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Sunday Night Plans

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I'm watching the game with a PATS fan. I'm going to drink whenever we score and he's going to drink whenever they score. At the end of the night, him slipping off the balcony to the concrete below is far more likely to look like an accident.


I hate it when we suck in an embarrassing manner - and it's even worse when I know it's coming 2 weeks in advance.

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I'm watching the game with a PATS fan.  I'm going to drink whenever we score and he's going to drink whenever they score. At the end of the night, him slipping off the balcony to the concrete below is far more likely to look like an accident.


I hate it when we suck in an embarrassing manner - and it's even worse when I know it's coming 2 weeks in advance.



So you're going to be sure to clear the snow completely off the walkway before he comes, right? :P

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I'm watching the game with a PATS fan.  I'm going to drink whenever we score and he's going to drink whenever they score. At the end of the night, him slipping off the balcony to the concrete below is far more likely to look like an accident.




Since when did they start building multi-level igloos?


No wonder Alaska needs all that pork.

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I am probably going to watch alone. Whenever I make a big deal about the Bills being on television, and invite friends, they usually get trashed from the opening kickoff to the final gun...except that thrilling 1997 MNF game against the Colts, where the Bills won 6-3...

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I am probably going to watch alone.  Whenever I make a big deal about the Bills being on television, and invite friends, they usually get trashed from the opening kickoff to the final gun...except that thrilling 1997 MNF game against the Colts, where the Bills won 6-3...



Wasn't Harbaugh the qb?

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I am probably going to watch alone.  Whenever I make a big deal about the Bills being on television, and invite friends, they usually get trashed from the opening kickoff to the final gun...except that thrilling 1997 MNF game against the Colts, where the Bills won 6-3...




It's funny I PREFER to watch games by myself, for the most part. But, I'm having a few of the Bay area's best over on Sunday (NorCal Aaron, SF Bills Fan?...and a few others from the North Star)...should be enjoyable, even in the unlikely event we lose.

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It's funny I PREFER to watch games by myself, for the most part.  But, I'm having a few of the Bay area's best over on Sunday (NorCal Aaron, SF Bills Fan?...and a few others from the North Star)...should be enjoyable, even in the unlikely event we lose.




Living outside of WNY (in stinkin' Texas) the Bills are normally only on television once or twice a year. I have to go to a bar to watch most weeks, and I have grown to enjoy that. Still, it is nice to watch from the comfort of home. Except at home, I am the only football fan, so there are always more distractions than I would prefer...

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I am probably going to watch alone.  Whenever I make a big deal about the Bills being on television, and invite friends, they usually get trashed from the opening kickoff to the final gun...except that thrilling 1997 MNF game against the Colts, where the Bills won 6-3...



C'mon now....everyone knows that game was 9-6.

Actually that was a rematch of a phenominal Todd Collins comeback at Rich :P

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C'mon now....everyone knows that game was 9-6. 

Actually that was a rematch of a phenominal Todd Collins comeback at Rich  :P




Oh yeah, my bad...the greatest show on turf, how could I forget...I was thinking of the Brian McClure led scab team that beat the NY Giants, 6-3 in a drizzling rain. It took almost a complete 5 quarters of football...we have been treated to some great football over the years, huh? It all starts to run into eachother.....

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I'm watching the game with a PATS fan.  I'm going to drink whenever we score and he's going to drink whenever they score. At the end of the night, him slipping off the balcony to the concrete below is far more likely to look like an accident.


I hate it when we suck in an embarrassing manner - and it's even worse when I know it's coming 2 weeks in advance.



I take it you're the designated driver, then?

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I'm watching it at home with my wife and our two dogs. I'll be talking about the game on the phone with a couple of fellow MSP Bills Backers.


More than likely, I'll be turning it off at halftime :P


Gotta get ready for work the next day where all of my co-workers will look at me with pity in their eyes and ask: "what happened to your team ast night?"... not really expecting an answer.


Several will comment that I'm in earlier than usual and look a lot more alert than on a normal Monday. It's no fun drinkin' when the Bills are stinkin'.... :P

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Here in Pittsburgh, I also only get to see one or two Bills games on regular TV during the year. I go to a sports bar called Buffalo Blues to watch the games, where there are a few other Bills fans to enjoy the game with...


HOWEVER...i'll be enjoying this game from the comfort of my own home, for once. My good buddy just bought a new 60 inch HDTV, and invited me over to watch it at his house, but he's a Cowboys fan, and I don't have it in me to sit there and look at his smug face if the Pats are beatin the hell out of the Bills...


So, I'll be whippin up a batch of my famous wings,(would make LaNova's proud) and sittin on the couch hopin the Bills do what noone expects them to do...



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I'm watching the game with a PATS fan.  I'm going to drink whenever we score and he's going to drink whenever they score.




Plan on drinking a lot in the first half, not drinking at all in the 2nd, and being hungover AND pissed by the end of the game.

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I usually head over to McFaddens or Bonnies (Brooklyn Bills bar) but for this one I get to stay home & watch. It is fun when the Bills are getting smoked to just start boozin and talking to random people, but just hanging out for this one. Making the soon-to-be-but-not-yet-famous chili, pick up a case of Blue and have a few folks over.

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