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Common Sense Rules for TSW

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You can, however, individually set every member's post count to zero and then set all the forums to not increase the members' post counts.


Put that on your list of things to do on a slow day.  :D


[Edit:  Upon reflection, it might be easier -- relatively speaking, of course -- to reverse the steps I suggested...]



I really don't think it's as much about high post counts as much as it's "seeing your name in lights." Maybe if we masked the "author" "last posted by" fields it would help, but I doubt it.

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I appreciate both you Dan and Kelly making suggestions in trying to improve TBD.  Yet the suggestions that are being presented, from what I've seen, tend to kill a message board and break apart a community. 


I mentioned a thread where there are almost 300,000 replies.  That thread is here.  Yes, it makes absolutely no sense, and there are numerous of repeated posts, but it's one of the most active threads on my board on a daily basis.  Something that may have been on page 235 might have been repeated on page 2000.  Who cares?  It's a very fun thread!  It also has it's edgier moments, but that really doesn't matter.  I mean, it's a "Bored" thread, so when you're bored, anything is bound to happen!


See, this is where I misunderstood your hypothetical situation. I thought you meant that the "board" consisted of 1 thread with 300,000 replies. Not had one thread. But that thread really in a sense proves "nothing," as it is a thread whose very spirit is to add random thoughts....


There is another thread on my board that was started very innocently.  Someone thought it would be fun to see what Sesame Street Muppet character you were.  Only problem is, someone put in an incorrect HTML, and "The Muppet Thread" became a challenge to some members, to see how screwed up they could make each individual page.  The link to that thread is here, but remember, enter at your own risk, as some browsers and older computers will crash due to too much damn stuff going on at once! 


There are all sorts of examples of zany, crazy threads that have shown up here, and when they happen it's fine, hilarious. Sometimes something that starts on-topic goes way off topic. That happens, that's personalities. But what if every thread went that way? Wouldn't it get tedious? What if someone decided to post their creation in another thread, or several other threads?


There are many other areas on the board that are not as loose.  Everything has a place.  From Rush discussions, to Sports, to computer/technology, to Politics, to Religion.  People have varied interestes, and with breaking these interests into indiviual areas, that helps a community to go directly to what they wish to talk about. 


It isn't any different here, and I don't think anyone is arguing that. PPP, OtW, Consumer Forum, College sports, baseball forum, etc...


The point I'm making here, is that sometime you just got to let people be themselves.  No matter how much of an ass they may be posting on a message board, (yours truly included), it's better to let them go, and find their way.  I don't care what message board you're talking about, each and every message board community has it's own flavor, and it takes a while in some instances, for people to find their place.


Letting people be themselves, no matter how wacky it might be, will develop a stronger community.  We recently had a Rush fans gathering at our house for Christmas.  We had members fly in from Florida, North Carloina, Texas, and Oregon.  A large number of members came up from Southern California.  We drank, some smoked, had a Christmas gift exchange.  And everyone had an amazing time!  There are gatherings like this all over the U.S., and in some instances, the world.  All because you have people with like interests, yet very different, feeling comfortable enough to be themselves.  And there are all kinds of differences.  All kinds of professions.  We have a producer from CNN in Atlanta, a graphic artist, a Team Manager for a NHRA Funny Car Team, High level professional musicans, Doctors, Lawyers, what have you.  It takes all kinds to make a community strong, and for a community to grow.



I'd defer to XXX XXXX's rare lucid moment. Yes, I did read it, and if I hadn't I would have wasted a lot more of my time as well as those actually reading this thread pretty much repeating what he said. He pretty much nailed it. Maybe I'm a weird person, but it takes me a lot longer to compose a response than it does to read, and I'm lazy, so it's usually in my best interests to read the responses to see if what I'm thinking has already been said. If it has, then frequently it's a net savings on my time. Of course, based on a lot of what I have bothered to read here lately, part of my problem is that I actually bother to think about what I'm going to type before I open the reply window....


It's very clear that, as you mention in another reply, lack of patience is part of the problem as well (as evidenced by the "why hasn't the entire coaching staff been announced?!" threads that started about 5 minutes after Jauron was introduced). I'm just one who thinks that better community is built by talking to each other rather than trying to shout above each other...but I guess I'm old-fashioned that way...

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I like the "last post by" field. Post count can stay or go IMO.




Same here. Who cares about counts...either way?


But I use "last post by" a lot. I may open a thread i otherwise might ignore (due to it's topic or the poster that started it) if I see that an interesting and/or funny poster has commented in that thread.

