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Peter King on our meddlesome owner


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Oh! So THAT'S why TD sucked so bad and Williams and Mularkey couldn't get it done. They were on the phone so much with Ralph. It's all very clear to me now.


Thanks Peter King. Bet your phone never rings, does it.


Apparently that headset that Mularkey wore on the sidelines was so he could talk to Ralph during the game, not his assistant coaches. ... Good Job PK, now go get yourself another cup of java and continue to blow Manning

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I read his "Inside the Helmet" book, which was excellent. Had a couple of good bits in there about Bruce Smith, Darryl Talley, and Jim Kelly, which were quite postive.


He's a good writer, but as far as his abilities as a "rumor" guy, I think he's out of his element.


If Mularkey and Donahoe are using Ralph's phone calls as an excuse, I'm glad they're gone......they should just STFU and move on. Other owners and coaches are not going to be sympathetic and if the rumors are true that they're whining, it's going to be difficult for them to get other jobs.


I also don't understand why they're talking about their families getting harassed.

That happens in every NFL city when a team is losing. I think it's an unfair portrayal of Buffalonians. There are nutjobs in every city, so you put your kids in private school where they'll be left alone.

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It's great to be around so many people who know so much Bills history before 1985.


Shall we take a stroll down memory lane before Polian arrived on the greatness of Bills' front office & coaches? Shall we go into detail on Polian's departure? Butler's? Not recognizing the talented AJ Smith, already in-house?


And yeah, as fans we should really feel great in comparing our franchise to the greatness of Davis, Jones & Snyder ownerships.


But, hey it's easier to kick Peter King of out Starbucks.

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I'll bet Jerry Jones and Dan Snyder "call a lot", too, you frappacino drinking Puss



Yep, Jerry and Danny have the advantage of bothering their head coaches in person, 24/7... since they actually live and work in their teams' city!! what a concept?!?

Heck, i would think the Bills job would be even MORE attractive since the big boss lives in another city (although trying to explain stuff to an 87 year old over the phone can get quite tiresome).

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It's great to be around so many people who know so much Bills history before 1985.


Shall we take a stroll down memory lane before Polian arrived on the greatness of Bills' front office & coaches?  Shall we go into detail on Polian's departure?  Butler's?  Not recognizing the talented AJ Smith, already in-house?


And yeah, as fans we should really feel great in comparing our franchise to the greatness of Davis, Jones & Snyder ownerships.


But, hey it's easier to kick Peter King of out Starbucks.


shhhhhhhh ....

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It's great to be around so many people who know so much Bills history before 1985.


Shall we take a stroll down memory lane before Polian arrived on the greatness of Bills' front office & coaches?  Shall we go into detail on Polian's departure?  Butler's?  Not recognizing the talented AJ Smith, already in-house?


And yeah, as fans we should really feel great in comparing our franchise to the greatness of Davis, Jones & Snyder ownerships.


But, hey it's easier to kick Peter King of out Starbucks.



I think I considered contemplating putting something like that in my Top 10 Things I Think I Can Write That I Possibly Think That I Thunk But Didn't Think Thru Thoroughly


But when I actually wrote it down, that didn't make the top 10. it came in at #12 (genuflect)

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Sorry can't link, but Peter King notes in Monday Morning QB that Ralph made a lot of calls (daily) to Donahoe and the coaches.  He suggests that it took time away from more important activities.


This should make the HC position for the Bills that much more attractive to potential candidates.


Well, I've never seen Ralph down on the sideline looking at every player and trying to be a coach and an owner like Jerry Jones. Wow, so he called in during the week. That's way out of line. More sour grapes from TD

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This is one reason why I think a GM like Marv and the head coaching retread that is Haslett could actually work here. Both have very good relationships with Ralph, and neither is likely to be bothered as much by Ralph's phone inquiries. Also, both may actually be willing to pick up on a helpful over-the-phone suggestion or two from a guy with 46 years of experience being around pro football. Maybe if TD/GW/MM paid attention to Ralph's calls, they could have learned how to handle this unique local media and fan base we call Bills Nation (more up-front press conferences, less sign confiscating, etc...). Who knows...with a Levy/Haslett combo, at the very least maybe this franchise won't fold like a stack of dominoes over a few phone call interruptions, as King implied :):blink:.

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Sorry can't link, but Peter King notes in Monday Morning QB that Ralph made a lot of calls (daily) to Donahoe and the coaches.  He suggests that it took time away from more important activities.


This should make the HC position for the Bills that much more attractive to potential candidates.


