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What happened to Lindsey Lohan??

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This country was built on the automobile and it will die by the automobile.


If I could walk to where I needed to, I would. But at 10 miles to work and 3 to the nearest grocery store, that's an impossibility.



One of my professors at RIT use to ride his bike to and from work every single day no matter the weather conditions. And he lived about 25 miles from campus. He was about 40 at the time and was in unbelievable shape.

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This country was built on the automobile and it will die by the automobile.


If I could walk to where I needed to, I would. But at 10 miles to work and 3 to the nearest grocery store, that's an impossibility.


sure gramps... :doh:

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One of my professors at RIT use to ride his bike to and from work every single day no matter the weather conditions. And he lived about 25 miles from campus. He was about 40 at the time and was in unbelievable shape.



I'd *love* to do that! I'm just too far away... 49.8... and that's all expressway.



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One of my professors at RIT use to ride his bike to and from work every single day no matter the weather conditions. And he lived about 25 miles from campus. He was about 40 at the time and was in unbelievable shape.



i take it he didn't go by the way of west henrietta road where you'd most likely get mercilessly run over


granted, nyc is unique, but it really does keep you in shape. in a lot of american suburbs and exurbs, the way the sidewalks, street patterns, and shopping stripes are set up practically forbid you from walking to a store.


i dunno...i still see quite a few fatties in NYC

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One of my professors at RIT use to ride his bike to and from work every single day no matter the weather conditions. And he lived about 25 miles from campus. He was about 40 at the time and was in unbelievable shape.


I do it. I work 15 miles away- 30 miles I bike every day. I just got in. Its beautiful out and I had a great ride. Ipods are great for biking too

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Could Weekend update be any more unfunny?





I just turned it on during Weekend Update. I thought the Hardy Boys joke, and the Wal-Mart jokes were pretty damn funny! I guess I just got a thing for Tina Fey. She is not Sara Silverman funny, but pretty close!

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An open letter to Lindsay Lohan:


I taped SNL last night...so far I've only watched the first few minutes.


Lindsay, you looked so much better with the extra weight. I think most of the men in America would say that. You've almost totally lost your best, ahem, "assets".


Now you just look like another emaciated Hollywood actress.


There is such a thing as being too skinny. Girl, before it's too late, stop the partying and mix in a trip to Denny's or IHOP to put some carbs back into that bony body of yours. You have the type of figure that, believe it or not, looks yummier with the extra pounds and curves.


Heroin chic went out in the late '90s.



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Hey we could think about it this way: She's on a serious downfall. This means one thing: "stolen" sex tape. The thing about these tapes is that they're always a couple years old. So, 19 year old skinny cracked up lohan could have a slip of a 3 year old tape, featuring 17 year old perfect 10 lohan getting freaky. I can only hope.

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I agree.  Same with Europe.  While I was over there I drank tons of beer every night, lots of espressos, gelato, chocolate, croissants, 3-5 meals every day, etc and I lost 5 pounds in 6 weeks.  I walked 20+miles every day.  Europeons bike and walk everywhere.  I beleive that is why they are thinner.  They love their sweets, beers and carbs and yet are still much thinner then your average American



Exactly right. The problem is that most of American cities and towns were designed around automobiles. Look at NYC....four lane wide avenues but where the hell would you ride a bike w/o taking your life in your hands?


Towns in Europe were all designed hundreds of years ago when people had to walk everywhere, and they still do. I just got back from Malmo Sweden. There were literally thousands of people riding bikes to work every day. Everyone is in great shape. We played 18 holes on a very hilly course and walked it....they never heard of golf carts! LOL


btw, the women weren't any prettier than here, but they mostly all have nice athletic bodies.

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