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I've had it with this "Blame" crap


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You know who you are. Stop it. Stop analyzing what-if's in the comfort of your AC and satisfying lunch.


It's inconcievaible to think that local, state, and federal government folks - at ANY level - were crystal-ballers and could have better predicted what could have happened. There were grave warnings aplenty issued.


It's insane to think that folks at any governmental level are not busting heaven and earth trying to do the best they can. It's idiocy to think that government could have convinced the stupid and the just plain cantankerous to leave town. They tried mightedly, but no dice. The tried to search out the infirm, and had good success - not perfect, but the effort was there.


Do you think those government workers - local, county, parish, state, federal, their management, the Congress and the President are a bunch of heartless bastards?


The local folks trying to fix things are also wiped out, but bless them that they keep on.


We go to pains to try to have a limited government - people's rights and all that. A totalitarian regime would have claimed they rousted all but of course would never give a da*n in the first place.


This is a huge blow from nature. Take it for the horror it was.

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Interestingly, there was a professor on the O'Reilly Factor last night who wrote a paper three or four years ago which said that exactly what happened would in fact happen if the Federal government did not undertake the necessary mitigation efforts.


He said that we should have learned the same lessons that the Dutch learned after their infamous flooding in the 1950's. Because we did not make the necessary improvements, many many people have and will die. I do not know that we can place blame on one particular administration, but we look pretty stupid right now.

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Interestingly, there was a professor on the O'Reilly Factor last night who wrote a paper three or four years ago which said that exactly what happened would in fact happen if the Federal government did not undertake the necessary mitigation efforts.


He said that we should have learned the same lessons that the Dutch learned after their infamous flooding in the 1950's.  Because we did not make the necessary improvements, many many people have and will die.  I do not know that we can place blame on one particular administration, but we look pretty stupid right now.


If you want to make sure something never gets done, just put the Federal government in charge of it.

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I am with you during and AFTER the storm. People ARE busting their balls trying to help.


I think I have the right to blame my employer Cincy. It might not be in my best interest but, it is the right thing to do. Like I said before, I have seen a lot of bad crap float through this rogue agency.


It isn't that they aren't trying now and mightly. Everyone wants to help. I don't dispute that.


I hope this is a wake up call for them... We can't go from disaster to disaster.


Still a lot of people seen this coming AND IT STILL HAPPENED.


I have been thinking a lot what you have said in your PM's and you you know what? You are right. There is a lot of bad science out there.


It has been a long time coming... There will be change... Like I said before, I will embrace it.


End of rant.

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I have not heard any of the "Blame Crap" But if there are any, then so what? people are frustrated no matter where they are, it is in our nature to blame.

allowing someone to place blame, gives them reason to believe that it can be prevented in the future, even if it isn't. making us all feel better, so lighten up a little Frances

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I have not heard any of the "Blame Crap"  But if there are any, then so what?  people are frustrated no matter where they are, it is in our nature to blame. 

allowing someone to place blame, gives them reason to believe that it can be prevented in the future, even if it isn't.  making us all feel better, so lighten up a little Frances



Oh... I am blaming... It is just not where you think.

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This is all really starting to get out of hand. Let me see a show of hands from anyone who actually knows, first hand about the workings of federal response activities to unprecedented disasters in the USA?


I've read a lot of stuff here tonight from all sides, and it's painfully apparent that most are absolutely clueless as to how things work, and SHOULD work in the real world.


I'd like to see another show of hands of those who don't think scenarios like these have been thought about, analyzed and planned for? There is no recognizable infrastructure in a major US city (that was supposed to be evacuated anyway...they expected a direct hit from a CAT 5), there are basically no lines of communication for several thousand square miles.


Damn folks, maybe we should put some of y'all in charge. But, I've seen a lot more complaint with little or no thought behind it than I have seen constructive ideas.


Everyone, calm down. Given the scope of what has happened, and what is happening, virtually everything that can be done is being done, and will continue to get done for a long time. Some of you sound like the USG should have been standing by in NO with 50,000 people and a big friggen sponge.

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This is all really starting to get out of hand. Let me see a show of hands from anyone who actually knows, first hand about the workings of federal response activities to unprecedented disasters in the USA?


I've read a lot of stuff here tonight from all sides, and it's painfully apparent that most are absolutely clueless as to how things work, and SHOULD work in the real world.


I'd like to see another show of hands of those who don't think scenarios like these have been thought about, analyzed and planned for? There is no recognizable infrastructure in a major US city (that was supposed to be evacuated anyway...they expected a direct hit from a CAT 5), there are basically no lines of communication for several thousand square miles.


Damn folks, maybe we should put some of y'all in charge. But, I've seen a lot more complaint with little or no thought behind it than I have seen constructive ideas.


Everyone, calm down. Given the scope of what has happened, and what is happening, virtually everything that can be done is being done, and will continue to get done for a long time. Some of you sound like the USG should have been standing by in NO with 50,000 people and a big friggen sponge.



You friggin' Bush apologist. Where do you get off telling us what to think? I'm not saying this is Bush's fault...but if this idiotic country had elected Kerry, New Orleans would still be destroyed, but all the people would at least be safe.

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If you want to make sure something never gets done, just put the Federal government in charge of it.


And then have the media report on it, interviewing only people who should've been removed from the gene pool years ago.


For those of you who're Monday morning QBs: Good luck on your quest. There's no way in hell you'll ever get whatever the fug it is you're looking for.

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This is all really starting to get out of hand. Let me see a show of hands from anyone who actually knows, first hand about the workings of federal response activities to unprecedented disasters in the USA?


I've read a lot of stuff here tonight from all sides, and it's painfully apparent that most are absolutely clueless as to how things work, and SHOULD work in the real world.


I'd like to see another show of hands of those who don't think scenarios like these have been thought about, analyzed and planned for? There is no recognizable infrastructure in a major US city (that was supposed to be evacuated anyway...they expected a direct hit from a CAT 5), there are basically no lines of communication for several thousand square miles.


Damn folks, maybe we should put some of y'all in charge. But, I've seen a lot more complaint with little or no thought behind it than I have seen constructive ideas.


Everyone, calm down. Given the scope of what has happened, and what is happening, virtually everything that can be done is being done, and will continue to get done for a long time. Some of you sound like the USG should have been standing by in NO with 50,000 people and a big friggen sponge.



which is what I was trying to say, albeit in a nastier tone, to some of our fellow posters.


It is one thing to question why "X" wasn't done, in hopes to learn something. It's quite another to go ballistic and start blaming others when you don't even have a set of minimal facts, let alone a complete set.

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Are you blaming them for wanting too much out of a leader?


There are no leaders there. From the first moment that gov went on Larry King I said to my wife in all honesty, they're in trouble...listen to her. As someone who lived through 9/11 from almost as close a place as you could (across the street), the leadership showed by Rudy Giuliani pulled NYC through it. New Orleans needed a Rudy Giuliani and noone stepped up.

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which is what I was trying to say, albeit in a nastier tone, to some of our fellow posters.


It is one thing to question why "X" wasn't done, in hopes to learn something.  It's quite another to go ballistic and start blaming others when you don't even have a set of minimal facts, let alone a complete set.



It's people's right and I suppose in a way duty to have opinions. I have to agree though, with Marcus Aurelius when he said "The opinions of ten thousand men are worthless when none of them no anything about the subject".


May have been written a long time ago, but is so true here.

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