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Mularkey's accomplishments


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>Has assembled a 6 game win streak with Drew Bledsoe as his QB. This is a feat unequaled in NFL history although such luminaries as Bill Parcells and Bill Belichik have had the opportunity.


>Has gone .500 within the AFC East, even though in his only full season he was a rookie coach in the NFL's best division.


>Has assembled a 9-4 home record in his first year and a half, even though he's been beset by injuries, rookie QB's and insubordinate players with contracts on their minds.


>Has separated the wheat from the chaffe, showing which Bills fans have the strength to endure rough stretches and which run screeching for cover at the first sign of trouble.


>Has provided yet another opportunity for me to type something that will label me as an idiot; until of course I turn out to be right again. :pirate:

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>Has assembled a 6 game win streak with Drew Bledsoe as his QB. This is a feat unequaled in NFL history although such luminaries as Bill Parcells and Bill Belichik have had the opportunity.


>Has gone .500 within the AFC East, even though in his only full season he was a rookie coach in the NFL's best division.


>Has assembled a 9-4 home record in his first year and a half, even though he's been beset by injuries, rookie QB's and insubordinate players with contracts on their minds.


>Has separated the wheat from the chaffe, showing which Bills fans have the strength to endure rough stretches and which run screeching for cover at the first sign of trouble.


>Has provided yet another opportunity for me to type something that will label me as an idiot; until of course I turn out to be right again.  :w00t:




Party pooper! You would have SUCKED at a lynch mob, ya know. :pirate:

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here is one accomplishment!


He has turned me from a loyal 27 year Bills fan- supported them during the early and mid 80's.. never waivered during the mid 90's or the Flutie-RJ years, stuck by them during Big Wade and confused Gregg years


BUT NOW MM has the accomplishment of turning me into a fan that :

Could care less about his lame, uncoached, poorly coached, useless, no for good, overrated, no talent, horrible play callin', player suspendin', embarassin', laughing stock of a team.



Thanks Mike! You can't leave quick enough!


PS. PUH LEASE take your silver haired proud, pious piece of Crap General Manager with you! what? what was that Tommy.. I'm a JERK! From you that is a compliment!!!!!!!!!!

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His best and most significant accomplishment could well be that he has Simon for an admirer.

Not sure I'd go quite that far yet. I've liked most of what I've seen but he has some tendencies I don't care for.

To wit(lessness):

I'm not fond of his propensity to punt when we have the ball in opposing territory. I appreciate the field position game but sometimes I think Mike likes it too much. Due to the death of the coffin-corner kicker we usually only end up picking up 20-25 yrds of field position and to me that's not enough upside to make it worth voluntarily giving up possession in the bad guys' end.

One thing I am an admirer of is innovation, and while I appreciate his willingness to be an innovator rather than an imitator, I'm not fond of when he chooses to break out Hobart's Funnies. Instead of key downs (ala 4th/short) when defenses have thier eyes open widest and are at their most focused, I'd rather see him mixing it up on 2nd/5 in the middle of the 3rdqrtr when defenses are a little less focused and more prone to bite on the first bait they see.

And while I'm glad to see that he'll quickly take the reins from a co-ordinator whose work he doesn't care for, I'm a little disappointed that he's less willing to yank an underperforming player. There's no reason Bennie Anderson should ahve been on the field for so long this year, or that Posey should have been on all last year.

I don't agree with every call he makes, but he's certainly not shown me enough to want to run him out the door after just 2 dozen games.


He was a bum in Pittsburgh, and looks as if he is still a bum.

Yeah, he only coached the Stiller offense up to one of the best in the league............

with Kordell freaking Stewart as his QB.

But I'm sure any bum could pull that off. :w00t:


You would have SUCKED at a lynch mob, ya know.

Who you think that lynch mob is likely to be chasin? I'm not a young man but I got wheels when there's pitchforks pokin' me in the arse. :pirate:

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I'm surprised nobody mentioned my favorite: he was going mesh TH and WM into our own version of Thunder and Ice.


That experiment ended pretty quickly with that surreal pass play against the Ravens - the one they made the TV commercial about with the clown...

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For once I agree with Simon. Mularkey has:


- Compiled a winning season, the only coach in TD's Bills' tenure to do so


- Brought in strong position coaches on the offensive side of the ball. Sam Wyche at QB coach. Jim McNally at o-line. Anquan Boldin's receivers coach.


- Committed to running the ball, unlike Kevin Gilbride

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Outside of his first year in Pittsburgh(Same goes for Buffalo), the guy was a fuggin moron in terms of play calling......You recall the Jets-Steelers game in 2003, snow covered game, Instead of opting to run the ball against a weak Jets defense in bad conditions, Steelers throw down field all game, and of course lose.....Steelers fans wanted him gone after the 2003 season

He only called their offense for two years. The first year they were in the Top5 with Kordell; the 2nd year they fell to the middle of the pack with Tommy Maddox.

