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How about the tackle on special teams? The guy seemed to bounce of him and crash to the ground!  :)



People in my section were high-fiving after that tackle. Eric recorded the game for me and I watched it when I got home. I'm gonna watch it again this morning. :angry:

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How about the tackle on special teams? The guy seemed to bounce of him and crash to the ground!  :angry:


i saw a replay of him running down the field. a guy tried to block him, he just ran in to him, gave a shove, and he guy went flying. Peters then continued twords the ball carrier, who was tackled by someone else... gave me a good laugh.

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Its just a shame that he spiked the ball and it went into the crowd, bet he wish he could get that back, for him and J.P.



On the post game radio show, they were commenting on who would have kept this ball since it was Peter's first TD and JP's first TD pass......A moot issue since the ball went into the stands...


Did anyone else see JP toss the ball into the stands at the end of the game after he was finished with his interviews.....???

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