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Between that and your drinkling habit...  :D


A shame there's so few of us true old-timers left around now.  We've been replaced by a bunch of snot-nosed self-important know-nothing Gen-Xers who think typing sh-- like "Jp LoSmAn Is KeWl!!!" or "Would Mighty Mouse be a better QB than Aquaman?" is intelligent conversation.


Mighty Mouse has very small hands and has happy feet. It's not even close. Who do you think he would blame after he tanks as quarterback on the Bills?

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well if we are gonna add rules .why not make this a football only site? it is supposed to be a bills message board/chat and peope are always posting about rock bands and movies and where to go for doctor advice and yankees and sabres talk.................this is a buffalo football forum...........it should be football only!

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I guess some people think that I should chime in here, not that it will help the mess that is this thread....


First, let's get this out of the way - there is nothing wrong with KtFaBD initial post. What he suggests is indeed common courtesy and I encourage everyone to follow his advice. For those of you who gave him crap, just read his initial post and try to understand the spirit in which it was posted. If you can't understand it then you have issues....


Now, to some other specific points and some generalities...


1. As you can see from the responses in this thread - everyone has their own idea of Nirvana, their own idea of what is "broken", their own idea behind what causes these "issues". Notice many of the diagnostics and proposed solutions conflict.


This isn't a discussion about particle physics where just the fact that you are discussing the topic means you have a certain level of education and sophistication. This is football - enjoyed by the very young, the very old, male or female, USA or foreigners, rocket scientists or high school dropouts. The shear breadth of the backgrounds of the posters here on this public forum will always be an impediment to achieving a certain set of standards followed by all.


We all need to show a little more tolerance... myself included.


2. This notion that people are posting to see their post counts go up is seriously off target IMHO. I have only seen that twice - once back in 2003 when we used wwwthreads and the notion of a "top 10 poster" was born and once when ICE thought Jay would beat him to 10k. 2003 was a LONG time ago - I do not see anyone posting for the sole purpose of seeing their post count go up. Even when stojan had diarrhea of the fingers it was just because he was just talkative. So I really reject the notion that post totals are some sort evil attribute that is causing disruption.


3. LAMPs. I apologize if I'm not on board with this either. I pretty much despise the whole label. We are on a public message board sharing our opinions to the world - anyone who takes the time to post WANTS their words to be read! I fully understand the feeling that some people have when they start a new thread for fear of their efforts being wasted. This is not inherently a character flaw. I wanted to post this as a new thread because I want people to read it! Many may have tuned this thread out already. The next reply will remove me from the Last Poster line, so those who may be interested in my response may never know I chimed in. In the end, it's not a big deal. It's just a message board. So while it is no big deal if someone misses my post, it's really no big deal that I want people to read what I had written either. I just find the "LAMP" label to be a bit hypercritical.


The LAMP accusation can often be hypocritical too depending on who is laying the charge... if someone is slamming another poster just to get a chuckle from their friends (when the same insult can be done via PM) - that seems to me to the king of all LAMPs - no?


4. LAMPs accusations is another way to accuse a poster of being an "attention seeker". Again, anyone who posts here wants attention. It is the nature of the beast. Just because we have had a handful of posters who have had an unhealthy appetite for attention, it doesn't mean 50+% of the community does, just because they start a new thread on a similar topic. Again, I find this to be a bit hypercritical.


5. WRT to Dan's assertion about seeing "your name in lights", again I don't agree. We all use the thread starter/last post tool to see who is active in a thread. This is a feature that HELPS people identify the posters they want to read and where they are. I guess this is similar to what I have already stated, but there is a certain level of attention everyone wants because they are actively seeking interaction with the community. I reject the notion that a few people are "good-attention seekers" while everyone else is a "bad attention-seeker".


6. The Dean mentioned self-policing. Well, the moderators get PRECIOUS few complaints from the "report post" feature. With 1000-2000 posts per day, you can't expect a handful of people to be fully engaged in every thread and every post 24/7. Reporting posts or posters is the surest way to call attention to problems to the moderators. Please use it.


7. BTW, we have a couple moderator spots open - apply via PM to me!


8. Losing football wears people down. There are a lot of short tempers here - including my own. Let's hope this upcoming season is a good one.


The ups and downs of the offseason are upon us. Take a deep breath and relax. If the football talk isn't too great these days, join in another topic. From my perspective, the Bills have always been the vehicle to bring together a diverse group of people who can share opinions on ANY topic - not just football.


Thanks to everyone who posted sincere, constructive criticism and opinions. Good night!

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- everyone has their own idea of Nirvana



6.  The Dean mentioned self-policing.  Well, the moderators get PRECIOUS few complaints from the "report post" feature.  With 1000-2000 posts per day, you can't expect a handful of people to be fully engaged in every thread and every post 24/7.  Reporting posts or posters is the surest way to call attention to problems to the moderators.  Please use it.





