to go now and pursue this dream. She and Tanith are friends; they get along very well. And I'm friends with Tanith's boyfriend, so I don't think we have any problems with those relationships. Both my girlfriend and Tanith's boyfriend are former skaters, and they understand the commitment that we have to have to our sport and to each other. And we're very lucky that they're so supportive because we couldn't do it without them.

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Good stuff Kraze. To quote Lou Gehrig, that dude is "the luckiest man on the face of the earth."




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Watching her on TV now and I've never been more interested in watching Ice Dancing.


I like to consider it a "double bonus" I get points for watching ice dancing with my wife and I actually get to enjoy what I'm watching


Where's a wardrobe malfunction when you need one? :lol::lol:

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