OH--and I suppose Jerry Jones and little Danny Snyder hardly call the coaches at all;)

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Well, I've never seen Ralph down on the sideline looking at every player and trying to be a coach and an owner like Jerry Jones. Wow, so he called in during the week. That's way out of line. More sour grapes from TD


Exactly...like its Ralphs fault.Ralph called him at EXACTLY the wrong time and made him screw up the 4 th pick in the entire draft...:blink:..lol

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It's great to be around so many people who know so much Bills history before 1985.


Shall we take a stroll down memory lane before Polian arrived on the greatness of Bills' front office & coaches?  Shall we go into detail on Polian's departure?  Butler's?  Not recognizing the talented AJ Smith, already in-house?


And yeah, as fans we should really feel great in comparing our franchise to the greatness of Davis, Jones & Snyder ownerships.


But, hey it's easier to kick Peter King of out Starbucks.




GG, you have forgotten more about the Bills than many of us know, but as a fellow Bills historian, I think part of your comment reflects a historical fallacy that has crept into too many stories lately. It is certainly true that Wilson has a history as a cheapskate and unimaginative in a crisis (Harvey Johnson twice for Pete's sake!), and I agree that letting Polian go was a mistake (even though I never had to work with the man, who is, by his own admission, difficult). Nevertheless, the departure of John Butler (and, by extension, AJ Smith who did not want to succeed his friend in Buffalo) cannot be hung on Ralph. Butler saw that the 2000 Bills were in need of a major overhaul with no money to do so, and had avoided all discussion of an extension for a year. SD, on the other hand, was in a nice location, and offered nowhere to go but up with high draft choices and no cap hell. Indeed, some hinted that Spanos in SD had dangled the job before him in the previous summer, a whiff of tampering that could never be proved. The evidence at the time was clear: Butler wanted to leave, and his subsequent reconciliation with Ralph years later confirmed it. That is no criticism of the man (de moribus nihil nisi bonum and all that), but a statement of the facts as they were actually quite commonly known at the time. To retrospectively blame Ralph for that fits into today's news stories, but is not accurate. If we want to attack Ralph, let's stick to firmer ground (Rashad's free agency, Tom Cousineau, Harvey Johnson, etc. etc.)


Go Bills!

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I like how everyone's conclusion isn't "Great, yet another article implying Wilson is a difficult owner to work with" but rather "Great, yet another hack writer making up stuff about our organization for no reason! Why us?"

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I like how everyone's conclusion isn't "Great, yet another article implying Wilson is a difficult owner to work with" but rather "Great, yet another hack writer making up stuff about our organization for no reason! Why us?"

I don't disbelieve King. I just think that Wilson started keeping tabs on TD like he did with Butler towards the end of HIS tenure in Buffalo, because they weren't getting things done.

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..... Nevertheless, the departure of John Butler (and, by extension, AJ Smith who did not want to succeed his friend in Buffalo) cannot be hung on Ralph. Butler saw that the 2000 Bills were in need of a major overhaul with no money to do so, and had avoided all discussion of an extension for a year. SD, on the other hand, was in a nice location, and offered nowhere to go but up with high draft choices and no cap hell. Indeed, some hinted that Spanos in SD had dangled the job before him in the previous summer, a whiff of tampering that could never be proved. The evidence at the time was clear: Butler wanted to leave, and his subsequent reconciliation with Ralph years later confirmed it. That is no criticism of the man (de moribus nihil nisi bonum and all that), but a statement of the facts as they were actually quite commonly known at the time.


I believe that you're the one who's engaging in a waxing tale of Ralph & Butler.


After JB passed on, many stories were written in how JB was never comfortable in the GM role and mostly cherished player evaluation & contact. RW never really accepted Butler as the GM, didn't think that he was polished enough, and would frequently throw derogatory barbs at his history as a store clerk.


While it's true that Butler is the one who didn't want to extend his contract in Buffalo,

he also earned the right to work in a more rewarding environment. Whether SD offered him that opportunity is besides the point that he was miserable in Buffalo. (btw, the reconciliation came when JB was on his death bed, and RW called to apologize)


After Butler was fired, AJ Smith expressed an interest in the position. But I don't remember if RW declined it, or gave a cursory one, as TD was his man all along. One thing is not in dispute, RW wouldn't let Smith out of his contract, until it expired in February, although it was obvious that TD was bringing in his guy.




To retrospectively blame Ralph for that fits into today's news stories, but is not accurate. If we want to attack Ralph, let's stick to firmer ground (Rashad's free agency, Tom Cousineau, Harvey Johnson, etc. etc.)


Go Bills!



Actually, not signing Cousineau was brilliant, it got us Kelly

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