Great post, Fearless Leader...well said.


Two points:


You're right about Nirvana. i think they suck. never understood why anyone thought Cobain was a genius. B-)


Resorting to using me in a post? You must be desperate. Besides...we don't need no stinking mods. :lol:

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I like the "last post by" field. Post count can stay or go IMO.



I wasn't actually advocating the removal of those fields. It's just removal of those fields may do more of a job of reducing the "look-at-me's" than zeroing post counts (slim vs. none, but I don't think it's about post count, except in rare cases). About the only time I read threads here any more is when I see the handle of someone I respect in one of those fields...

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I guess some people think that I should chime in here, not that it will help the mess that is this thread....


First, let's get this out of the way - there is nothing wrong with KtFaBD initial post.  What he suggests is indeed common courtesy and I encourage everyone to follow his advice. For those of you who gave him crap, just read his initial post and try to understand the spirit in which it was posted.  If you can't understand it then you have issues....


Now, to some other specific points and some generalities...


1.  As you can see from the responses in this thread - everyone has their own idea of Nirvana, their own idea of what is "broken", their own idea behind what causes these "issues".  Notice many of the diagnostics and proposed solutions conflict. 


This isn't a discussion about particle physics where just the fact that you are discussing the topic means you have a certain level of education and sophistication.  This is football - enjoyed by the very young, the very old, male or female, USA or foreigners, rocket scientists or high school dropouts. The shear breadth of the backgrounds of the posters here on this public forum will always be an impediment to achieving a certain set of standards followed by all.


We all need to show a little more tolerance... myself included.


2.  This notion that people are posting to see their post counts go up is seriously off target IMHO.  I have only seen that twice - once back in 2003 when we used wwwthreads and the notion of a "top 10 poster" was born and once when ICE thought Jay would beat him to 10k. 2003 was a LONG time ago - I do not see anyone posting for the sole purpose of seeing their post count go up.  Even when stojan had diarrhea of the fingers it was just because he was just talkative. So I really reject the notion that post totals are some sort evil attribute that is causing disruption.


3.  LAMPs.  I apologize if I'm not on board with this either.  I pretty much despise the whole label.  We are on a public message board sharing our opinions to the world - anyone who takes the time to post WANTS their words to be read!  I fully understand the feeling that some people have when they start a new thread for fear of their efforts being wasted.  This is not inherently a character flaw.  I wanted to post this as a new thread because I want people to read it!  Many may have tuned this thread out already.  The next reply will remove me from the Last Poster line, so those who may be interested in my response may never know I chimed in.  In the end, it's not a big deal.  It's just a message board.  So while it is no big deal if someone misses my post, it's really no big deal that I want people to read what I had written either.  I just find the "LAMP" label to be a bit hypercritical.


The LAMP accusation can often be hypocritical too depending on who is laying the charge... if someone is slamming another poster just to get a chuckle from their friends (when the same insult can be done via PM) - that seems to me to the king of all LAMPs - no?


4. LAMPs accusations is another way to accuse a poster of being an "attention seeker".  Again, anyone who posts here wants attention.  It is the nature of the beast.  Just because we have had a handful of posters who have had an unhealthy appetite for attention, it doesn't mean 50+% of the community does, just because they start a new thread on a similar topic.  Again, I find this to be a bit hypercritical.


5. WRT to Dan's assertion about seeing "your name in lights", again I don't agree.  We all use the thread starter/last post tool to see who is active in a thread.  This is a feature that HELPS people identify the posters they want to read and where they are.  I guess this is similar to what I have already stated, but there is a certain level of attention everyone wants because they are actively seeking interaction with the community.  I reject the notion that a few people are "good-attention seekers" while everyone else is a "bad attention-seeker".


6.  The Dean mentioned self-policing.  Well, the moderators get PRECIOUS few complaints from the "report post" feature.  With 1000-2000 posts per day, you can't expect a handful of people to be fully engaged in every thread and every post 24/7.  Reporting posts or posters is the surest way to call attention to problems to the moderators.  Please use it.


7.  BTW, we have a couple moderator spots open - apply via PM to me!


8.  Losing football wears people down.  There are a lot of short tempers here - including my own.  Let's hope this upcoming season is a good one.


The ups and downs of the offseason are upon us.  Take a deep breath and relax.  If the football talk isn't too great these days, join in another topic. From my perspective, the Bills have always been the vehicle to bring together a diverse group of people who can share opinions on ANY topic - not just football.


Thanks to everyone who posted sincere, constructive criticism and opinions. Good night!




This post takes my breath away. :lol:

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