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Troops rush to New Orleans to halt violence, theft


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All I am saying is that you CAN be doing everything possible, busting your butt and breaking your back, doing everything "right" and STILL BE FAILING. Is that so offensive? Why are some people here hurt by this?


Is that so hard for people to understand? Life isn't perfect and unfortunately there are masses of people who are suffering and losing their life over this. It is about THEM.


It isn't about the amount of resources or hard you are trying and working. I think we all understand what a well meaning job everybody is doing.


What really is the best indicator of how well the mission is being carried out?


Again, the mission is about THEM and how well they survive.



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All I am saying is that you CAN be doing everything possible, busting your butt and breaking your back, doing everything "right" and STILL BE FAILING.  Is that so offensive?  Why are some people here hurt by this?


Is that so hard for people to understand?  Life isn't perfect and unfortunately there are masses of people who are suffering and losing their life over this.  It is about THEM.


It isn't about the amount of resources or hard you are trying and working.  I think we all understand what a well meaning job everybody is doing.


What really is the best indicator of how well the mission is being carried out?


Again, the mission is about THEM and how well they survive.






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Honestly...I think if you look at my posts from the weekend, I was saying there was the potential to lose the city.  I had no idea it would be this much of a horror show, though.


Massive amounts of destruction and the entire city turning into "Mad Max beyond Thunderdome" overnight are two different things.


We have people shooting at helicopters trying to airlift people out of the city. Was there a plan for that in place? Should there have been? It's so ridiculous that I can't imagine the answer to either question being anything other than "no."

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Honestly...I think if you look at my posts from the weekend, I was saying there was the potential to lose the city.  I had no idea it would be this much of a horror show, though.



Same here.


Yet, I did think it might get bad with the something failing.


I work for the Corps. I called my father on Sunday and told him to watch out, something big is going to happen and people are going fall within the organization.


This was so pre-ordained.


Believe me, when this is over... There is gonna be a lot of butt scratching and neck wringing.


I refuse to tow the line they are shoveling.

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Link - Shoot to Kill


Good to see!  Maybe now, the whiners will stop saying... "where is our gov't, why aren't they doing anything?"


Mods... you can merge this one... I just wanted to make sure everyone who's been crying for action saw this one.



Tsk, tsk. Where are all those people who have been shouting "Get our troops out of harm's way!!!", for the last 2 years? :blink:

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All I am saying is that you CAN be doing everything possible, busting your butt and breaking your back, doing everything "right" and STILL BE FAILING.  Is that so offensive?  Why are some people here hurt by this?



Because people think life is like TV, where if something is failing it means that someone screwed up. We live in such a risk-averse society that most people can't fathom that sometimes sh-- just happens and life is messy.

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Tsk, tsk.  Where are all those people who have been shouting "Get our troops out of harm's way!!!",  for the last 2 years? :blink:



Wow, the Bush Apologists have gone over the deep end. No wonder the country has lost confidence in his leadership while his supporters have the judgement of a Kool-Aid drinking cult follower.


To believe there it's inconsistant to ask for our soldiers not to die in Iraq for a very questionable "cause" as oppose to helping our OWN people in OUR country is frickin' unbelievably sickening and disgracefully partisan.


You should be ashamed of yourself.

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Massive amounts of destruction and the entire city turning into "Mad Max beyond Thunderdome" overnight are two different things. 


We have people shooting at helicopters trying to airlift people out of the city.  Was there a plan for that in place?  Should there have been?  It's so ridiculous that I can't imagine the answer to either question being anything other than "no."



Another question... Where are they airlifting them to? It better damn well be OUT OF THE CITY!


You gotta realize that over time GOOD people will turn BAD.


The most patient people on Tuesday... On Friday might be the ones snapping irrationally.


The MISSION was to avoid that... Oh wait... Nobody thought of that. Okay, okay some well meaning civil servant thought of that.


Just stand in line, wait and say thank you sir... May I have another!


But don't let that get in the way of everybody running around patting themselves on the back.

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Wow, the Bush Apologists have gone over the deep end.  No wonder the country has lost confidence in his leadership while his supporters have the judgement of a Kool-Aid drinking cult follower.


To believe there it's inconsistant to ask for our soldiers not to die in Iraq for a very questionable "cause" as oppose to helping our OWN people in OUR country is frickin' unbelievably sickening and disgracefully partisan. 


You should be ashamed of yourself.



I sense anger. Need a federal subsidy? :blink:

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Another question... Where are they airlifting them to?  It better damn well be OUT OF THE CITY!


You gotta realize that over time GOOD people will turn BAD.


The most patient people on Tuesday... On Friday might be the ones snapping irrationally.


The MISSION was to avoid that... Oh wait... Nobody thought of that.  Okay, okay some well meaning civil servant thought of that.


Just stand in line, wait and say thank you sir... May I have another!


But don't let that get in the way of everybody running around patting themselves on the back.



I think they're airlifting to the Superdome, for the most part. Some of the medical cases are being airlifted to the airport. Probably a few are getting out of town...but I don't think anyone ever gave any thought to how to get people out of town after it's shattered like this.

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Not anger, amazement at the zombie-like, kool-aid drinking, everyone-is-an-idiot- except-the-elitists-who-worship-the-perfect-President-act-around-here.


It's just unbelievable.


Don't even bother trying to expalin it to them. They are devoid of any human compassion.



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Don't even bother trying to expalin it to them.  They are devoid of any human compassion.





That is a pretty rough thing to say. As was mentioned, just about no one here has the first clue about what is happening or what is supposed to happen. A few that do have tried to explain it somewhat, but get over ridden by "Bush Bad". There are people involved in this that have a LOT of compassion who are having to make some pretty tough choices right now.


Like I said elsewhere, maybe everyone needs to walk away from the TV for a while.

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Just out of curiousity because I lost track but what is Keesler AFB doing during all of this?


I went their for Air Force Tech School.....it is right next to this area correct?



I heard it mentioned - forget which channel. It of course took a major hit. IIRC, there were a few fatalities. Sorry.

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Just out of curiousity because I lost track but what is Keesler AFB doing during all of this?


I went their for Air Force Tech School.....it is right next to this area correct?



Keesler is in bad shape. They have just recently managed to bulldoze a runway open, and everything is VFR. No navaids of any kind. Most of the place is under 2 feet of mud.

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That is a pretty rough thing to say. As was mentioned, just about no one here has the first clue about what is happening or what is supposed to happen. A few that do have tried to explain it somewhat, but get over ridden by "Bush Bad". There are people involved in this that have a LOT of compassion who are having to make some pretty tough choices right now.


Like I said elsewhere, maybe everyone needs to walk away from the TV for a while.



Bush on this board is like bledsoe...Too many people either A) think he is/was God and can do no wrong, and B) hate him and think he worthless...the underlying theme tho is that neither side can see the middle, which is where the truth lies...


frankly, i dont see how you can judge his handling of this situation until much later...

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