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Those calling for TD/MM head...


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Is the answer Jesus?


But seriously, and I don't know if I want these guys fired yet, but who is out there to replace one or both of them?



Well...I've got a half-empty can of Easy Cheese on my desk in front of me...though honestly, I suspect it would be wasted in a coaching position, and would make a better replacement for Bennie Anderson...

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Threads like these just go to show me how !@#$ing worthless the opinions of many people on this message board are to me, the same people who ripped on the rest of us during the 2005 offseason, the 2005 draft, and the 2005 preseason for pointing out flaws in the almighty genius that is Tom Donahoe.


To date, only 4 of 31 other NFL franchises have a worse cumulative record since TD became Buffalo GM - the Browns, Texans, Lions, and Cardinals.


To date, only 7 other NFL franchises have yet to make the playoffs in that same span - Jags, Bengals, Texans, Redskins, Saints, Lions, and Cardinals. Note that the Jags and Bengals will most likely be removed from this list soon, leaving TD's Bills with 5 others.


So I ask you, oh wise and patient apologists of Tom Donahoe, how hard would it be to equal this production - let alone improve on it - with a new GM? If you can't come up with any names for a GM replacement, then most likely it's not because there's no one who can do better. Most likely, it's because you don't know any names in the professional football business.


TD is a subpar GM who made one great decision while in Pittsburgh - Bill Cowher - and has since been living off the coattails of that one head coaching decision. The Pittsburgh teams of the 90's (and still today) are known for overwhelming their opponents at the line of scrimmage while the players behind them clean up. Based on the status of the OL and DL currently in place here in Buffalo, it's safe to say that Cowher was the one pushing for all those great Steeler linemen draft picks. If TD had had his own way, Pittsburgh would have traded all of their draft picks in order to move up to grab the biggest, sexiest offensive skill position player available.


Firing TD now seems a little scary for devoted Bills fans. Change can be scary. Uncertainty can be scary. But you TD apologists need to put your hand down your pants, find your testicles, grab them, and plop them down on the work station table because it's time to do the hard work necessary in fielding a competitive team again. TD, after 5 long years, may have actually given us a few nice players to build a competitive team around (Losman, Evans, McGahee), but now it's time to find our next Polian who can put together the other 50 or so around them like Polian did with Kelly and Co. in the mid-80's. Hey, even if we can't find a GM on the level of Polian, at this point I'd settle for another Butler type. At least Butler's teams made the playoffs every now and then. I just want a GM who won't make me give up on the season before Thanksgiving.

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A top-notch GM (Pioli, Wolf) will cost Ralph over $3-$5 mil per year.


Good luck with that.





Another one who's getting it. Ralph is a cheap bastard when it comes to HCs and GMs.


Didn't he bring in Marv as an interim coach because he came cheap?

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Another one who's getting it. Ralph is a cheap bastard when it comes to HCs and GMs.


Didn't he bring in Marv as an interim coach because he came cheap?



Marv was in the pressbox doing Bills commentary. He almost killed himself jumping to the field. Ralph could have got him to coach for baloney sandwiches that first year.

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I like Modrak a lot as well- but if he took TD's job, who takes his?



Even though the Bflo News mentioned that Modrak could be Donahoe's successor I remember back around the Draft last year when Modrak stated that He's NOT interested in being a GM (the Bills offered it to him several times to relieve the work load on TD) because he Loves hitting the pavement and Scouting the players for the Draft.

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I would say the first thing that has to be done is the firing of Tom Donahoe.

I would let the next GM decide if he wants to hire a new coach.


If TD fires Mularkey and TD somehow manages to keep his job, they would be hard pressed to find a real good replacement willing to come in after watching the hatchet jobs done on, Wade Phillips, Bruce DeHaven, Mike Shepherd, Gregg Williams, Gilbride, Rusty Jones, and now potentially Mularkey and his staff.


No one worth their salt is going to want to come in and work for an organization that has no loyalty and dumps peope so quickly regardless if the dumping is justified.


Most of these guys....even Gildbride has proven they are decent coaches when given quality players to coach.

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Firing TD now seems a little scary for devoted Bills fans. Change can be scary. Uncertainty can be scary. But you TD apologists need to put your hand down your pants, find your testicles, grab them, and plop them down on the work station table because it's time to do the hard work necessary in fielding a competitive team again. TD, after 5 long years, may have actually given us a few nice players to build a competitive team around (Losman, Evans, McGahee), but now it's time to find our next Polian who can put together the other 50 or so around them like Polian did with Kelly and Co. in the mid-80's. Hey, even if we can't find a GM on the level of Polian, at this point I'd settle for another Butler type. At least Butler's teams made the playoffs every now and then. I just want a GM who won't make me give up on the season before Thanksgiving.



How about a GM who can properly evaluate Head Coaching candidates? That would be nice...Like it, or don't like it, the decisions to go with Williams and Mularkey have crippled this Franchise on the Field while Coaches TD passed on like Fox, Marvin Lewis (yes I know Lewis was not crazy about coming to Buffalo...think he knows Football?), and Weis (sure it's just College, but the guy ran that NFL Super Bowl Championship Offense for years and I have a feeling he could outcoach MM in his sleep), continue to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are quality HC's...


Blow it up Ralph, 2 years from now you will be thrilled you did...And honestly, can it get much worse than it is now? I really doubt it, and I know it can't if they find the right people to run this thing... :(

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