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More fodder for the ID-Evolution debate

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The trouble with intelligent design is that it postulates a missing set, i.e an intelligence outside of the data; if you have a theory that postulates that there is something outside the data that is creating [/i]all the data, then it is non-falsifiable. Anything that is non-falsifiable outside of a data set is something other than science as it is modernly understood.





The armature sprocket is causing trouble with the combustion line. Which in turn is causing a flow into the dynaflow.

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So, I take it as accepted, proven scientific fact that we have descended from a lightning strike in the primordial soup.


I guess that's settled.


Boy, aren't we an arrogant species.



I fail to see how that's any less arrogant than "Evolution MUST be false because if it were true we wouldn't be special!" :D

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Variation in the simian genome from species to species good enough for you?  Probably not...that would require actual understanding, whereas it's much easier to whitewash it with "God did it". 


"If humans evolved from apes, then why are there apes?"  :D  Christ, that's so !@#$ing stupid you shouldn't even need it explained.  :D


You don't mean to imply that not all ancient apes became humans do you? Are you trying to say that some ape species evolved eventually into humans while other ape species evolved into modern apes? That is just crazy talk. Hyuk, hyuk,....duh...uh..uh how could that be? Me no understand. Take it back, you and your blasphemy, your accursed "facts" are threatening my belief structure. :D

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Hey-ho.  Just popping in while I'm taking a break from my job as an actual scientist.  Thought I'd say hello before getting back to work disproving the existence of your god. 


Carry on, mutants.




Just watch out for the PETA protesters outside of your building. I hear they're pretty mean to scientists.


Carry on Friedrich von Frankenstein.............

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So, I take it as accepted, proven scientific fact that we have descended from a lightning strike in the primordial soup.


I guess that's settled.


Boy, aren't we an arrogant species.


I thought we were talking about evolution. How the first spark of life developed and how that spark became guys named Bib posting messages are two different things.

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So, I take it as accepted, proven scientific fact that we have descended from a lightning strike in the primordial soup.


I guess that's settled.


Boy, aren't we an arrogant species.



There's no accepted theory at this point for how life came into being, and if you want to say god did it, that's fine, and maybe a lot of scientists agree with you. But those same scientists will be looking for the mechanism for how god made life happen. Just like those scientists look for the mechanism for how god made humans (maybe) evolve from apes. That's science. Understanding those mechanisms helps the arrogant little species help itself.

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Then whitewash it with whatever term you chose to use.  "The Intelligent Designer did it."


And thank God I didn't simplify it any further.  You misunderstood me so badly with what I DID present, I shudder to think of how confused you'd be if I really tried to explain things to you.  Apparently, some of us have not evolved as far from monkeys as others have...  :D


All you need to satisfy these folks is to present a film using time lapse photography covering 4.6 Billion years of the Earth and life on Earth evolving step by step with actual footage of a monkey, we'll call him "Sam", actually transforming cell by cell from a tree dwelling omnivore living off of insects and fruit to a cubicle dwelling, underpaid, overworked programmer in Burbank living off of Pop Tarts and Beer. Then and only then will they stop calling it a "theory".

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All you need to satisfy these folks is to present a film using time lapse photography covering 4.6 Billion years of the Earth and life on Earth evolving step by step with actual footage of a monkey, we'll call him "Sam", actually transforming cell by cell from a tree dwelling omnivore living off of insects and fruit to a cubicle dwelling, underpaid, overworked programmer in Burbank living off of Pop Tarts and Beer.  Then and only then will they stop calling it a "theory".



Ah...but who'll direct the movie? Obviously there needs to be some Intelligent Design in there somewhere. :D



Really...you'd think anyone who'd ever had anything resembling a conversation with BF_in_Indiana wouldn't have the least bit of doubt that we evolved from monkeys.

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All you need to satisfy these folks is to present a film using time lapse photography covering 4.6 Billion years of the Earth and life on Earth evolving step by step with actual footage of a monkey, we'll call him "Sam", actually transforming cell by cell from a tree dwelling omnivore living off of insects and fruit to a cubicle dwelling, underpaid, overworked programmer in Burbank living off of Pop Tarts and Beer.  Then and only then will they stop calling it a "theory".




i highly doubt you would need much more than a 20 year span to show that particular example.

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Nobody has shown me how the acceptence of one system

falsifies the other by necessity.


ID vs Evolution is a false dichotomy.



ID from a Christian, creationist point of view I think it does contradict a literal interpretation of the Bible, and that is where the conflict comes into play.


The underlying theme of Genesis is that God created the Earth and everything on it. Theistic Evolution calims that God used evolution to complete this process, and that there wasHowever, if you take what is in Genesis to be an accurate historical account of creation, and less of a focus on underlying themes, thats where the conflict comes into play.


There is still one contradiction that I haven't seened explained either way very well. The Bible claims that the fall of man was a real event in the New Testament, so in order for the fall of man to occur, the process of evolution must have taken place before hand.


Before the fall of man, there was no death or pain. However, from my (albeit very basic) knowledge of evolution, death would have occured many times before the fall of man. This seems like a contradiction to me.


The only way out of it would be I guess "perfect evolution", in which there was evolution without error. But if that is the case, you might as well just call it "creative evolution", as it would be pretty creative to label that evolution. :D

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