Yes I recall the game. The Jets ground game with Curtis Martin only managed to produce 6 pts in those conditions and the Steelers lost by 6 as their kicker missed two FG's while the Jets kicker hit 2 FG's. The fact that the Stillers lost Jerome Bettis in that game may have also had something to do with it.

And I don't care what Steelers "fans" wanted (the knowledgable ones I know weren't calling for his head). Bills "fans" want him gone too. It doesn't make them right.


If your evidence that Mularkey is a "fuggin moron" consists of the fact that he threw more than they ran for one game on a slippery field when his starting back was out, and that a few loudmouth yahoos (i.e. sports journalists speaking for the "fans") instead wanted somebody who could coach Tommy Maddox and Kordell Stewart to the #1 offense in the NFL, then I'm sorry but I don't find it anywhere near compelling. Or pertinent. Or even interesting.



For once I agree with Simon.

Congrats on being right....for once. :pirate:

Actually we agree more than you think. I just don't run my yap as often as I used to.

And when you're talking about good coaches, don't forget Bobby April and Tim Krumrie.


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Congrats on being right....for once.  :pirate:

Lol. Being right is something I'm used to. Getting credit for it, well that's something new!


And when you're talking about good coaches, don't forget Bobby April and Tim Krumrie.


I admit I did forget about April. But wasn't Krumrie here before Mularkey?

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For once I agree with Simon. Mularkey has:


- Compiled a winning season, the only coach in TD's Bills' tenure to do so


- Brought in strong position coaches on the offensive side of the ball. Sam Wyche at QB coach. Jim McNally at o-line. Anquan Boldin's receivers coach.


- Committed to running the ball, unlike Kevin Gilbride




If only position coaches could play, we might have something here. (although I believe the coaches mentioned aren't bad)


I'm not too sure he's committed to running the ball. When the Bills get near the goal line he forgets that Willis is on the team and thinks he's got Peyton Manning at QB.


When they're up 20 pts. in the 4th quarter, he forgets that running the ball will kill the clock. Wise coaching.


And finally I get so pissed off when TD or Mularkey thinks the fans are so stupid and that they are so smart. The stupid fans should realize that a 4-8 team after five years of rebuilding is true progress. Arrogant jerks deserve nothing less than the criticism that they have earned! The Bills fans are smart enough to recognize a pile off crap when they see it. (particularly a BS press conference!)

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Being right is something I'm used to. Getting credit for it, well that's something new...... I did forget about April. But wasn't Krumrie here before Mularkey?

Something new indeed. You can be right 1000 times in a row around here and I promise you nobody will remember it.

As for Krumrie, you may well be right again.....for the second time this season!-)

I don't remember what year he came in. Hell, I'm not sure what I had for supper.


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I have to say, as much as I didn't like Gregg Williams as our coach, I felt bad for him when he left. I felt he truly gave it his best shot but was just overmatched in his first shot at being a HC. But Mularkey at this point, I can say, I'll have no feelings for whatsoever and I want him gone as much as the next guy. Maybe he's on some idealistic mission to promote lockerroom equity, but the bottom line is alienating our best pro bowl level type players will only lead to agonizing defeats like Sunday. And there is not one single shred of evidence or rumor of anything that has leaked about Adams or Moulds at this point that sounds like anything other than they want to play and help this team win. And why in the hell should they be taken out? They're far and away the best players we have at their respective positions. This absolutely makes no sense.

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If only position coaches could play, we might have something here. (although I believe the coaches mentioned aren't bad)

Agreed. If the players--such as the o-linemen--are receiving some of the best position coaching in the league, and still aren't doing their jobs, then TD should have found himself better players.

I'm not too sure he's committed to running the ball. When the Bills get near the goal line he forgets that Willis is on the team and thinks he's got Peyton Manning at QB.

I take it this is a reference to the Losman interception? Personally I liked the fact he was giving Losman some red zone experience, and throwing the ball when the other team probably expected run. Losman admitted to making a horrible throw, but that interception could have happened at any point in the game when Losman dropped back to throw. Should Mularkey have stopped calling pass plays after the first three quarters?

When they're up 20 pts. in the 4th quarter, he forgets that running the ball will kill the clock. Wise coaching.

In the 4th quarter, the Bills had 12 running plays to just seven pass plays. That's about the right ratio.

(particularly a BS press conference!)

If this is in reference to the Moulds situation, I see it as a case where Mularkey doesn't want to show the world the team's dirty laundry.

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2-6 in 2004 vs. Teams that finished the Season with a winning Record...


1-5 in 2005 vs. Teams who currently have a winning Record...


3-11 Total Record vs. Teams with a winning record...


2-5 at Home vs. those Teams...


48-80 is the combined record of the 9 Teams MM's Bills have beat at Home...


Not good enough...

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>Has gone .500 within the AFC East, even though in his only full season he was a rookie coach in the NFL's best division.


OK, New England won the Super Bowl last year and they are in the AFC East. But, other than them, the AFC East is pretty sorry.


I think both the Jets and Bills feasted last year on soft schedules and have come crashing back to reality this year.

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