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USA Today Article

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this guy who wrote the article is a booger

i cant believe people like this are employed






that was one of the few interesting articles about this team, hell - about football, that I've read in a long time.


if it's the booger that bothers you, that's sam wyche. Maybe you should READ it again.


I think it reinforces what has been clear to these eyes: Losman is far too amped to play NFL football. He won't be good until he truly learns how to play with serenity. Eli is starting to play well because he has that serenity. Peyton doesn't even have that like Eli does - but Peyton's such a technician he gets away with happy feet and spasmic movements.


JP isn't a technician and he doesn't have Peyton's understanding of the game and his own offense. I still hope JP can get there, and I'm glad he's with Wyche to lead the way, but right now I'm as skeptical of the team that Donahoe has built and that Mularkey is coaching than I've ever been.


They haven't proven anything. I mean, NOTHING, in 5 years. You build a football team starting with great blockers, and 5 years later our line is still inconsistent at best, even with an accomplished coach. TD has done a nice job drafting/acquiring DBs and WRs and LBs but linemen? Not so good...and we're still paying for it.


Lest I ramble further, enough...

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Outstanding quotes at the end, trying to explain what's going on with Losman. He lost me in the beginning because he was making read a bunch of stuff I didn't want to read: the loss to the Saints, etc. But the end was pretty good.


He just started off slow, and you can't start slow and make a mistake like saying we made a trade for Bledsoe, and have a lot of credibility. But he finished pretty strong.

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this guy who wrote the article is a booger

i cant believe people like this are employed



Best article about football I've read in years. What're you smoking? Go read Peter King...


Most telling quote:


"I'm looking for something to get this whole team going. We can't change out five offensive linemen, so to me, the best position to change is your position."


Thanks once again for equipping this team for failure, TD.

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this guy who wrote the article is a booger

i cant believe people like this are employed




Best article about football I've read in years.  What're you smoking?  Go read Peter King...


Most telling quote:


"I'm looking for something to get this whole team going. We can't change out five offensive linemen, so to me, the best position to change is your position."


Thanks once again for equipping this team for failure, TD.


Exactly what I was going to quote, except I think it was Mularkey that said it, not Donahoe. What better way to sum up what's wrong with the team's approach?

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didn't read the whole article

my bad


once i read the first 2 paragraphs i thought this guy was a dick



I did the same thing at first. Even looked at the byline to see if it was Weiler....

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the whole scary part is that it is going to be a mental thing now.........mularkey can tell him that all he wants but what he see's is his back up running out to take the field when he only needs to put together one more drive to knock off the saints...............like he didnt know what was coming when he walked into that office, the real mental deal started in san antonio


i'm sure jp has it in his own head how he was doing and would straighten it out quicker than with what any coach could tell him as he has been successful at all levels of football to get here.......no doubt he knows his game

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I read this last night, but I've just been so annoyed with this teams excuses lately that it's hard to type about it. The article also said this.....


"All I'm doing is taking a little pressure off of you," he said.


Hmm, well could've ran the ball more, called a few more roll outs or really fixed the offensive line in the offseason. That might have helped him a little bit.

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